Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

WIJicb is the tme Cb. What qualifications are to be look't after in cbooji11g ap.zrticular Cb. 773 Prop. 20• There i5 gre1t difference in the Purity or frmnd.:c{t, of rlie ft.ver:tl parts. of che ll,liv(ril l . Church; fome being more Orthodox: and hu!y, and fim1e det1kd wich fO many E.rrol!rs and tins, G.,]. f. ii,1 2· as ro make it ditliculc m d·ifcern whcrhcr they dO nordeny the very tfr:ntill< • Prop. 21. The Reformed Churches arc the founddi and·purdl: char _we know in the world, and Rev. 3 s, 9; therefore their priviledge exceeding gte:.!t, though 1hey a!c not all the Un;v~rfll Church. , . . . Jo, 11, 12. Prop. 22· Par[icular Churches conti!ling of Lawfnl Pajlor1 and Chrijii.m people, aJT ci 1tcd f()r prr~ f.~~ 1 ~·~!· {ona! Communion inTYo~(hip and brJ/y livi1t.2, arc focict ies or true Churc~1es of Ch ih) inftiwuon, and Ti 1 • 1 14 5 _--· the chief parts of the Univerf3.l Church : As Citie.:s and CorporJtions :uc of the Kingc.!oa1} R~·m r6. 4 ,1 6. Prop. 23· There arc thoufandsof thtfe in the world, and a m1n m.. y ~c favld in ont, as. wdl 1 Cor. 7 17. as in anoth~r: Only the purefi give him the bell advauta.:~u for his falvation ; Acd rht rdore (hould : 1 r. ~~- . be preferred by all thar are wilC and love their fouls~ fo far as they are fn:c eo choofc: rhtir Com2 1~n~r. ;,' 4~-t· munion. R~v. 1... 23. Prop. 24. The cafe then being e>(ily refi>lved [ "'hich u the true {:b,rch J? viz:. An Chifli 1 m :0; ar Chrijfian.t arc tl;e Cath(J/ick_. or Vniverfal ChurciJ ? and All CongrrgationJ afore defcribcd, of 1 Cor. r. r 3· true Paft9rJ and Chrif1ia111 beitrg p41rticular true Churchu, dlffuing only in of pl,lricy, he is to; r6. 17• be fufped:ed as a defigning deceh•er and troublcr of the world, that pretending to be a Learnc9 Afr.. ..o. 30. man and aTeacher, doth fl:ill perpleX the Confc.iences of the ignorant with this frivolnns ,qucfii~ on, and would muddy and obfcurc this cleat !late of the cafe, Id! the people !hould reil in thedikemcd truth. . . . , , , , Prop. 2 5• The Papal Church as fuch, being AO true Chursh of Chrifis inflitntion (of which by it felf anon) it followcth that a F•pijt at a Papip is no mtmb" of the Church of Chrifi, that is, Aei ,. .,: 110 ChrijHa;:. But yet whet~er the fame perfon may not be a Papift and aCbrijii:m, and fo a memb~r 1 ih'( 1 • 10 ., of thcCatholickChurch, we{hall anon·enquiie: . I c· 5· ~~: , PrOp. 26. T here are many things which go to make up the fitnefs and defircablncfs of rhat particu~ P.t'b, 1 p. 1 s-. 1ar Church, which we fl1ould prefer or choofe for oar ordinary perfonal Communion: As, r. That 1T:m. J;·7· it be the ChUrch of that place where we dwe11; If the place be fo happy as to have; no dividej 3 ]oh. 11. thurches, that it be the foie Cb,trch there; However thlt it be fo nrcr~·• to be fir for OUI Communion. 2· That it be a Church whi~h holdeth Communion with other neighbour Chuiches, and is not· fin· gular or divided from them; Or at leafi not from the Generality of the Churches of Chrill: ; nor dilfereth in any great matters from thofc that are moll pure. 3• That it be under the Reputation Mt 16.~2,J4. of foundnrfl with the other· ChurchCS afo 1 Iefaia, and not under the fcandal of Herdi::, Schifm or ~g. :~: ;: 22 •· gro{Scorruption among thofe rhat live ahour; 4• That it be under the countenance and encouraging Col. 4 • ! $· favour of the Chrifiian Magifiratc; !;. That it be the falne Church of which the reil of th' family which we are of) be membfts ; That Husband and Wife, Parents and Children, MaHcrs and Seivantc; be not of fevcral Churches. · 6. That the Pafiors be able Teachers, prudent Guides and of holy live•, and diligent in their office. 7• That the Pallors be regularlY called to their office. 8. That rhc mem~ bcrs be intelligent, peaceab~e and of holy, temperate and righteous lives. But when all theft Clmlot be had together, we mull choofe that Chnrch which hath tho'fc qualitications,which are moH needful and bear with toltrabJe imperfc:Clions. The rnoft needfUl are the tirfi, fccond and fixrh of thefe q'-la: liticO&tions. Prop. 27• He that is free, lhould choofe that Church whii:h is the fit tell for his own edification; that is, T he ben Pafiors, people and adminill:rations. Prop. z8. A mans freedom is many wayes reHrained herein. As, 1. When it will tend to a greater Fublick hurt, by di{Qrder, ill cx~m~le, divifion,difcouragement) &c. 2· when .fuperiours !Orbid it; Of there· A'l HusbJ.nds, P.uents, Mal\ers, Magdlrates. 3· By fome fcandal. 4• By the drO:ance or mconveni~ thinus I h:ol'e ence of our dwdling. 5• By difiC:rcntes of )udgemetlt, and other caufes of contention in the fa id f:~id(l> muclt Churches; And many other Waye!. ~~1~~J1c~1:& .. Defence of it, and in the end of m'yRtllj.ofcMifl. Rt!ig. Co.'!fu1. I. & 2. tim I p3.f>dum over h~te with theo:~~l~r~:i\i: Prop. 29· Afree man.who temoveth from One Church to another for his edification, is iJOt there~ fore a Separatilt or Schifrriatick: B'ur it.ri'IUfi: not be done by one that is not free, but upon fuch 11 e.. ceffity as free'h him. · Prop. 3P· It is fchiftn or finfyl feparation to feplrate from, r. A: true Church as no true Church ;' 2· .From Lawful Wor!hip and Communion; as unh.wful; Bllt of this more in its proper pbce.