Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

754 Ithacians admonijhed by tTJe .AiJtients. --~------------------------~-------------------- , The caufe is, faith Pro[p_cr de vi~. contem~/. I, I· eap. 20. & ex eo Hilitg•:iUI _C~marac./. 5· c. 19 .) Sed nos pr.e{entibus delcllat1, dum Jn hac vzta commoda nojlra & hon1rts mqummur, 1tOJt ut meli~ ores fed ut ditioru, non ut [anfliortJ, {td ut bonoraliores (iiNUI) c.tll:ris fiftilfamJH. Nee gregem da~ .mini q~ti nobU pafcendUI, tumdufq; commij}it5 eft, fed nojlras voluntater, dominationtm, divitiM, & u– teriJ blandimenta earnaliter cogit•mUI. Paftoru dici valumut, nee 'tamtn tffe contendimiH. Officii not -vitamm laborem, appetimur dignitatem; ImmHndorum {pirituum feras a grege dilaceraHcliJ nrm pr0i– m115 ; & quod eis reman{trat , ipfi confumimus : ~ando peccantu divitts vel pottntrJ non [alum 110 n tSrguimul, fed etiam veneramur: ne nobU aut munera [olita oJftnfi non dirigant, aut obfiquia defidtw r.Jta fubducant : ac fie muneribur eorum & ~bflquiis capti , immo per h£c ilJU additii, loqui eir de peccata {ua aut de futuro j~tdicio formidamJU: Ad bJc tanaum Potentu effetii, :1t nobif in [ 11 bjdlos dominationem tyrannicam vindictmzu : nan m ajJfUlos contra violu11iam pottntum qui in eos ftr<~.rum more f.eviunt, defmdamUf, Inde eft quod tarn a PotentibM hHjttl mundi, fjltRm a 1tobi4, qmd pew jzu eft, nonnuUi gravitcr jatigali dtptrCttnl, quos {e de. man11 noftra D~minm YtrjHijiJUrum terribiJitrr C9mminatur-- SttJp. SevtriH alfo toucheth the fore whtn he faith, Hi(l.l. 2• Certatim glorio{a i;z certamina rzte· hillur, multoq; avidiur tum martyria gloriojis mortibm qu.erebantHr, fJHim nunc Epifc~patiY pr.JvHam.. bitionibu; appetuntur. But when he faith ibid. aftu Co•fta•tines delivery of the Church, fNequt ultrrius perfccutionem fore cretlimu;, nifi eam quam {ub fine jam f£culi Antichrijlm extrcebit, either he was very grofly mi~ fiaken, or dfe thofc are the inllruments of Antichrill that are not thought fo. It is a moll notable inllance to our purpofe which StverU< ends his Hiflory with, of the mif– ~hievous zeal of Orthodox Ithaciu;, and Idacius againll Pri[ciUian and his Gnollicks ; and worthy of the lludy ofthe Prdates of the Church, [ Idacius fine modo & ultra quam oportuit ljlantium [ociofq; tj~~< lae~ffens, facem nafcemi inccndio {ubdidit : ut exafperaverit malos potiur quam comprtfftri.t. J In fwmm, they got the Magillrate to interpofe and banifh the Gnollicks ; who quickly learned by bribing Court Officers to turn the Empcrour againll the Orthodox for themfclves: Till the zeal of Idaciu; aad Ithaciu; grew fa hot as to accufe even the hcfi men , yea, St. 1r1artin himfclf of favouring the Gnollicks: And at !all got another Tyrannical Emperour to put Prifcillian and many other G~ofiicl<s to death: Though they withdrew from the accufation, as tending to their own confufion. And Severu; faith [ Certe Itbacium nibil penfl, nihil flml1i habuiffe definia: fuit enim audax, loquax, im– pudeiu, fumptua/ili, vemri & gule plHrimum impertims. Hie flultitie eo ufqut practfferat, ut omnes ttiam fantios viros, quibur aut ftudium inerat lcllionil, aut propofiwm erat ctrtare jejuniis, t•nqu~m Pri)cilli11ni {ocior & difcipulos, in crimen arceffiret. AufMetiamMifer eft, MartinuEpi[copo, viro plane Apoftolis confertndo, palam objtl1are h.ertfis itifamiam :--qHia non Jefinebat increpare Itbacium, ut ' ob accufaliont clif!ftmt. J And when the Leaders were put to death, the Herefie increafed more, and honoured Prifi:iUian as a Martyr, and reproached the Orthodox as wicked perfecuters: And the end . was that the Church was filled by it with divifions and manifold mifchiefs, and all the moll godly t made the common fcorn. [ Inter b1c plel)J Dei & op1im111 quifq; probro a1que Judibrio habcbatur. J 1 They are the !all words of StvlrH<'s Hifiory : And changing the names are calculated for another Meridian and for later years. CHAP.