Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Is Separatio11 from tiJe Romifh (lmrciJ tmd UifS a duty 1 Qgell:. 6. Whether tl1oje tbdt are !n tbe [hiJrc/) of Roine, . m bound to fe· parate from it ~ A11d whether it be lawftll to go to tl1etr Mafs or other Worjhip ~ THefe two al[o for brevity I joyn together. , I. To the fir£\, we mu£\ diQinguith of feparation: •· It is one judge that evil which is evil, and ft:parate from it in Judgement. 2• It is another thing to. txprtfs this by forbearing to fubfcribe, fwear, or otherwife app~ove that evil. 3· And another thmg to forbear communion with them in the Mafs and Image W01fi1ip, and grofs or known fins • 4·. And another thing to forbear all <:ommul"lion with them, even as to Baptifin, and other lawful thmgs. 5· And another thing to ufe fame open detcllarions or protefiations againfi them. . . . 2· And we mull difiinguith much of perfons, whether they be Minifiers or people, free or bound, as Wives, Children, &c. And now I anfwer. z. There is no qllefiion but it is aduty to judge all that evil which is evil, among the Papills or any othc:r. 2· It is the duty of all to forbear fubfcribing, fwcaring to, or otherwife approving evil. 3• It ls the duty ofall M•fs-Priefis to renounce that put of their calling, and not to adminifier their Mafs, or any other unlawful thing. 4• lt is the duly of all priv.oite Chrillians to forbear communion in the Mafs, becaufe it is a kind of Idolatry, while they worlhip a piece of Bread as God : As alfo lmage-Worthip and all other parts of their Religion, in which they are put upon fin themfelves, or that which is nOtorious fcan– dal and fymbolizing with them in their Bread-worthip, or other C:onupt~ons of the fubfiance of Gods Ordinances. 5• It is their duty who have lit opportunity, ( wllen it is like to do mote good than harm) to protei\ again!! the Papal corruptions where they are , and to declare their deteftation of them. 6. It is the duty of thofc that have children to be baptized, or catechized, to make ufe ofmore lawful and found Mini£\crs, when they may be had; rather than of a Papift Priefi. 7· But in c.1fe they cannot remove: or enjoy better, I chink it is lawful, I· To let fuch baptize their children, rather than leave them unbaptized. :z. To let their childnn be taught by 1hem to read, or in Arts and Sciences, or the Catechifm, and common principles of Religion, fo they will mix no dlngerous errors. 3. And ro hear thofc of them preach, who preach tOundly arid pioufiy ( f1.1ch as were Grrrh&rd Zutpbanicnfu, T'haulersu, Fcrm, and many more). 4· And to read fuch good 'Books as lhtfe now mencioncd have written. 5· And ro joyn with them in fuch Prayers as are tound and pious, fo they go no further. · . S. And Wives, Children, and fuch other a.s art bound, and cannot lawfully remove , may flay ..mong them; and rake up with theft hdps, dealing faithlully in abftaining from the reil. . I I. T he fccond QJ)ef\ion is anfwered in this. Only I add, that it is one thing to be prcfent a• E'U:Hwas) in a way ot oppufition to them; or as Difputants arc, that open their errors; or as a wi[e man m4y ,go 10 htuor t~e what they do without complyancc, as we read their Books: And it is anodtcr thing eo joyn with them in their finful worfl1ip, or fcandaloufly to encourage them in it by fceming fu to do. Sec Calv. CoHit• Nicod. &c. Q!)ef!:. 7. Whether the true Calling of tl1e Minifter by Ordi11atio11 or Bleai. on, &c. be necejfary to the Effmce of tbe Church ~ · By a Church here we mean a Polilical Socitly ofChriftians, aad not any Affcmbiy or Community. And no doubt but Pallor and flock are the conftitutive parts of fucb a Church; And where either of them are n9torioufly wanting, it is notorious that there is no tmc Church. Therefore: all the doubt is, whether fuch parts of his Call be necetTary to the being of the Minifiry, or not ~ And here we mull conclude, that the word [ Minij!ry J and [ CbHrcb J are ambiguous : By aMi– jfrr or Paflor ts meant etther one that God io far owncth as to accept and jufiifie his adminiHrations as for bimfelf, even his own good and filvation; or one whofc adminifirations God will own accept and bkfs to the people. ' I •. In th~ former fen!e •· He is no true MiniHer that wanteth the effential qualifications of a Mtmfier, m;. that hath not, •· The underftandmg and belief of all the effential Articles of faith, without' 77')