Of the nawre and forts of Scbifm. ------------------ wnrfhipping Gad ; fome obferving d~yti and difference of meats and drinks, and forms and other 1 Thef. ~ 4• Ceremonies, which ~thersobfcrve not: _And fevcral Chu_rches may have feveral _modes. 9· Thc:fc ~9;:r·~ 1 1 ;4·5· differences may poihbly by the temptation of Satan, ar1~e t? vehement contenttons, and not o?ly P 4 n,' 11 • to the cmJuring and de{pifozg of c:ach other, butto the reJed:mg of each other from the Commumon R•-'m. 14 .& 1 r. of the fcveral Churches and forbidding one another to Preach the Gofpel, and 1he banifhing or Col.2.18. 1.:.. irnprifoning one another, as Conjiantine himfelf, did bani(h AthanafiUI; and as Chr-,{ojiom and many P~l'2' 10' 2~· at1otherhavefclt. 10. Heticeitfollowcth that a<> in the Vifible Church fame are the members of 1 or.rJ. ~~: Chrift, and fame are indeed the Children of the Devil, fome Gull be favcd and fome be damned, t Sam. !.. 50 , even with the forefi damnation, ( t_he greatdl diJlCrence in the World to come being betwixt the ~hr, 25. rr. villble members of the Church), f~j among the Godly and finctrt themfe/ves they are f!Ot all alike } 1uk. ~z. 26 • amiable or happy, but they !hall dirftr in Glory as they do in Grace: All thcfe di1fcrenccs there L\~~: ·~~: 1 ; ,:. have been, are> and will be in the Church, notwithll:anding its unity in other things. lllr. 19 . io· il-ht.:z.o.t6. §. 1,, ll I. The word [ Schifn J corneth from ~i(•, dijfeco, lacero, and lignificth any finful Divi- S h.fi h • , fion among ChriHians; fome P.tpilts (as J ohnfm) will have nothing c.tJled Schifm. bur a Dividing 3~d1 o7,::· ones felf from the Catholick Church: Others maintain tha~ there is nothing in Sct·ipture called mlny fon. Schifin, but making divifions.in particular Chun:hes. The truth is, (obvious in the thing it felt) 1:he_1ruc rhat there are feveral forrs of Schifin or Diuifion. z, There is a. caufing Divifioni in a parricuLu ~:ac~Jg ~\e . Church, when yet no party divideth from that Church, mu_ch Jefs fi:_om the Vnivrrf.;J. Thus PaHl r/~m~:r~:t~~ blameth the Divifionsthatwere am!Jitg theCorinthians, whtleone fa1d 1 am of Paul, and another, e~c; edmgly1 am of Apolb, &c. 1 Cor. 3· 3· And 1 Cor. I J, 18. I hear tiJat there be diuifionJ among you: not Whic~wtl! be that they ffparared from each others Communion, but held a diforderly Communion. Such divi· do?~ tf the fwu he vehetllcntly diffwadeth them from 1 Cor. I· IO· And thus he perfwadeth the Romans ~;;~:ru~~:( r6.t7•) to mar./t themwbich cau{e Divijio1uand offences among thtm,c:mtrarytothedoUrim which offublhnce they bad learned and avoid them; which i[ fcems therefore were not fuch as had avoided the Church in Relig10n firfi. H. that ClUfeth diJTe.rcnces of iudg~rnenr and practice, and contendings in the Church, doth w~re tmly c.tu{t D vifions, though none frp3r .:te from the Church. t~f:~ffh~~d •, ·1 ' from point$ not ~et_r1y of f.t.rh, but of qpinjo_n, Q;der or ~ood i11[cntion. This is a thing that may feem tQ many l m;t.tter rrivill, and done alre:tJy : bur :f 1t were done lefs parnally, 1t would be embraced. mute generally: L. Ba;on. Effa.v1• 2. And if this be a fault, it muil be a greater fault to caufl Divifions from, as wen M in, a particular Church,whiCh a. man may do that fcparateth not from it himCdf: As ifheper{wade othtrs lo j{p.Jratt-, or if he fow thofc tlrt:S of errour which caufe i~, or if he caufitfly excommunicate or call: them out. 3· And then it mull be as great a fin; to ma:kc acaufelcfs feparation from the Church that you are in your [elf, which is anotht:r fort of Schifm : If you may not Divide in the Church, nor Dividt others from the Church, then you may not c~ufdefly Divide from it your[elves. 4· And it is yet agreater Scbifin, when you Divide not only from that one C~urch, but frommany, hecaufe they concur in opi9i<;m with that p.nt (which is the common way of Dividers.) S· And it is yet a greafCr sa)ifm, wherl whole Ch~trchu feparatc:: from each other, and renounce due Communion with each other without jull: caufe: as the Greeks, Latines, and Protcll:ants in their prefent difimce, mu(\ forne of t~em ( who1ve,r it is) be found guilty. 6. And yet it is a greater Schifrn thin this, when Churches do nor onlY feparate from each other caUfelc11y, but alfo unch:trch each other, and endeavour to cut off each other from the Church-Uni~ Vcrfal, by denying each other to be true Churches of Chrin. It is a more grievous Schifm to with· draw from a true Church as no-Cimrcb, thari as a cormpt·Church ; that is, to cut off a ChurCh from Chrift and the Church-Catholick, than to abfiaip ~ram Communion with it as a fcandal!JHJ or offcndini( Church. j 7· It is yet ( <£teri1 P"ibt«) a higher degree of Schifm to Divide your {elver (a per[on or a Church) from the Vnivcrfal Church without jufi cwfe, though you feparate tlom it but fecundu»i lJuir.l, in fomC accidental refped: where unity it needful/ ( For where Unity is not required, there dif-union is no fin; Yet fuch a perfon that is fcparate but {ecundHm quid, from fomething accidtntal, or integral, but not tjJeHtial to the Catholick._ Church, is fiill a Catholick Chrill:ian, though he fin. 8. But as for the highefi degree of all, viz. to {fparate from the Univerfal-Church jimplicittr, or in fome E]Jential refpect, this is done by nothing hut by Hmfie. or Apoftacie. However the P<pifis make men believe that Schifmatick.J thac are n:ither Hereticks nor Apoftatu, do f,parate thernfc:lves wholly or fimply from the Catholick Church, this is a meer figmenc of their brains. Fpr he that feparateth not from t~e Church in any thing ·r.ffentiat to it,' Cloth not truly and firnply fcparate ftom the Church, hut focundum quid, from fometh.ing feparable from the Church. But whatever is AHereticic rffemial to the Church is nccdTary to fjlvation : And he that [t'parateth from it upon the account andApoftate of his denying any thing necdTary to falvo:~tion, is an Herttick._ or an Apojlate: that is, If he do it wbac? as d~.:nying fame one ( or mor~) Ejfmtial point of hith or Religion, while he pretendeth to hold all the reil, he is an Heretick: If he deny the whole ChrYiiJn f•ith he is a flat Apofiate: and thefe are more than to be Schifmaticks. , §. t2. The word [Hmfie J alfo is varioufiy taken liy EcclefiafiiCk writers : Aujlin will have Hcr_tfie tO ~e an invtterate fobi{m: Hierome makerh 1t to be fomc perverfc opinion: Some caJI every Schifm whJCh, gathereth a feparated party from the refi, by the name of Herefie: Some call ir a Hcrcjie if there be a pcrillous crrour thouph without any Schi[m. Some call it aHerrfie only wben Scbif,i