DireElions againft SclJifm. 745 Chiilin rworth, HJlts, and Dr. H. h1ort have fpoken plainly. If the Pope had impofcd h~t one lye Dr. H. Mm robe fubfcribcd, or one fin to be done, and faid [All Nations and perfons that do n~t th1s, are no fai·h My{t. Rt– ChriHians, or {lull have no communion with the Chwrch; the man that refuCeth chat l~poft:d lyt or Jemp.p. 495· Ji 11 is guildets of the Schifm, and doth but obey God, and favc his foul : And the Ufurper that iho. '.· 2 ri im,pofeth thtm, will be found the heinous Schifmatick before ~od, and the caure of all _rhofe D~- 2ny~,C~u~~~c~ vifions of the Church. J And fo ifany private s~d:ary, !hall teign an opinion or praChce of hiS in Chr_iftwdam! own to be n:cdfa!y to falvation. or_ Church communion, and ~1lll refufc ~omrmmion with r.hofe th~t :~a~hd~o~~~ot are noc of hts rnmd and way, 1t IS he and nor tht)', rhar JS the c3ulc of the uncharttablc fc- obtrude, not paration. on!v flllhood, but.fuch falfe· Jwod:> that will :~ppcar to ::~ny free Spirit pure CNltradiCi:iors ln1l imi-c(Jihi!i•ics : 2n1\ t!13' \•ith. 1he fame gr:tvit;,. ;J.tuhority, and imponumty, that tP.~y do th.e holy 9rldes of God. No~ the cv~ft<(]tl• n-::e of th1~ 1nt~!l ne.:d~. be lad? Io; w!;a.: knowmg am~conrci– entwus m:1.,, bm wJII be dnven ofl:, ,f he cmnot a!Tt·rc t.te rrutn, w th'l:H <~pw :dl.:rtmg ot l ~rof~ lye.) Id. p. '~6. A~d :as for Opiniom, thovj!:h {onte nuy be bwcr than other fomc, .vet t~oac .Oooultl e~cludc from rhe tul!e!l enjoyment u_f enhcr pr1vare or publick ri~hts > fuppofin~ 1h~rc be no ven01~1e (,f the pc-,f:cu!He f:,.,L.nt rr.ut~l<"ll w1d1diCLn : But e\'i:ry or.e rbat prufdh:tb the f.Uth of Chnll, anJ b:lie\eth the Scupmres mt!1e Hiilonc:<l fenf:::, &c. "See H.:/:J of Sc!tlme, p. S. -§. g 4 , D irect. 7• Pr!ly againft the V{urpationi or in~mfions of i~trufioni of impiour, c.mt.2l, ambitiour, Di~etl. 7· covttoU! Pajfors into the Churchesof Chri}f. For one wtcked man 111 th~ place ot a Pajfor, may do more.~ ~ccldiis . to the increafeof a Scbifm o_r frJt1ion, than many ~rivare men can . ~o. And c~rnalmen. have c.Jrn.;/ ~u~~~~~~~tt· minds and carnal intcrtjls, wh1ch are both unreconclieablt to the fptrzlu.Jl holy mmd and vtttrc{i: For v.rha bomt· rhe c,;mal mind i1 tnmity againft God, and Hnot fubjefr to h~ Law, ?JT can be, Rom •. 8. 7· And tb~y nun_l q~:am tb.Jt are in·tbe fl•.P' cannt~t pleafcGod, v. 8. And you may eahly concetvc what work wtll be made tn De1; m:~g fq; theShip, when an enemy of the Owmr hath fubtilly poffdfc:d himfclf of the Pilots place ? Ht: will ~ug~a11;[.fcre charge all thac are faithful as mutineers, becaufc: they refill him when he would carry all awJ.y. And if P~:r:~ ~~:an enemy of Chril\ fhJ.ll get to be Governour of one of his Regiments or Gurifons, all that are not lo, qultn de Traytt~'I-J !hall be ca\led Tr.tytori,and cafhiered that they hinder not the trcafon which he intendeth. And <:;hrdh~ :. Re-. M tiun he thiJt wtH bor~ after thl ft,fh, perfecuied him th.;t wM born after the fpirit, even fo. it Mnow: ~~~rin~~:n~au~ But wh.st faith the: Scr~pture l caft out the bond-wtJman and her fan, &c. GJ.l. 4· 29 1 30. It IS not the man:t. B:aho!– facred office of the MiniHry nor the p1ofeffion of the fame religion, that will cure the enmity of a err. carnal heart, againfi both Holinefs and the Holy feed. The whole buGnefs of the world from age to age is but the management of ,rhat war, proclaimed at fins firll cnuanc;:e into the World, between the feed of tbe woman and tbe Serpent :, And no~e of the ferpents feed are more cruel or more fuc- Gen. 3· 1 r. cefsful, than thofe of them that creep into the Armies of Chrifi; and efpecially that get the conduct of his Regiments. Neither Brotherhood nor Vnity of profefi Rdigion, would hold the hands of Poetx nua~ malignant Cain from murdering his Brether Abet. The fame Religion and f.~ther and family re- ~u~mt p~rf~rconciled not fcoffing Ijhmael to Ifaac, or prophane Efau to his brother Jacob. The fJ.mily of Chrifi, p~b~~as :~ 0~ and an Apofiles office, did not keep JudM from being · a Traycor to his Lord. If carnal men invade ratores non · the Minifiry, they take the way of eafe and honour and worldly wealth, and llrive for Dominion, ruo. Bu!boit::;,. and who {hall be the greatelt, and cue not how great rheir Power and JurifdiC1io~t is, nor how litt1e their protitable work is: and their endeavour is to fit all .matters of Worfhip and difcipline to their ambitious covetous ends; and the fpiritual Worlhippcr !hall be the objeCt of theit hate: And is Acofla j, 6. it any wonder, if the Churches of Chrift be torn by Schifm, and betrayed to prophanen,fs, where '· 'l· ~· f19· there are fuch unhappy guides ? · ~~;i:hbnJrt~;h ,this Church as a r:~bb~e of hirelin~~ :r.d fdf-feckers: for what C:li1 namra.l men, th:tt fc::1rce h:tve the S1'irir, do i11 the caufc of God? A few in number that are cxcdlem in vertu::, will n~orc promote the work of GoJ.---I~ut they thlt come hidtcr b!'incr humble, and lovers of fwls, taking Cbrifl.for thdr pattern and bearing 111 t]teir bodies his CTof~· and dc;~.c:t , thall mofl: certainly find heavenly ue:~fures, 2nd indlimable ~el1gh~s. Uuc wh.cn wdl thi~ ~e) When. meil 5e:~Cc to be men; JnJ to favour the thmgs of mm; and to feck and <>Jpe :1.fter rhe_ thtrgs of men: Wub men thts Is l~tter!y unpon1~!e; blit With God all thing~ are poffible : B::raufc this is h~rd in d~.e eyes of thts peo~le, ~all H. there~ ore be hard trrmy eyes, fa1th the LorJ.? zccb Io, paz. 5So. I may fay to fome Mi~ mHers that cry out of 1hc fchJftmtJCal dtfobedter.ce of the people, as Acofla doth to to thufc that cryed cue of the Jndia~s du\nefs and wickedndi : It is long of the TcacherJ. De2l wirh them in all poffible love and tendernefs, uuy with Covctoufnefs Lordllncf 5 :tnd Cruelt.y_; give them the_ exan~p!e of an upright life, open to them t.h~ ' way of uulh; :~.ad rc:1ch ;rh:m. :1ccording t~ their cap::ci:y, and dtltg;ently hold an 111 tiltS \'+'ay, who ever thou art that art a ~luullcr of th: liofp(c'l, :t·~J. (faith ne) as erer I hope to e.njoy thee, 0 Lord Jefu ChnH, l anl pcrfwaded the harveft ,..j!i be plenti!ul and jo)·ful. I. 4·? 4;J· &_p.tf!l1l. B~t (fatth he) we quickly ceafe ou~ J~bours, an..lmufl.prefemly hav:e hafiy and plenteo.u~ fnll'. But theKmgdom of God 1s not !Ucn: Verily it i~ not fuch , ~ut as CbnH hath lold u~; _ltke ~eed n!l mto the ~arth, whtch gro~~th u~ by degrees we know not hew. p. 4.i), 4H· Hin 11 m5cafe 1s many an~thcu: Conctv.Jt .odJa perditorum: Oderu~c turn h:;eret~CI, quu. 40~ .impugnaTe non _delin!t. : Odcrunr Cierici, quia vi– ta~ eorum J~feda.tur & .crunma. Sed plane .cum bom omnes. admtr:m.rur &. dtligum : . Po,!lh'l•ma~;u M Sll!?· Sevtri Dil/aJ.. I. And D1~l. :. Ma~Lmus. 111 f\tcrlJo. ra:tu & con•erfat~one popul~.~um, Inter Clencos dt~de~tes, mter E:>ifcopos fxvJentc$, cum fere quotidi– ams fc:~nda!Js hu1c atque mde p:emeretur, mexpugnabut tamen adverfus onmn VlrtUie fundams {htir.---N:c ramm huic cri– mini m:fctbo popl:llare~, foli i~lum Cierici, foli nefctunt SacerdotcJ:, nee immerico: Nufce iilum invitli noluerunt: quia fi. virtutes illius mlfen·, fuomm vma cognov1ffer.t. §.85. DircCl:. 8. In a fpeci.l manmr,ta~t htedof pride; SufpcCl: it and fubduc it in your felves; Dire/l. S. ~ and do what you can to brmg a .mco d1f5r~ce wt_th ot~crs. _Only b~ Pride comah conteutit~n, Prov. How the Je• I 3· 10. I never yet faw one [cln{m made, m whtch Pnde conJLmd: With Ig~toranct was not the caufe ; tuitcs have nor. never did I know one pcrfon forward in a fchi[m (to my .remembrance), but Pride was dif- hereby rli- . cernably his difcafc. I do not here intend (as the Papifis) to charge all with Sch1fln or Pride, that ~~~~~t,1~·~aJ Aubi pifc, Pragcnjis Ctrf;£r. de B:1U. Jr[:.it. & Dall. Hof}ita!. ad Rtges,&c. iAII.~. Ardi~Jgbe/lj Parad~Jxa Jtfr,itica. Galindus,Giraldus,&c.~~;:,.n; ]rf t C c c c c 2 xenounce