Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Special 'Duties to your own Pajlors abol!t others. fl.·huh. lo.16. Paul, &nd whoUApollo, but MinijltrJ by wbom ye believed, 2 Cor. 3· 6. TYho made UJ able Mini]lcrr ~13\;J~· H· of tbt New Trjlammt. 2 Cor. 6. 4· In all thingr approvin( our filves a1 the Minijlerr ofGod: Even 1.~~ & 31 ~~~~·. M<~Y,i]lrat~J, yea, and A11gtl1 ate not roo ~ood to b~ called (and uf(d as ) tlu NlinijflrJ ofGod for the If:~. 6 i. 6. good of has fnvant.~=, Kom•.I 3· 3 1 6. Heb. r. 7• and to miHijltr for them who jball be htirJ of falv _ ]cr. 33 2 r. tion, Heb. 1. '4·. Yla, ~hnfi himfelf is fo called, ' 15. 8. ·And therefore you have 110 more c~ Joeli;'~!J;. cufe for your daf~b,_du:ncc, than for refuting his help that would pull you out of tire or warer 2 Cor. 11 , 1 ~· when you_ are penfnmg. Yo~ fee here ti~J.t your Pafi.ors cmnot command you rvhat chey lifi; nor Atl-s 1 6 2 6. bo.w they htl : Th~y have norh1ng to do wuh the Magtfirates work; nor can chey ufurp the Powe.t ~om. t,.t6. ?t a Mafler ~ver h1~ Servant<::, n~r command you how to do your work and worldly butinefs (except Ephcf. J· 7• m the Moraltty of 1t ). ln the fifteen particulars before mentioned their work and office:: doth confiit ~i~-.~~~:r· and in tho~e it is that you owe them a rational obedience. ...... 1 , 1 Theff. ~· t. .?·. 8. Dtrrct. 2· Know ynul' or:r11 Pajlors in p.1rticular : and k,now both what you o:n1e to a Minifter ai a C:o.!. t. 7· M1mjlcr ofCb.ri[f in commun? and. wbat J'OI~ one him rnoreovcr aJ your Pajlor byJPeciaJ relution and charge. £~~f~~.e~·in \Vhen any Mmtlier of Chrdl dcltvcreth Ius word to you, he ml!H be heard as a Minijicr ofChrijl, and t:ot as a Private man: But fO your own Pajlor you are b:mnd in a peculiar rel:JtiOJt, eo an ordinary ~;;~~.trJnetrand regular. attendan~e upon !1is MiniOry in all the particulars before mentioned chat concern you: duz Pre\byrc- Your own Bifhop mutt m a fpec1al manner be obeyed : rorum &.Di- ;zconor~n~: Pr<!~b~·[!~~"~ voco cum. omni Eccl.di:: v:teri cos, qui Eccldi~m pafcunt, vcrbi: p::rdicJtionc, Sacrametnis & cbvibw i quz Jure Dtvmo funt mdt11Jua. Grar:us dt Impmo.paz.16 7 . c. 10, 1• As one that labourttb amo~tg )'Ou, and i1 o11er you in tbt Lord, and admoHiftJttb you, and preach– Bi!'tl.Ja.T.zi!Dr eth to you tbe /Yord of God, watching for your foult as one tfJat muft give accoUNt, I Tbdf. 5• 12 • of Rep~nHeb. I 3· 7. 17. and as one that Rulttb well, and efpeciaUy tbal labaureth i~t the fYord and DoUrine t:uoa,l'ref. [I I Tim. 5· 17. teaching you puMic~ly and frnm houfe to bou[e, taj,Jng heed to bim{cl[, and to aU tht floc~ ::J;;~t:~::u;t over which the Holy Gljojl hatb m~de ·him an Overfeer, x_ot ceajing to w~rn every one night and day wirh t~/ fouls of tear1•. Acts 2~. 19, 20, 24, 28, 3 I, 33· Preaching Chrifl, .and ~arnmg every m:m, and teaCbing every which we bttw man m aU wifdom, tb.zt be may prefont every m,m pcrftll m Chrijt, Col. I • 2 8. wo r~tiu.] 2. He is to be obeyed as the Guide of tbe Con.~rcgatio;t in the management of Gods publick worJhip : you mull ferio\1f1y and revcrmtly joyn with him <very Lords D1y at leafi in the publick Prayers and Praifes of the Church, and not ordinarily go from him to another. . 3· You mull: receive from IJlm or witb him, the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Cbrill: . which of old was adminillred every Lords Day, and that only ;, the Church where tbe Bijhop wM, ~~~f'JPif. ad that is, in every Cburcb of the faithful: for as lgnatimmoll. obfc:rv,bly faith [ f~ 9ulfta.>~f'o" -xi~~ '1~ Vi~. .: ;ftads C.KxJ..t~llt~, 'b ftr i-uirr.-;o-.~ d.p.~t. .re; "'fttd~u1tei¥, lf1 'Tii; J' J V N V M A L 7' A R E Difc.o[ch'"'h"O MNI ECCLESIJE, ET VNVS EPISCOPVS CVM PKESBYTER IO P·<8,49•<•· ET DIACONIS-- IN EVERY CHURCH there is ONE ALTAR, and 0 N E B IS H 0 P , wIT H T H E P R E S B Y T E R Y and D E A C 0 N S- J So in his Epift. ad Magnef. [Come all aJ one, to the 1emple of God, aJ to one Altar, a.J to om Je[us Ttrl/111.. ~e Co- Chrift :] And faith 'Itrmllian, [Eucbt~rijl.e Sacramentum--nee de aliorum manu qua,n pr.efidentium rs1. Ml/11. &.3· jitmimUf J lYe la~ not the Sacramem flj the Eucl;:zrifl from t1Je band uf any but the Prefident. Iris vt'rycb· .4· You mutt have recourfe to him efpecially for the refolution of your weighty doubts, in f<!rvable that p~tVa(f, Acofta faith 1. 6. c. 11. that they found it :tn o:d cufiorec. :tmo11g the Jaa'iai!J to cunftf~ their fins to c~e Pr;ens before the G~fpc! came thirher. 5• You mufi hear your Bifhops and Repent, when in Mcckncfs and Love they convince and admo– niO, you againll your fins, and not refill the Word of God which they powcrlully and patiently lay home to your Confcienccs, nor put them with grief to cut you oR: as impenitent in fcomdalous fins, from the Communion of the Church. 6. Yoa muO: afrer any fcandalous fin which hath brought you under the ccn£•re of the Church, go hmnble your fdves by penitent confe!Tton, and crave abfolution and rdloration to the Communi~ on of the Church. S~:e more in 7· Your puh!ic~ChJtrch-alms fhould ordin~rily be dep!Jfittd into the Bifhops hands, w?o rclitvetb the Dr. Haom:o;~d Orphans and Widows, and~ the C;,rator or Gu.t~dian U aU abfoluttly that art in w:mt, fanh Ignatius to ibid. Pol)!c. cited by Dr. H11mmoJtd on 1 Cor. 12· 28. 8. You mull fend for him in your ficl{nejf topray with you and advife you; See Dr. Hammond on Jame; 5· I 4• And on I Cor. I 2. 2 8. he faith, [ Polycarp him{<if[peakjng nf the E/dm or Bifho}" faith) They vifit and t~Jk,e care of all that are ficl{., not negld1ing the fPidorvt, tbe Orpha;u or the poor:] Pid.Ca1ltm. And Dr•.Hammond on Jam. 5· 14· {heweth out of Antiquity, that [ Ont p.u·r of the Bijhops Office *. A;of/I·_&J'. ftt dowlt that thry are thofe that Vifit aU the fie](_: J Not but that a flrangcr may be made ufe ot irot~:"::~~. All- alCo; but ordinarily and efpecially your own Bilhop mufi be fcnt for ; Bccaufe as you a~e ~IS /pt– cbargc, and he w:~tchetb for y(JUr Jottlsasone thatmufl give account, Hch.I3· 17. So 1t IS tup– tbag.4.Cau.3r. pofed that he is better ac~uaiuted with your JPiritual jlate and Ufe than ot~1er<:: an.:, and therefore in Jefs danger of wronging you by miftakc and mifapplications : For its !uppofed chat you have ac– quainted him with ymu perfona1 cond1tion in your health, having taken him as your 01dinary Counfellor for your {ouls, and that he hath acquainted hirnfelfwith your condition,and conturned you, and watcht over you by name, as lgnatiHs to Polycarpe Bi{hop of Smyma faith [.<'.epe Ccmgrrgationet . ~: