Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Of Goncord and 'Differences among 13elie'llm. you ; and in your returncs of Love, and Thanks and Obedience unto him; and in your fceking to him, dep.:nding on him, and rcceivings from him: Your Internal Commrmion with the Church or Saint.r, contifierh, in mHIItal Love,_and ether confcquent affections, and in praying for, and doing good to one another as yo~r fdvcs, according to your abilities and opportunities. Your extemaJ communion with Chrifi and with moll of the Omrch in Heaven and Earth, is not mutually vijible and local: For it is bur a. fi11all number comparatively that we c:vc:r fee: But it confillerh in Chriftt vifiblc comm~nication of Ius word, his(1ilicers, and ~is qrdinances and mercies unto you, and in your vifibl_e lcarnmg and reception of them, and obedience to him, and cxpreffions of your Love and Gra.r1tude towards him. Your exten~ttl communim with the Univcrfal Church, confifieth in tht! Pr..tycrs of the Church for you, and your prayers for the Church: In y.our holding the fime faith and profeffing to Lo'vt\ and \r\'or{hip the fame God; and Saviour and Sanditier, in.the fame holy or~ dinances~ in ord<:r w the fJme eternal end. 9· 5· Your external Communion in the (ame ptJnicular CongrtgationJ confifierh in your alTcmblino– togethcr ro hear the Preaching of Gods word; and to receive the Sacnment of the Body and B:ood of ChriH, and pray and prai{e God, and ro help each other in knowledge and holinefs, and walk together in rhe fear of th~ Lord. 9- 6. Your Communion with other ntighbn~tr ChHrchu, lyeth in pray!ng for and counklling other, and keeping fuch conefpondencies as fhaJIbe found necdfary 10 maintain that Love and Peace and Holimfs which all art bound to feek, according to your abilities and opportuniries. 9· 7· Note here that Communion is one thing, and fubjd1ion is another: Ir is not your fobjdiion. to other C~urches that is required to your communi(JH with them: The Churches thar pJ~tl wrote eo at Romt, Coriltth, Galatia, EJ~he[ut, Philippi, &c. had Communion together according to rheir capa– cities in that dilhnce ; but rhry were nor jubjcCt one to a•1other ( any otherwifc rhan as all are commanded robe fubjetl ro each orher in humility, r Pu. 5· 5·) The Church of Rcme now ac– cuferh all the ChdHians in the World of ieparating from their Commrt~ion, unkfs they will r1ke rhe.m for their Rulers, and obey them as the Mithes Ci:urch: But Paul tpeaketh not one any 0 f the Churches of any fuch thing, as their ob..dience to the Church of 1\.ome. To your own Pa· JlorJ you owe jubjcCiion jlatedly as wd! as commu,nimo and w other P~Jji-(JrJ o~· the Churches of Chrilt (fixed or unhxt:d ) you owe a temp1rtJry jubjeUion [o far as you are c.1lled to rnake ufc: of them ( as fick perfons do ro a11otber Phyficion, when the Phyficion of the Hofpiral is our of. the way) ; But one Cburch is not the Rulc.r of another, or any one of all rhe rcfl:, by any appoinrment of theKing of the Church. DireO. 3 , 9· 8. Direct. 3· By the help of wlw ;, already faid y ou ·are next dijlin/Jiy to underjland how far you bcund toVnioJt or Ci!mmrmion with aJly other, Ch~trcb or perfon, and what di,rfance, {ep 3 rarion . . or divifion i4 a fin, a~td ,.,b.u HH1t : that fo you may neither caufldly trouble your fdvcs with fcruples, ,:;~~~~:;~r 15 nor trouble the: Church by finful Schifm. ~:~:~i.a~~~. 9· 9· J. There mull be aVninn among all Churchts and Chrif.iians in thefc following parricu. & 4·1 6, lars. z, They have all but 0 e God. 2· And One Head and Saviour, Jefus'Chritl. 3· And One Erhef. 4· 5· Smdilitr, the Ho!y Ghofl. 4 And One Vt,imatt End ~nd Hope, even the fru ition of God in Hea1 Cor. 12 ' :;~ ven. 5· And one Gofj>el to teach chtm rhe Knowledge of Cnrifl, and contain the promife of their 1 Pet. 1• 16 f.dvatioo. 6. And one kind of faith that is wrought hereby. 7· And one and rhe Covenant Eph 4· n, u., ( of which BJpri!in is the feat) in ·which t!uy arc engJged to God. 8. And rhe fame lnllrumenral 13· foundets of our f~ith, under J,fus Chrilt, cvtu tht Prophets and Apofiks. 9· And all members of the Epb. 2 • 10 ' 11 ' r~m< Univerfal Body. JC, And a!\ have the fJme new nature and Holy Jifpolicion, and the fame 1 Joh. 3. 1 :~- Hvly Aff~divns, iu Lovinf!, God and H !linefs, and E:J.Hin_g fin, ~I· They ·all own as ro the dfenrial r4-,13 parrs, rhe fame Law of God, as the Rule of thcrr faith and l1fc, even rhe f.1crcd Canonical Scri. Pfal. 121 · 2.. ptur<S. 12. Every member h<tth a Lov<.: to the whvle) and to each other, cfpeciJ.lly 10 the more jc~'-ci-26.1 ' 1 ' excdlcnt and ufeful members ; and an inclination to holy Communion with each ()(her. 13. Thc.:y Heb. 10 , lr. have all a propenfity to the f.tme holy means and empltJyment, as Prayn, learning rhe word of 1 <..or.1o. 16, God, and doing good to others. All thefe things the True living members ot the Church have in Rom. n. ~. 7· fi;zccrit)', and the re~fi have in Prof.J!ion. ~~~t1~~;e~~· 9· TO· I I. There will be flill a diverfiry among the Churches and particular Chriftians i-n rhefe firy will be in following points, wirhour any diffolution of the fore-dtf.:ribccl Vnit)~· J, ~hty will not be of the the Church. fdmC Age or ft 11 ndin" in Chrilt; but fomc lnba, fome yormg men and fame f a.tbcrJ, 2- They will 1 }oh. :· 1 ~' not have the fame ·Jegrtu of jlrrngth, of Koowledf,e and of H0linefs ; fome will tuve ueed robe Heb. 5· 3 r'J, 4 frd rritb mil~, and be unJkjl{ul i11 tbe r:rMrJ of Rigbteouf,uji. 3• They will differ in !hi! k,j.11d and It, 13. met,fore ot th(ir gi/ti.' fomewill excel! inonc: kind, and fume in anmher,andlC:m1e in none ar all. M:tt. 1 7 · 1 • 4 . They will differ in th<·ir natural temper, which will make fume tO be more hot and fi>m~ more :o:~~ 1 J 4 '.'r,,., mild, fome more quick and fome more dull, fome of mort ngulated wirs an~ fOme more fcanrred 11. and confufcd. 5· They will differ in fpirirual health and fo:mdnrfs: one wilt be.: more Orthodox & 1 S· 1. and another more erroneous: one will' have a better app<.:tite to the wholfome word dun others 1 <..or. 8 7, that are inclinin~ 10 novelties and vain j.mgling5: one will walk more blarneldly dun another: & 10 ' 12 . fame arc: full nf J,y and peace, and others ful! of grief and trouble. 6. They d;tf..-r much in ufr. Afr.·,~~·H· fubujs and fervice to the Body: fomeare PiUarJ ro fi1pport the reil, and lome arc burdenfome and luk.J. 6. trcublers of rhe Church. 7• lr is the wilt of Chrifi that they diif<:r in Office and employment : ~~t :: ~~·1 ,, fome being PajlorJ and Ttacbcri to the: ~;ell. 8. There mJy be much diifertnce in the m,nmer of their w~rfhipplng