Dire[/. 5-· The beft Teacl.·ers to,be preferred : and W/,y. 9· 12· Direct. 5· Vnderfta,uJ what fort and rneafort of Belief it i4 that you owe toyour 1eacberJ, tb.Jt fo yoHr incrtdJ,litybindtr not your faitbin Cbri{f,nor your overmuch crtdu!ity betray you not to berefie, nor make you tbe {trvantt of men, contrary to Matth. 23· 8, 9' lOo Ephcf. 4· 13· 2 Cor. I· 2+· aa. 20. 30. We fee on one fide how many poor fouls are cheated into Schifm and dangerous errours, by forfaking their teachers and refufing their necdfary hc:lp, and all upon this precence, th!t [they mull not make men rhe Lords of their f;1ith, nor pin their faith on the Minificrs flceve, nor rake their Religion upon truft J. And on the other fide we fte among the P•pills, and in every Sect, what lamentable