'J).i~eBions about rhe holy {ownant. y. JS. No1;c: otegbt to be Baptized but thofc: that either ?rrfonaUy Deliver up themfelvu in Covfil:JJit, to God the F.~tber, Son, and H~ty Gboft, profeffing a true Repmtanct, and fiiith and cott{cnt to the Cove· nant; or elCe are thus delivered ztp and dedicated and tHtrtd into Covmaltt i11 tbtir l1:[..,;ncy, by thofe that being Chrifiians thc:mfelves have fo .much interell in them and power of them, thac thc~r act may be el!cemcd as the Infants act, and legally imputed eo them as if themfdves kad done it. If any others are unduly Baptized, they have thereby no tide to the pardon of fin or life eternal, nor are they taken by God to be in Covwant, as having nvway con{tntcd to ir. . 9· 1 9. Direct. 4· 1Yhm yoH tnttr acbitdintothe Chrijlian Covenam with God, addrefi yoUr ftlvu u Dzre[i. 4• it M to one of the greJJtcft wori{J in tbe world: ar tbofe that k.now the GreatmjJ if tbe Benefit, of tbe Duty, and of tbc Danger. The Bwefit to rhem that are ji1zccre jn the Cov'0nant, is n~ ltfs rhan rg have the pardon of all our fins,, and to have._God hiQ'lfclf to be our God an'd Father, and Chrill our Saviour, and the Holy Gho!t our Sanctifier, and to h1ve title to the blelfings of this life and of tlut to come. Ancl for the Duty, how Great a wo~k is it, for a finncr to enter into fo folemn a Covenant with the God of Heaven, for Reconciliation and Ncwn~:fs of life, and for falv.1tion ~ And therefore if any fuould abufe God by HypocriLie, and take on them to confint to the terms of the Covenant, ( for themfelvcs, or their Children ) when indeed they do pot, the Dangtr of fuch Prophancncfs and abufe of God mufi needs be great. Do it therefore with that due preparation, reverence; and feriou!i1efs,as befeemtth thofe that are tranfaCling a Dufinefs of fuch unfpeakable importance with God Almighty. . ~· :w. Direct. 5· H.Jving brrn euttred in your Infancy into tbc Cvvenant of God by your ParentJ, you Direl1. 5; mujf, at )'tar! of difcretion, revierv the Covenant whicb by them ) fJU made, and renew it ptr.fi/nally yvur filvrs; and thU rvitb M g:rat (e_rionfnefl, and re{olution, as if y otl were no_w firft to mter andfub{cribe it, 111 nd as if yo~tr evrrlaflzng Life or dearb, wcrt to depend ~~~ the finctr~ty ofyour con[em, and ptrjJrmauct. For yo,ur Infant ~aptifm~l ~OVln~nting will f~ve no~e of you that live to years .of_difcretion, and do not as hearuly own 1t m thetr own ·perfons, as 1f they had been now to be baptized. Butthis I P,afsby, havingfaid fo much of it in my Bookof Cmfirmati••· , 9· 2 ,. Direct. 6. Your Covtnant tbur, I• Made, 2· s ,Jtmnited by 'Baptifm, 3· And Owned at age; Dire/:/. t!. muff, 4· Be fi'equwtly reuewed through the whole cour[t 6[ your lives, As, 1. YoHr firji: confiltt mult OfRer.~w;11g be habitu~Yy continued all your daycs; for if that ceaft:th your Guce and title to the benetits of Gods theCoveo;~m Covenant ccafeth. 2• This Covenant is virtHal[y renewed in every act of Worfhip to God: For ofr. you fpeak to him as your God in Covenant, and offer your'fe.lvcs to him as his Covcnanted people. 3· This Covenant rhould be allually remwed frequently in Prayer and Meditation, and othc:r fuch aCts of communion with God. 4• Efp::cially when after a faU we beg the pardo.n of our fins, and rhe mercies of the Covenant, and on dayesof Humiliation and Tb:mi<Jgiving, and in great diHreffis, or cxhilerating mercies. 5· And the Lords Supper is an ordinance inltitl.lttd to this very end. it is no finall part of our Chrifiian diligence and watchfulnefs, to keep up and renew our CO'Vtna11t-confom. •. 9· 22. n :rrd'. 7· And JJJ careful muft you be to k_!rp or prrform your Covenant, as to enter it, and Diretl. 7• rtntw it: wbicbUdone, I· By c~ntinuing our confent, 2· By fincere obedience, 3· And by _per[everance. We do nor (Mr dare not) promife to obey•perfcctly, nor promifeto be as obt:dicnt as the higher and better fort of Chrillians, though we Drjire both : But to obey ji11ctrtly We muft needs promife, becaufe we mull needs perform it. 9· 23. Obedience is fincere, I· When the radical con{ent orfubjtliio;z of the Heart to God in Chritl is BJ.biwally and heartily continued. 2• When Gods inte·rdi: in us is mort predominant, znd his au~ t,horily and law can do more with us, than any At!hly lufi or worldly interefi, or rhan the authoricy word or perfwalions of any man whofocver. 3· When we unfeignedly Dejire to be perfect, and h 9 : bitu.JUy and ordinarily have a predominant Love to all that is good, and a hatred to that which is' c:vil, and had rather do our duty than be cxcu[ed from it, and rather be faved from our tin rha~ keep it. ?· 24· D irctt. 8. 1Yhile you fincerely confent mHo tbe CtiVCnani, live by ft~ith upon the prorlJi[rdBe– ttefiu of it, believing thtJt God will mak.f Good on bi1 part alJ that he h:ztb promifed. Take it for your Title to pardon, fonfhip and eternal life.. 0 think what a mercy iris to have God in Covenant wirfl you ro be your God, your Fuher>Saviour> SmC\:iti~r and felicity ! And in this contim.hllr. rejoice.