• rf\. BA 'D E !1\.; H~ve fomething to fay to d~ee of the number of thefe Cafesi fomewhat of the Order, and !omewhat of the mamter of hand – ling and refolving them. I. That they are fo Many is be– caufe there are really fo many difficulties which all metl are not able to refolve: That they are 110 more, is,partly becaule [ could not remember then any more that were riecelfarily to be handled, and [was not willing to increafe fo great a Book with things unnecelfary. I I. As to the Onler I have fome Reafons for the crder of mofl: of them; which would be too tedious to open to you : But fome of them are placed out of order, becaufe, t. I coulEl not remember them in du,e place. 2. And great hafl:e allowedmenotTimetotranfpofethem; If you fay that in fuch a work l f110uld take ti1i1{, 1anfwer, You are no cornpetem \ judges, unlefs you knew me and the refl: of my work, and the likelyhood that my time will be but fhort: They that had rather take my Writings with fuch defeCts which are the effeCts of hafl:e, than have none of them, may ufe them, and the refl: are free to defpife them and negleCt them. Two or three ~efl:ions about the Scripmre, l would have put nearer the beginning if l could have time; Bm feeing I cannot, it's eaiie for you to tranfpofe them iu the reading. I [I. The refolution of thefe Ca[es [omuch avoideth ail the extreams, that I look they 1l1ould be difplealing to all that vafl: number of Chrifl:ians, who involve themfelves in the opinions and imerefl:s of their feveral feets as fuch ; and that hold the faith of our Lord J efus Chrifl:, with r efpea of perfons. But there will ~e fl:ill a certain number of truly Catholick im– partial Readers, whofe favourable acceptaace l confidently prcgnofl:i– cate; and who, being ourof.rhe dufl: and noife and paffions o~ wmending fides and parnes and thetr mterefl:s, w1l1 fee a felf-evtdencmg Light in rhofe folmions, which are put off here briefly, withour the pomp offormal argumentation, or perfwadingOratory. The eternal Light reveal him– felf to us, by Chrifl: who is the Light of the World, and by the Illumina– tion of the fpirit and word of Light ; that we may walk in the Light as the Children of Light, till we come to the World of Glorio'us Everlafl:~ ingLight. And what other defeCt !oever our knowled_ge have, if any man hath knowledge enough to kiridle in him the Low of Gocl, tTJe fmne is k>wlvll of Him, and therefore is Beloved by Him, and flull be Blelfed \Vith and in Him for ever) 1 [or. 8.t, 1., 3· Fffff1; CASES