'DireElions to kmw the truth when Contro-verted. Direli. 2 5• 9· 36. Dire~. 2 5· ~t not born tkw11 by the cen(orioufnefs of any, to overru~t your 8 w"n underThus Ptm ffanding and tbt truth, and to comply with them in their errours and extreams: But hold tQ the truth :::ar~::;. and k.,trp Jour ftation: Jer. I 5· 19. ~e~ th~"! return UJtto thet~ ~ut return not thou uitto them. It is J toe ufual for the younger and more InJUdicious fort of Chn(hans to be moll zealous about fame little Opinions, Ceremonies and Words, and to cc:nfurc ~all thofe that differ from them, with fuch bitter cenfures, (as unl?odly, falfhcarred, &c.) thai hereupon fame of the more judicious forfakc the truth and fimplicity of the Gofpel, to comply with thcfe ct:nfurers meerly to cfcape them ; (or as Come fay, that they may ke(p an interell in them to do them good : ) But fuch carnal compliances, though with the mofl ztakzu mm, will bring nothing home at lafi but repen~ ranee and fhamc: Truth which is the means of the good of fouls, mufi not be betrayed as for the good of foul,, Dirt8. 26· 9· 37· n ·rcct. 26. Doubt"" .of weY-pravcd 1r:tthi, f,r evtry difficulty tbat apJe.rtth agai•ft them: There is fearcc any . truth in theWerld fo plain, but in your own thollgbts, or in rhe cavils of a wrangling wit, therem1y fuch difiiculti(s be raifed as as you can hardly anfwer : And rhere is " fence any thing fo evident, rhat fome will not difpute againfi. You fee thu even the lcarnc'd.G: Jefuits, and all the Clergy of the Roman Kingdom, will not flick to difpute all the World ( if they could ) out of rhe belief of all their fenCes, while they maintain that Bread is not Brtad, and wine is not wine. And yet how many Princes, Lords and Rulers follow them, and many milli· ons of rhe people; becaufe they be not able to confate them. If they had faid that a man is no num but a 'R'orm, PftJl, 22• 6. they might in reafon have expected as much belief. Dire/1. 27· §. 38. Direct. 27· .Abu[e not your own knowledge by fobjel1ing it to your carnal intereft or [enfu· Mac. t.5. 29ality: He that will fin againfi his Confcience, and_will not obey the Knowlt:dge which he hat~, dorh Rom. 14· n. defcrve to be given over to blindndS and deceit, and to lofc even that which be bath, and to be forfakm till he believe and defend a lye: that slJ thty might be damned wbo obtytd not the truth, but b.1d pleafure i1t unrigl;uoufneji,2- Thet.,z. 10, 11, r:a. God will_ not held him guiltkfs who debafeth his f•cred truth fo far, as tO make it floop to his commod1ty and lufi : where he is a 1eacher he will be 3. King, and fendeth his Truth as the inflrument of his Government, and not as a fiave or pandor to the fldh; He that will do God, wiU jhaY k,t:o,., it, Joh. 7--'.7· But the carnal mind that cannot be flebjclJ to G(!d! Law, is unht w receive it, becanfc It lS fpmtua.Uy dlicerncd, Rom. 8. 7• l Cor. 2ol4· .I l' .. CHAP.