The ([(eafons of the Ml~tifterial Office, and our Obediwce. ------- penirent after publick admonition, to reject them from .rhe Commu~ion ~f the Church, an~ corn· 1Cor. 14.16, mand the Church to avoid them. II· They are as to bmd over the: unpen1tent to an[wcr their con16 • rumacy at the BnrofChrifl, fo to Abfolve the penirent, and comfon them, and require the tJ.~~0~ 7; 1~· Church fO'IC- admit rhc.:m to rheir Communion. 12· They are appointed, as Srew.uds in the houfhold ACh 6•.;. ~ 1• of ChriH, to havt: a tender care of the very bodily weltarc of thdr flocks,.fo as to endeavour the fup- , . i2· plying of their wants, and Hirring up the rich to relieve the poor, and faithfully ( by themfelves ~~11- 1 4· or tht D::~cons ) to dillribute what is intrufted with them for tha~ ufe. 13. They ~re efpecially ~o ~h. u.;,1,4;~ vi tit tht hr.:k, ant! when they arc fent for, to pray for them and With them, a11d to mfiwd: them m 1 Cor. u. 1 4, thtir fpecial preparations for Dcarh, and coohrm them ~gair_1fi th~fe Iall affau!~s. 14. They are ap- & 10, t6. pointc:d to bt: the publick Champions of theTruth, ro defend Jt agamfl: all Htreocal and prophane op~ H~b·.7· 7· & pofns, ~nd rhncby tO prc~erve the fl?ck from being feducrd. 1 5· They are ap~oinred to be ( un~ Ttt.:t./. 5;, 11 • dnChrt!t the Hl·ad ) the Nrrv.u andL1g.Jments of tnc.: fcveral Churches, by wh1ch they are kept 1 Tim. ~. 1 9. not only in vigour by communication of nutriment, but alfo in Concord,, and fu~? CommuniaJt as they . & 3• !· arc capable ot 1 by the corrdpondencies and confuhations, and councils of the1r Plllors. All thefe T!t, 3· Jo, . are the diflind: and fplcial ufes to which ChriH hath appoinrc:d the O!lice of the Sacred Minift:Y: Matth.tS.I/8. which having but named eo you, I need to fay no more to (hew you the Excellency, and N.:ccffny, 1 Cor. ~.4, 1 1, and Benefits ot ir. 13• 9· 4· a~fo the Reafons are apparent, w~y C:hrifi. did infii_tute this ?ffi_ce. I•. B~caufe ~~:!· 103, I<Jo it was meet 1usKtngdom Chou!d have O~ctrl, fUlted to 1us work m the Admmlfuauon of 1t : 2. It ! was meet that they be Mm, like our felves, that we can furiiliarly converfe wirh. 3· The great ne. ccllity of his Church required ir, where the mojf are wtaJt, and infufficient to perform all thcfe Of.. ficts for tbem{clvts; and ~:annat well fubfit\ wirhout the: lupport ot others. le was meet therefore that the Pafiors were fclected perfons, wifir, and holjer, and jironger than the people , and fit for fo g 1 eat and nccclllry a work. 4· It was requiiitc ~Ho to the Ord~r of the Ch~1Ch: For if it were ]ike an Army witllOut Officers, there would be nmhmg but conruhon, and neither order nor edi· tic.uion. . . §· 5 By this you may alfo fee the Nature and RtaflmJ of your Obedience to y0ur Paflors: As they • Prioc,s_m•y arc not appointed to Govern you by -¥-force, but wiUing~ , t not f or filthy lucre , but of a ready f<Jr~e t.~e:r .mind, nor aJ bring L~rd1 o~er Gud1 Heritage, .but a1 tn{ampltt ~o· tht jltJck.,, tO you mtdl ~iUiJtgly and ;~~~~~~~SY the churrfuOy.obty them m then work. As 1he1r ¥ Governrn~o.nt IS not by any bodily ptnaltlt:s or mulCh sviord which (fat that is the MagHiraces work and not theirs) but a Government by. the for<::e of TRUTH and zh.e_y bear: LOVE; fo your Obedknce of them confifi:eth in the Loving and Thankml rec~o.ption of the 1rmh Bdhops ma.y which they teach you, and the mercies which they offer you trom ChriH. fl~r,~or~~~hhm or external violence : Bifn Ch·ifl. Subj~{ljo11, pa;,. S"2f, t J Pet. ~.I , 2, ;. •or. Hammond Annot. q. d. 'J1j! :/}lo?~or:;~~~ [tural CIJJ.rcb~I, I nho!t·--T~ft cart of )'0.'11' fumal ~hurcbt. , and Govt'tiC tlmn, ro: as Se~ut~r R~!m, by force, b11t ai Paflors d1 thrir jhrq, by ca.lllr.g aJtd _?OI"ff._ btfort t11tm, t~at fo tbq. I1!4J JIUow of tbt r own au o :f. If yuu wo 11d know the true N.uure and extent of tile Bilhops Work and Office, rc:td earetully rhe fatd D1. Hammtifdi PaYJ:pbraf. vn Atb 20. 10, 18. Heb.r3·1, •7· t Tim. S· I?• 1 Thdf. ~· 11. Heb. l3o Aim~!. a, Tn :i· lOo 1 Ccr. u.. a8. t AMI!. ];~m, S· \4, AtJIO!. ACh llo 3o)· Anllot. b. ACts l-t. ZJ. §. 6. You fee then that the Reafons of your obe~ience are manifold : 1. Some of them from God : He ha{h fcnt his Mdfengcrs toyou, and fer his Officers over you ; and Chrill hath tOld you that he that heareth them heareth him, and he that dcfpifeth them dc.:fpifcd1 him, and him char Cent hira: Luke to. r$. He commandcth you to hear and obey them as his Officers. z, From them{dves: They h1ve Au~ tbority by their Commiffion, and they have Ability in their qualifications, which require your obedience ;md improvement. 3· born your fclvu: Have you rcafon to obey your natural Patents on whom your livelihood in the world depmdeth ~ Have you rcafon to obty him that rcndcreth you a Pardon horn tht King whc11 you are condemned? or that otfereth you Gold or Riches in your want ? or that invire1h you to a ftaft in a time of famine? or that olfatth to defend and fave you from youf enemies ? Much more hav~ you reafon to obey Ch~ijfs MinifterJ whc~ they call you w Repentance) and offer you pudtln of hn, and peace, and falv<ituJn, and eternal life. Did you ever hear a man fo mad or churli01, as to fay to one that offered him R~ches, or Liberty~ or Life, I am not bound to obty ) 'OU: Offer them to tho{t that yw have authority over! When the: Office of rhe MiniJhy isas well fubfervient to Chrifi as aSaviour and Btnefad or, as toChrif\ as your Teacbcr and your KiHg, the vc .. JY nature of their work engagerh you to obey them as you Love your fclves. If you were in Hell and Chrifi fhould fend for you out, you would not n:fufe to go, till the Mrffenger had proved his authority: And when you.are the Heir I of,.HtU, condemned by the Law_, and going thither, will you nfu(e to turn back, and y1eld to the otfcrs and commands of Gl·ace, ull you have skill enough to read the M1nilttrs Commiffion? §. 7· By this aHo you fct:, that the power of your PaftorJ is not abfolme, nor coercive and Lortlly l .f;,''l 1 • ({ bm Minijl£rjat: And thou~h the P<~pills make a {Corn ut the word [ Minijicr J it is but in that ~;11firo~/~t:i p~idc, an~ pJJfion, and m1ltce which makerh tht'm fj:leak againfl their Knowledge: For their Pope Uut ·if any h1mfdt c;~Jieth himfclf. tl.le Servant o[GodJ Servant!; and Paul fJ.i_th, I Cor. 4• 1• Let a man fo ac· m:\n Wln~cr """'of 11< .n of the Mm1jler, ofChrijl, anJ Sw»ardi of 1he Myjlerw of God, 1 Cor. 3• 5· Who then;, ;i;b: ~::h of F~ith, the P.1.rlor ffi\11\ ure gnat p1ins, c;~re a11J puience : For he may not be f~rced, nor confil::tined with terra, ~~~t~~~i:~~~~~ f~aded 10 n:n;m ~ntucly cu the truth.---A HOwp cannot cu,e m:n .,...itb fuch authority as a Sbephcard doth hi~ lheep.-– Fcr of all men Ch1·1fiim ( tiifho},s ) m:~y I~ an comet lbl: {;'lults of nten by force, paz. J16. Paul,