Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

---------------------------------------------- T!Je Teftimony of .fintiq11ity againft tbe Cure of Scbifm by cruelty. 751 ----------------- tur~, it is bitternefs in r.he md, and ~~av,th a fiinking monodal of their namts and actions top; t\enty. And the Tre1t1frs of ReconCilers ( [uch as our Hall!, Vjhcri, BtrgiuJ, Burrougb1 ;tnd other) by the deleCtable favour of Vnity and Charity are lwc:er and acceprabl;: to prudent lnd peact.:– ablc pcrfons) though ufually unfuccefsful with the violt:nt that needed thtin. BtGdes the fi)fe-cited wirnefsqf Sr. FrancH B.uoJ!, &c. 1will here add one of the moll antienr and one or tw.o of this age, whom the contr~ry-~i~dcd do mention witl_l. the grcardl honour. ]uJfi;t M.Jrt)r f'tr:t~· cum T_rypb. doth at large glVe hts JUdgement, that a ]udatitngChrillian, who thinkr:th ic be~\ to be ctrcumctltd ~nd keep the Law of Mo{et, ~e fllffercd in his opinion and pradicc, and ad– muted ~o the co~mumon and priviledges of the Church, and loved as one that may be faved in that way, fo be 1t he do not make it his bufinefs to perfwade others to his way, and teach it as nec~ffal'y to falvJ.titm or comrr.union: For {uch he doth condlmn. King J amtJ by the Pen of If. Cau{abon< telleth Cardinal du Pcrron, that ["His Majtfiy thinkcth u that for Conc0rd tf'!cre is no nearer way, than·diligently to feparate things nccdfuy frem the un· " oe~dfJry, and to beflow all our labour that we may agree in the things, and tlut in " thmgs unnecefCry there may be place given forChriflian Liberty.The King callcth theft: things limp!y "necdfary, which either the Word of God expreOy commandeth to be bdieved or done, or which <c theamitnt Church did gather from the WQtd of God by necdfuy confcquence-- J G~otinr Annot. in Mauh. 13. 4'· is fo full and large upon it, that I mult intr<at the Reader to per– ufe h1s own words; where by arguments and authority he vehement!)' nbukcd1 the Spirit of fur)', cr.uelty and uncharitablcncfs., which under pretence of Government, Difcipline and Zeal denyerh thar Liberty and forbearance, even to H~rcticks and Offenders, ( much more when to the f«ithful Mini– fkrs ofChritl J which humme frai\ty harh made, and ChriU hath comrn«nded his f(rvanrs ro gram. Concluding, Vbi foiitttdinem feccrant, pacem appeUabant ( as 'tertuT!.) Er /;is omNibu$ ob– te~tdi foJct jtudium Divini nominU ; [td pltrumque obundi tant:tm. Nam Dt~M dcdiJ}UIHT c/Jalla fervi· tia; nee pitJctre Wi potcft quod vi buwun.1 exprimitur. Reipfa {olen! qui id facium non mmini divino, fed Jiti-1 honorihzM, {JJiJ commodi-r & tranquiUitati con{ulerel quod {cit il1t qui mentes introjpicit. Atc 1; ita fit, ,., lJiium evclfutur cum tritico, innoctntes cum nocentibm: immv ut triticum r~pe jitmatur pro klio : N.·n enim tt1m bene agitur cum rebus humanH, ut [cmper meliora pll~ribus aut vaiidioribM pt.~ccant: fed ut in grege taur~M, ita inlfr humintt, qui virihiH eft editior, imbeciL'iorem ct:edit: & iidem fope que pati fe querehantur, mox in alio$ audvtt.---Lege c~tcra. Ag1in, [ intreat thofc: that would efcape t.he fin of Schifm, to read feriouily the foref,~id Trearifcs ofPeocemakciS; efpecially Bi!hop HaUs Peacemaker, Bi!hopVjhers Sermon on Epb. 4 3· and Mr. Jc– rcmy E:4rrougtu Irenicum: to whtch I may add Mr. StiUin7fteetJ Irenicum, for the hot contenders abuut Church·Government, though l believe all the fubfiance of Church Order to be of Divine inl\itu:ion; and y,,. Acontii Stratag. Sat:m~. And it mu£\ be clrtfully noted, that one way by which Satan tcmpteth men into Church-Divifions, is by an over~veheme£1t Zt.ll againfi Dividers; and fo he would draw the Rulers of the world, under prctenc~ of a zeal for Unity and Peace, to raife perfecutions againll all that are guilry of any ex– ccfs of fcwpulolicy about Church-communion, or of any principles or praCliccs which a little fwerve from true Catho1Jci(m ; And {o by the cruelty of their pcmahies, filencing Mioillas, and vexing eh<: people they much increaft the divilions which they would heal : For when Satan cannot do his work buc·faccd and dirc.dly, he uft:th to be the forwardefi in (ecming to do good, and to take put wirh Chritl, and Truth, and Godlincfs: And then his way is to over· do: He will be ovcr-orthodux, and over-godly, and over·peaceable, that he hug the truth and Church to death, by his too hard embrace– ments. As in families and neighbourhoods, (omc crofs words mull be pJffed over if we would h:J.Vc p~ace: And he that for every provoking unpeaccable word of another, will raifc a florm, fh11l be himfdf the mofl unpcaceable; fo is it in the Church : He that cannot bear with the weakne1fcs of the younger fi1tt ot ChrHiian~, who arc roo much inclined by their 1.eal againft fin, to dividing way<s, but will prcflntly let fly at th<m as Schifmaticks, and m1ke them odious, and excommuni– cart: or pun;th them according tO his wnth, {hall increafe the zeal and the number of dividers, and prove himtllf the grcatdl divider. And by this viokncc and ddhoying zeal of Orthodox Rulers, :~gainfl the real faults and infirmi· ties of fomc fep.uating \\'Cll meaning men, a far greater number ofHeterodox Ruler~;, are cn.:ouraged .to pcrftcute the mol\ learned, fi blr, and peaceable Minifiers, and the: matt godly and faithful of their SubjtCh, who dare not conform to all their unrighteous Edicts, and EccleliJHical Laws, in things forbidd£0 by 1hc Law of Chrifl: And all this is done ~pan prt.tcncc of prom?ting ~.1ity and Peace, and fupprdfing Herdie and Schifm. And fa perf~cutJon becorneth the D~v.Jls Eugme t_o kup "" the Gofpcl and Godlincfs from the lnfidd world, -and to i(!tp them •mdrr 111 the Chn· O:ian wm\d. • Sed tomwr fiv~ iL'ud ( OrigcniJ d~ Rrdemptione futttr~ di~bolorttm). Eri'6T tft, ul ego fenti?; Jive H.ercfiJ ut putatut·, non folum reprimi non potuit multi-! IZtumadverfwmbu; Sac£rdotum, ftd n{qua_qua~ tam l31e [t potui/Jct cffuitdtrr, nifl cMtentioHt crtviffet : inquit Pofihumianus in Su\p. S.vcn Dialog. •· Sed non fuit ar.imuJ ibi confi[lcre, ubi reccns fratmt£ cladis flrvrbat i11vidia. N,;m etfi _f~rtaf[t;ntu.,. partre Epi{ctpi-1 dcbuiffi, nou ob banc tamen cau[am multitudinem tantam fub <:hrijit COI!– fi!Ji '"' vivmem, pr4ertim ab Epifcopu oportui§er offligi. . Id. ibid. Spcakin~ of the Bt!hops provoking the S.cular Power to affi1Cl: the M~mks of Alex.mdn# for defcndmg Otz.gcnt• . . When the Empcrour ConjlantiUI would by violence force the 01thodox to hold Commltmon wtth the