Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

8oo WIJet!Jer Pajlors be Lmv>makers and Canons be Larvs! 8. No man is to intrude inro anotheu Charge without a Call; Much lefs ro cl.lim a parti 1 O:ated Overfight and Autho.rity. For thoug~ he be nor. an V(urpcr as to the Office in General, chue ~~ an ufurper as to that parucula~ ~ock. lr JS no error m Ordmacion to fay [ 1ak._t thou authority ta prec~ch the 1Vord ofGod, c~nd ad':'mufltr the holy Sacra~enti when thou fhalt be thtrtto lawfuUy caL"ed ,] that is, when thou hafi a puuculu call to the txtr'ci[e, and to a fixed Ch11rge, as thou haft now a Call to the Office in y,enrral. 9 . Yet ev~ry Bifhop or P•tlor by his Relati.o~ to the Chur~Univerfal, and to mankind, and the in– tercft ofCht~fl:, is bound not only as a Chniltan, but as a P,.l\or, 10 do his bef\: for the common oood ; and not to eaU wholly out of his care, a particular Church, bccaufe another hath che ove _ ~ght of ir. Therefore if an Herctick._ get in, or the Chutch fall to Herdie, or any pernicious err~r or fin, theneighbo~~ P:d\ors arc ?ound both by the Law of N.uure and their Office, to intcrpoG: t_heir Counfel as Mnllf\:crs of Chnll, and t~ prefer t_he fi1b~ance before pretended order , and ro feck to recover the peoples {ouls, though H be agamJ1 thc1r proper Pcfiors will. And in fuch ~ cafe of ncctA~cy, they t~ay ordain, degnde, excommunicate and abfolve in anothers charge, as if H were a vacmty. 10 , Moreover it is one thing to excommunicate a man out of a particular Church, and another 1 . Cor. ~. thing for man~ affoc.iated Churches ?r Neighbours t~ renounce Communion with him: Thejpecial T1r. J· to. PajiorJ of particular Churches, havmg th~ ~overnmcnt of thofi Churcbu, are the fpec1al Governing :: Thdf. >· ~~. Judges, who {hall or 01a1\ not have Commumon .as a~ember m their Churcb~s: But the: neighbotlr– :: John to. Pajlors of other Clun:chtt have: the power of Judgmg ~Hh whom they. and tbezr own flock.! will or will R.-:v. :.. 14 ,rs, not hold Commumon. As e. g. Athanaji~M may as ....:~overnour of h1s flock declare any Arri 1 n-mem- :.o. ber excommunicate: and requite his ~ock to have n~ Communion with him. And all the 8 eigh– bour Pailors ( t~ough they cxc~mmunlcatc not the fame mm as bi.-1 [fcci!ll Govcmours, yet ) may declare to all their flocks, that tf that man come among them, they will have no Communion with him and that a[ di{hncc they renounce that clifhnt Communion which is proper to Chrifiians one wit!; ano1hcr, and take him for none of the Church of Chrilt. Q!_e!l: . 15. W/JetiJerCanons be Laws ! And Pajlors IJave a Legijlative P01ver ! :ALL men uc: not agreed what a £,nv is, that is. what is to be ukcn for the proper fcnf~ of thlt lfl'ord. Some will have the name contined to fuch Common Ln:Ps al are fl.:ztcd durable Ruler for rhe [ubjells anions : And fame will extend it alfo to pErflm~l tcmpGr.;ry vtrb.:ll Prcctpu and 1\1.Jnd.Jtet. fuc:h as Parents and Mttlers ufc daily to the children .and ferv.mts of !heir families. And of the firlt fort, fame will confine the name [ L~~Ws J to thofe acts of Sovcraignry which are about the comm:m m&tterJ of the Kingdom, or which no interiour Offi.::c:t may make: And others will extend it to rhofe Orders which by the Sovenigns Charter, a Corporation, or Coliedge:, er School m1y u:altc for the fubregu1ation of their pnticular focietics and atfJirs. I have declared my own oph1ion de nomine fully cl fewhere, 1. Thlt the ddiaition of a Law in the proper ;,tntral fenR, is, To be A fir,a or fignification of. tbe l?..e.;{un and TYiU of tbe Rellor a 1 fuch, to his fubjells as foch, inftituting or antecedently determJning what jh.1ll he Due from them, and to them; Jus tfficiendo, Regularly makJng Right~ 2 • That thefe L4ws are many more w.tyes dtve(fified and dillingui{hcd ( from the dfi:ienr, fign. fubjed's, matter, end, &c.) than is m·ect for us here to cnumenre. lt is fuffic:icnt now to iily,. 1. ThatftatcdRegulating LJJWJ as ditlind: fwrn ttm,orary Mlndltcs a.nd Produn.uions: 2· And Lawr fur Kingd'Jml and otllct Cermno;z-JTt<lltb~, .in regard of Laws for Ptr{ons, Scbo&IJ, F<1milics &c. -3· And Laws made by the Supream Power, as dtHmct from tho~e made: by the derived auth.:rity of Colleges, Corporations, &c. called By-LawJ or Orders, ( For I wtl_l .here f.&y nothing of P.1rtnts and Pajtors, whofc Authority is dirc:Ctly or immediately from the tftiCICncy of Nature in one, and Divine l»jlius– tion in the other, and not derived <.fficiently from the Magitlute, or any m111 ). 4· That Ltws about gre~t fobjlan~ial maucrs, dit\inCI: from thofe about little and mutaU!e circumfl.mces, &c. I fay the firJi fort as diflinct from the {ecood, are L::ws fo ~.&lied by ExccL'ency above other Laws. But that the nfi arc •mivocaUy to be called Laws, accordmg to lhe bdl dc:finicion of the L 3 w in Generc. But if any man will fpcak othtrwifc:, let him remember lhat it is yet bur lis de nomi11e, and that he may ufehis libtrty, and I will ufe mint?• Now to the ~cfiion. I· CaniJ»t made by Pirtut of the Pafroral Office and GodJ Gemrat Lan's ( in N.&turc or S::ripture) for regulating it, are a fort ofLawt to the f•bjtfil or flock.! of tlnfe Pajlort. :2. Canons made by the Votes of the Laily of the Church, or priva1e pllt of tlut fi>ciely as pri – vate, arc no Laws at all, but Agreements; Btcaufe they are nOt ads.of any Govuni11g power. 3· Canons made by Civil Rulcu about the circumfhntials .of the Chmch, bdongi~tg to their Office, as ordcrus offuch thing~, arc Laws, and m•y be urged by moderate a11d mea civil or corporal pelul· tics, and no otherwife. 4 . Canons made by Princes or inferiour Magiflrates, arc no Laws purely and formaL'y Eccldiaflical, which arc dftntially Ads of Pafloul pow<r: But cnly Matrri"lj l:cchfiujlical, and formally MJgi· jlwica(. 5· No