Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Smfe of N~mb. 30. Jifct~fJed. ly taken ) cannot be difpenfed with by man ; though in the f~nfe aforefaid , an Oath fornttimos may. ~ 48. The Papifis deal mofi p<rv<Jfly in this point of Dijptn}ing with OatbJ and VowJ: For the t;ive that Power to the Fope over all the Chrifiian world, who is an Ufurper, and none of our Go~ v~rno~r, which tlrc:y dmy .ro Princes and Pa~ents that ar~our.undoubted Govcrnours : The Popemay d1fobhge Vaffals from thm Ol!hs of Alleg~ance to thm Punce~ (as the Council of Latrran bcfo e cited ), but no.King or Puent may difoblige a man from his Oat!) to the Pope: nay, if a Chi;d 1'0W a MonathcJ.} hfe, at1d deparr from~ hts Parents, they allow not the Parents to di(oblige him. B..Hlt 29· ~· 49· Rule 29· In the drt,trminin~ of controverfies about the Oblig•t.ioH gf o~rlu andVowt it if fafcft to mark what Scripture {izith, aHd not tn prrjitme, ttpon uHcertilin prettncu o[Ret~{on, to rele.J{e ouf' felvu, where 1ve are Hot {ure tbtJt God rtlta{ctb u;. Rnle 30 • 9 so. Rule 30. That ob(irvable Chapter, Numb. 30. about difi>enfatiom, bath many rhi•g 1 in ir rb•t are plain fur tht dtcifion of divert grellt and ufuJl doubt/ : But many tiJings which {vme do col:Ca a11d concludt J l coH[rquemi.Jl _or implyetl, are doubtful and controverted among the mc1t judiciCIJH E;r;– po}itm and Cafuij/J, 9· 5I: is ccrhi_nthatthisChaptcrf~caketh not of a tot•/ NuUityofVows abin!rio, but •f a Relaxatton, or difannulJzng of them bJ fNJtenourt. For, 1· Bare filmct ( whtch Js no efficient caufc ) d01h prove therr. to be in force:. 2· lt is not faid, [ Sbt Hbo~tnd, If HPJ bound J: bur [Her Vow A•J 6 inf,;n- and bond fo•D jlanJ, v, 4• 'Z, ~'-I I. or J!'aD n~t Jla~J, v. 5• I.•· ~nd He foaU ma~ it ofnonecjfefl: gendo infrev: 8. T.hc Hcbr~~ verf: 5: hgnthct~ ~~a. annthda_vtt p11ttr l]UI ,u,a.. And v. 8. ~~fi in die am/ire gerit ea vir vtrum t)Uf, tJHntbtl4vtrJI JUud, & tnfregerJt votum f)IM---]3• It lS exprcfly f.ud, that {he had eju~ :U· 1_1. C bo.u!'d her foul J ~efore the dilfoludon. 4-lt is faid, 1he /orgiv~ htr, v. 5, 8, 12. which V:tr eJu~ lnfre- hgmfiech a Relaxatzon of a former bond. Or at the moft, the Parents filcncc tS a Confirmuion and his gtt ea...... IJ· difowning it hindcreth only the confirmation: So the: ch~Jdet Paraphrafe, the S.zmaritall ;nd Ara. hick, [Non trunt conjirtMat<. J The Syriack, [Rata vel irrira eru•t ]. 2.1t is cerrain that a Ft~tber hath the Power of rc:laxation here mentioned as to an :mmarricd daughter in her youth living in his houfe, and a H.,band over his Wifi: t'or it is. the cxprds words of the Text. · 3• It is certain that thii power cxtendcth to Vorrl about all things ln which the: infcriour is not [Hi j11rH, but is under the fuperiours care and ovcrfighr, and cannot perform it (in cafe there had been no Vow) without the li.Jptiiours confent. · 4· It is certain that it extendeth not only to matters conccrriing the Govcrnours thc:rnfelves, but concerning Vuws toGotl., as they arc good or hurtful to the inferiours. 5· It is certain that there arc fame Vows fo necelfary and clearly for the inferioursgood,that in them he is foi juri<, and no fuperiour e~n lufpend his Vows: As to have the Lord for his God: and not to commit Idolatry, Murder, Theft, &c. No (ufcriour can difobligc us here : For the power of fu· periours is only for the: lnferiours indempnity and good. 6.1t is certain that the fuperiours recall mufi be fp,edy or in time, before filence can fignifie a confent, and make a confirmition of the Vow. 7· It is certain that if the fuperiour have once ratified it by filcnce or confcnt, he cannot afterwards difannull it. 8. lt is agreed, that if he a while diffent and difmnull it, and afterward both inferiour and fupe· riour confent again, that it remaineth ratified. 51 • It is agreed that the fuperiour that can difcharge the Vow of the inferiour cannot rekafe himfclf from his own Vows ( If the p.,pe could rclcafc all men, who !hall rdeafe him?) 952· 2.But in thcfc poiuts following there is no fuch Certainty 01 Agreement o£ judgemcnts,b~c<~ufe the Text feemeth tilent about them,and men conj~Cfurc varioufly as they arc:prep.ned. I· It is uncerrain whether any but Women may be relca!ed by vcrrue of thisT<xt : I. B' caufe the •Text e«prcfly difiin· gui£hing between a man and a woman doth firH fay, [Si Vir-If a mtJn Vow • Vow HHto the Lord, or [wear a1t Oath to bindbU foul with abonJ; btfot~/1 not brtal{_ h~ word ; he.Jhall J, 4Ccord~ng to all that proceedr~b oHt ofhis mouth.] And 2• Becaufe women ~re only mfianccd tn; when Scripture ufual!Y fpeakcth ofthem in the Ma(culine GenJtr, when it inclttdtth borh Stxu, or extend«h it to both. 3· And in the recapitulation in tbe end, it is faid by way of recital of rhe contents, v. 16. [ 1be[t t~rt the Sta– tute/ rvhicb the Lord commande'd Mofcs bttrrteH aMt~H t~nd his fYife ; betwew the Father t~nd hit da11gh· ter--in her yo,,b in ber Fatbtrs bouft:] As if he would c~urion us againfi extending it any furrher: And though many good ~xpofito~s think that it exre~de_th equally to S onJ ~s to D•ughrrrJ, in their minority becaufe 'here ts a panry of rr;~fon, yet thJs ts an uncertam conJecture, 1. Be::aufe God feemerh by the c:xprdiion tobound the fenff. 2· Becaufe God acquaintc:th not man with all the rc:~fons of his Laws. 3. Bccaufe there may be fpecial reafons for an indulgence: to the weaker Sex. m fuch a weighty cafc. And though fiill there is aprob•bility it may extend to SonJ, it is good keepmg Dr. Sarde1{. toCertainties in matters of fuch dreadful importance as O.uhs and Vows to God. Pr.t?,a. 4• 2• lt is uncertain, whether this power of difanullilrg Vows do belong a!fo to othtr SHperiours, to /~r.~·Ji~i~~' Princu, ro inferiour Magijlratll, to Paftors, to Majlers, to Commt~nders as to thc:ir Souldieis , it to [.Dt JJU rtbiM In q•ibus{ubt{l : ] in thofc fame things in which one is under :tnothers Govtrnmcnt : Adding Stll. 6. a d1;uble nee· ption : r of w•icb nt rt/pt(/tth tb~ ptrf/Jn /J( tht /~tartr, thtorhtr tbt COTiftllt . of tb: f11Jnio.llr: Tht l~rA is th.~t f.1' ,rothrP:l/tH of tbt fwtartr, t&ert is fcaw ll!IJ ont IIMl b.ttb tbt 11ft 1[ r~afoif tiJat JJ {/J filUJ llrtdtr aJtothm p1wtr, but that 111 fomt tbm~s h! IS fu1 Jlltll, ar bu. o~n to:l>'cr: A11d rbut rv:ry o>tt lfl4) J/J I.S plt.f! bim[tf, witlmt C0_1[1ltjng hU fil)tri~mr, fo tH that by bM D~Vil ~fl, without bis Mn:io~rs limfl ~t .ltaJ bmcr b:mf'if.-:- 2. As to rbt co11[tM 0[ a (11ptrt11fr---A. t~c.•te c~nfcnt, antecedent or conf~qumt, flolffi«th--Q.!Iah d1:mt, ~ d!flcn!um fuum !fellollO die diffimultt, nuun "'" perpetuu~ Jlabdjvtt.-- "