Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

ilo1 Is uninterrupted StlcceJSiozl necefJary ? ~efl:. 16._Whether (]mrciJ' (anons, or Paftors J?ireHive 1Jeterminations of mat. ters pertment to tlmr Office, do bmd the Confc1ence ? .And zv!Jat accidents will difoblige the people ; you .may $ath:r before in the fame cafe about Magi. Jlrates Latvs , m the Poltttcal 1JtreEhons : .As aifo by an tmpartial transferring the Cafe to the f>recept> of Parentr az:d SciJoolmafters to ClJi/drm . with. out rejpeft to their Potver of the IJ\gd ( or (i,ppofing that they /;ad non~ fucb. ) <l.i!efl:. ! 7. What are [hrijts appointed 11ieans of the Unity and Concord of the Uni'Vnfal CburciJ , and confeqrmztly of its preferl!dtion, if there be no Rm~ane Uzziveifal Head azzd Governour of it upon Bart/J.? .And if CIJrijl: hal!e injlituted none fuciJ, 'f!'he~ber tf>rud:nce and the Lat~ ofNature oblige not the Church toJet tlp and mamtam mz Unzveifal Ecclejiajltcal Monarcll'j or Ariftocracy ·? Seei~g tbat which is Every mans work~ u M No mans 1 azid omitted .bY. all? carb•li,+ unity I. TO the firll que!lion I niull refer you in part to two ftnall popular yet fatisfatlory Tracht<·• and rf;e T'tt~t written long ago, rhat I do not one thing too oft. Briefly now, . CalbQ/ et and 1. The Vnity of the Univcrfal Church, is founded in, and maintained by "their Common Re1ation Cbu"b de: to Chrill the Head, ( as the Kingdom in its Relation to the King ). fwi~d. 1 ""2. AConcord in Degreu ofGoodnefi:, and in Integrals and Accidentals ofChrifiianity, \_\'iit rieY-ef be obtained on earth, where the Church is llill itnperfetl : And ptr{efJ Holinefi and Wifiiom, arc necdfary to Pcrfell Harmony and Concord, Phil. 3· 12, 13, 14· · . 3. Expeticncc bath long taught the Church, if it will learn, that the claim of a Papal Head– Chip and Government over. cheChurch Univerfal, hath been the famous incendiary, and hinderer of Concord in the Chrifiian world. 4· The means to auain fuch amcafurc ofconcord and harmony which is tO behoped f(fr, oren· deavoured upon eanh, I have fo dillihdly, fully, and yet briefly defcribed ( with the contrary Impediments) in my Treatifc of the ReafowofCbriftianReligion Part 7• Chap. 14. pag. 470, 47'· in about two leaves, that I will not recite them. If you fay, You arc not bound to read che Books which I refer you to; I anfwcr, Nor tbif. 11. To the latter Q!tllion I anfwer, t. To fct up fuch an Univerfal Head on the fuppofition of natural Reafons and HLtnianc Policy is, 1. To crofs Chrifis lnfiitution, and the Ltws of rhe Holy Ghofl, as huh been long proved by Proteflants from the Scripture. 2· lt is. Treafon again!\ Chtifis Sovcraign Office to ufurp fuch a Vicegerency whhout his Com– miffion. 3. 1t is again£1 the notorious light o£ Nature, which tclleth us of the Natural Incapacity of Mortal man to be fuch an Univerfal Govcrnour through the world. 4 : It is to fin againfi long, and dreadful common experience, and to kt:ep in that fire that hath ddiroycd Ewperours, Kingsand Kingdoms, and fet the Churches PafiotS and Chrillian world in thofc divifions which arc the great and fervtceable work of Satan, and rhe 1mpcdtment of the Churches increafc,'purity and- peace, and the notorious thamc of the Chrifiian profeffion in the eyes of the Infidel world. · And if fo many hundred years fad experience, will not anfwer them that fay [If the Pope wetc a good man, he might unite us all,] I conclude that fuch dcfcrve to ~e deceived, 21bejJ. 2• IO, I I, 12. Q!efl:• .. -- .... -"-