Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

804 'Parsnts and 'Bijhops poJVer compared. May a Paftor be a'J)ijciple to another?. Arriuf, that Chrifi is true God, and one with the Fatrur in fubfiance, &c. But if they had faid the contnry, mutt we have taken it for Gods truth, or have believed them? I I. To judge who for Hertjie or Seandal, fl1all be punifl10d by the Sword, be!ongeth to none but the M.lgi(\ure in his own dominions: As to judge who fhall have Communion or be cxcommunicaced flom the Church, belongcrh, as aforefaid, to the Paflors. And the faid Magifiratc hath firfi as a matJ his own J;tdgemtnl of di[cerning what is Hcrefie, and who of his fubjeCb arc guilty of it in order to his public~ Govcming Judgement. , 12• The Civil SupreamRuler may Anucedenoly exercife this Judgement of Difcerning (by the Teaching of their proper Teachers) in order to his confequcnt fentenccs on offenders; And fo in his Law1 may tell the: fubjeC\:s, what .DoCt~ines and pra8:~ces he will cithe.r Tolerate or punilll. Ar1d thus may the Church PaHors d.o m theu Canons to thctr feveral flocks, m relation to Commu~ nion or non-communion. ~ I3· He that will condemn parlic:.Zar perfonJ as H~rcticks or offenders, mull allow them to fpeak for themfe\ves., and hear the proofs, and give them that which jufiicc rcquireth, &c. And if the Pope can do fo at. the Antipodes, . and in all the worl~ either pt~ [t, or per alium without give– ing that other 1)1s dfcnual claimed power, let htm prove It by better experience rhan we have had. , I 4· As the prime and fole-univcrfal Legifhtion belongeth to Jefus Chrifi, fo the /ina! Judge– ment univerfal and particular, bclongcth to him, which only will end all Controver!ies, and from which there is no appeal. ~efl:. 29. Wkether a Parents poJVer o)•er /,is CJ,i/dren, or aPaftor or many Paftors or !Bijhops owr the fame Children, as parts of tl1eir flock, be greater, or more ob. l{ging in matters of(]\sl{gion and publick Worjhip ~ T His being toucht on fomewhere elfe, .I only now fay, I· That if the cafe were my own 1 would •· Labour to know their ditfcrtnt Powers, as to the matter command(d, and obty e;ch in rhat which is proper !0 his place. • 2. If 1 were young and ignonnr., Natfiral necef!ity, and natural obligation together, would give my Parents with whom I lived fuch an advantage above: the MiniHer (whom I fc:ldomc: fee or undcr– ftand ) as would determine the c~fe de evrntu, and much de jure. . 3• If my Parents commanded me to hear a Teacher who is againfi Ceremonies or certain Forms and to hear none that arc for them, natural necc:ffiry here alfo (ordinarily ) would make it my dutY tirft w hear and obey my P"arents: And in many other cafes, rill I came w undcrlland the gJCater power of l·hC P.tHou, in rheir own place and work. 4· But when I come to Church, or know rhar the judgement of all Concordant Godly Paflors, con· demncth fuch 'a thing as damnable Herefie or Sin, whiCh any Father commandeth me w receive and profefs, I would more believe and follow the Judgement of the Pallors and Churches. ~efl:. 30. May an Office Teacher or Paflor be at once, m a flated rJ(elation of aPaftor and aVifciple to {ome ot!Jer Paftor? I· TH1t 1imooby w.sllillPaulJSon in point ofLearning a~d hisDifciple, and fo that under Apojlles the fame perfons mJght be llcted m both relattons at once , feemeth evJdent in Scripnue. 2· But.. the fame that is a Pallor is not at once a meer Lay~m;m. 3· Th.1.t men in the fame Office may fo differ in Agt, Experimce., and dtgreu of knowledge as rhat yl)ung Paftors may and often ought, many years to continue, not only in occafional reception of their help, but alfo in an ordinary ftatcd way of receiving it, and fo be Related to them as their o-rdinary 1t•chtrt, by fuch gradual •dvantagcs, is pall all doubt. And that all Juniors and Novices OIVt a certain reverence and audience, 2nd fomc obedience to the elder and wifcr. 4· But this is not to be a Difciplc to him as in lower Order or Office, but as of lower Gifts and Gracr. 5· It is lawful and very good for the Church, that fome Ordaimd perfum continue long as Pupils to their Tutors in Scbooli or Academii1, ( t• g. to learn the holy Languages, if they have them ~or, .;,, ) But this is a relation left to volunrory Contractors. <Un