Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Ancients Teftimony againft (burch.Tyramly. the Arrian 1 , he did but make the breach the wider. Read LUcifer CalaritanM de non conveniendo cum H£reticM, (in Bibliotb. Patr. Tom. 9· p. 1045, &c.) The Emperour faith, that the Orthoilo:JC fl.'Cre oumic1to peace, a1td unity, a11d brotherly Love, and•tht:t he wa! refolved to have unity and peace in bit DomiJtioM : Therefore he imprifoned the Orthodox and banijhed them : Propterta odii HoJ, qui.l co1tcilium ve– flrttm m..zlignamimn extcremztr: propterra in exilioJitmiH: proptereain carcere necamur; propterea mbU{oJif prohibttltT con[pcBtu; id~irca rtcluf} in .teN~hras cufto~imur ing~nti cuft_odi~_: hujzu. rei. c~ufa nuUur ad 1101 vifindo 1 admittitttr IJommum; quz~ vzdeltcet nolucrJmuJ vubifcum tmput facrzlc?gu HUam fceltrum vt· ftrorum habere .focietatem---Ibid. pag. 1050· ~hich ftirred up this Bilhep in particular to go too far from free communion even with the penirent Arrir~ns, and heap up more Scriptures againfi thlt communion which the Emperour commanded, than any had done before. NobU diceb,;r, Pa· cem valo fieri; e, ... in corde tuo manens advet{arius reli;,ionil noflr.e, cogitab.:~t per te facere nos idolofa. tr. 11 , &c. p. 105 I· Confilia vcftra contra [uam prolata Ecclefiam repr~bat Deus: Nee enimpotcfl odire populum fuum, ha:redi.tatem {uam, 6"' amare vas filial P.eflilenti£, vos per{ecutores [ervorum [itorHm : Dixijfi, F 41 cite pacem cum Epi[copif feti£ mu Arrianir, & ejlote iu unum; er dicit Dei Spirittts, Viar impiorum noli exe91ti, neque £m_u~erii vi;m iniquomm, &c.--.-Dztlce qui~'ifilam videtur, q~to ~i~i Rcgi in amicitias )lmgantur fufczpzendo lur:fin tu~m ; fed amarm~ feUe fwfitr~ c~ne t~cum torq~ert tn_ ptrprtuumuperiHI iuperpetua gehvuu.fenure, qut tecum effe delrgcru~t, tunc d1Uurz, Vtt nob;.s, qu~ Co 1 1)iantium Imptratorem Deo prttpo[uetJmu;. Abundance more he wntcth to prove that the Empe~ 1 our being a Hererick, they mufl have no communion with him or his BHhops. And when the Emperour complained hereupon, that they wronged and di01onoured him whom they fhoulll honour, the faid L11cijer wrote bis next book, de non parcendu in Deum delinquemibu~; which be– ginnerh, [ Superatum tc, Imperator, a: Dti ftrvH ex omni cum confpcxiffu parte, dixifti p.1ffum te ac p;ti a nobir contr.s monita f.~crar~tm Scripturarmn contumeliam : dici-t nos info/entes exriti.ffe circa te qmm bouorari decuerit· Si quifq11am Dei c~tlt~rum pepercit ApojiatU, Jint vera q«£ dicis de mbH;] and fo he heapeth up as many 1 exts for rough dealing with offending Kings: I give this one in– fiance to 01ew the fruits of violence, as pretended for peace and unity. Of the petfccutions of the faithful in moll ages, even by profelfed Chrifiians themfdves , and Gods difowning that Spirit of Cruelty by his fpecial Providences , all Church Hifwry maketh mention: And how the names of fuch perfecudng hypocrites have fiunk in the nolt.rils of all l<>ber men when their traga:dy w., fully acted and underOood. Efpecially the poor Chur<hes called Waldenfer, Piccardr, and Albigenfer, hcve felt the grievoufcll <lfeds of this tyranny, and y« hcve the Tefiimony of the bell and wifefi men, to have been the purcfl and nearcll to the Apofilick fimplicity in all the world ; aod the memory of their enemies and perfecutors is an abhorrence to the Sons of Charity and Peace. Read Lafitius and Commwius of their Difci– pline, and Bifhop Vjher de Ecclef. fuccef. & flatu. I will recite one notable palfage mentioned by Thuamu and Commeniru, the one Hij/.1. 36. the oth<r de Bono Vnit. & Ord. Difoipl. P• 59• Maximilian that good and moderate Emperour, being one day in the Coach with Job. Cr:Jto only ( his chief Phyficion and a learned Protefiant) lamenting the divifions of Chril\ims, asked Craro, which fort he thought came nearell t0 the Apoj!olick,_jimpliciry: He anfwered, He thought that honour bclongc& to tbt Brethren caUed Pic::Jrd1. The Emperour faid, Ht thought [1J too: wilidl Cr.Jto acquainting them with, encouraged them to dedicate tO him a Book of part of their de– votions : For the ycu btfore God had thus m::uvelloufly faved hlrn , from having a h1nd in their blood. Joac1JimJU a Nop.s Domo, Chancellor of Bohtmia went to Viemr.z, and gave the Ernperour no reil) till he had procured him to fubfcribe a Mandate for the reviving of a for· mer perfccuting M1ndatd againfl: them: Having got hi$Commiffion, and p1fling jufi our of the Gates of Vienna, as he was upon the Bridge over the Damlbillf, the Brldge brake under him, and he and all his retinue fell into that great and terrible water; and all were drowned ex-cept fix horfcrnen, and one young Noblem;m, who feeing his Lord in the Waves) catchr hold of his Gold Chain, and held him ~ill feme Filherrncn came in Boats, bur found him dead., and his Box with thcCommillion funk pafl recovery: This Noble man who furvived, was fcnfible of Gods judgement, and turned to the Brethren in Religion, and the Mandate was no further profecured. (Such another ftory Bifhop VJhcr was wont to tell how IrelaJtd was faved from perfecution in Q!_cen Mary's dayes ). But it is the moll heinous cruehy, when, as in Daniels cafe, there are Laws of impiety or ini· quity, made of purpofe to intrap the. innocent, by them that confefs, TVe jhaU ji11d 1tl.l fault agai;zjE ~bi1 Daniel, except it be concerning the Law of his Gcd; And then men roufl be taken in thefe Spiders webs, and accufed as fchifmatical, or what the conttivers pleafe. And cfpecially when it is real Ho.: linefs which is hated, and Order, Unity, Concord, Peace or Obedience to our Pafiors, is made the pretence, for.the malitious oppreffion of it. Gildar and Salvian have told Church Governours of this at large: And many of the perfecuted Proteflants have more largely told the Roman Cltrgy of it. It is a [mart complaint of him that wrote theEpijt. de ma/H DoUoribJu, afcribed to P. Sixtus 3• [ Hujur dotlrin.e ca11ja ( profantiit~tt fcilicet) paucor amico1 conquir;mt, & pluru inimicoJ; Necrjfe tjl enim eos qui pc>ccatorum vitia condcmnant, tamos habere contrarioi, quantal cxerctre vitia deleUat : I,: de ejl etiam quod iniqui1 & impii1 fa[iionibM opprimumur; qu~d criminibiH fa/fir appehmtur, quod httrtfit eti3m perfimduntur i;ifami::J : quod hie omnit inimicorum [unrum {ermo ab ipforum fnmit ob· trdlationr materiam. Sed quid mirum ut jl.~gitiofis h.ercfis videatur dot1riJta juftiti.e ? ~ibuuamen b.e;efii l Ip{orNm fecretumpattl tant11m inimicU ; cum fi fides diUH ine.ffet, amici illud p1uiiU fcire po.. tuiffent,&c. J Ddddd l The