·8o6 Is a pro{ej(i11g tmbapti;<Jd perj011 a(ht~rc1H1ltmber ~ ..~r.n. zS, 19 , cular Church ~ And he may be baptized in folitude, where there is no particular Church. The Eunuch 2o. Atl. S. Was not baptized into any particular Church. 3 . Baptifm doth bdt make us Chrijlians: But a man may be a Chrillian who is no member of any paiticu1ar Church. . . 4 . O[herwifeBaptifm !ho~1ld obh?e us ne_cdfarily. to a m~n, and be .a t::ovenant bcrwfen the Ba– ptized and the Pajlor and Church <nto wluch he •! bapuzed: But 1t JS only our Covenant with Cbrijl. 5· vve may frequently change our particular CIJUrcb relation ; without being baptized again. But we never change our relation to the Church which we are baptized into, unlcfs by Apofiafie~ 2• Yet tiJe fome perfon at the fome time that he U baptized may be tntred into the univerfal Church and into a p.:rticular ; And ordinarily it ought to be fo where it can be had. ' 3· And the Covenam which we maJr...e in baptifm with Chrijl~ doth oblige us to obey him, and confe– qutntly to ufc his. infiitutcd means, and fo to hear his Minifiers, and hold due Communion with his Chutches. · 4 . But this doth no more enter us into aparticular Church, than into ap.srticular family. For we as well oblige our fclves to obey him in fami!Y relatiom as in Chu;ch relations. t 5 . when the baptized therefore is at once entered into the univerfal and particular Chu":h, it is done by a double con(<nt, to the double relation. By baptijin he profeffcth his confent to be a member of Chrift and his univrrf.sl Chutch ; andadditionally he confenteth to be guided by that particular Pallor in t¥ t p.uticul.u Church; which is ~tnotber Covenant or Confent• .Qgell. 33· Whetl,er Infants Jhot~ldbe 'Bapti;<Jd ~ I haw anj1vered lo1~ agoe i11 4. Treatife on that Subjerr. jflo What Infants jhould be 'Bapti;zed ~ .And 1V!Jo hal>e 11\i.gbt to Sacraments ~ .And JVhether Flypocrites are Ullil>ocally or eqt~il>ocally (hrijtians and [lmrch,mem: bm,I hal>e refohied in nry Difput. of Right to Sacraments. Qgefl:. 34· Whether a11 u11bapti;<Jd perfon IVIJo yet maketl1 a publick pro{e{fio11 of Cbrijtianity, be amember of tl1e J/ifible (hurcb ~ _dndfo of tbe Infants of 'Be: lie1Jers tmbapti;zed. . A#[w. I· sUch por(ons have a ce;tain Imperfect irregular kind of profcffion, and fa of Meroberfhip ; Their Vifibility or VifiblcChrifiiani!J is not fuch as Chrifi hath appointtd. As thofe that are Marryed, but not by Legal Celebration, and as thofe that in cafes of ncceffiry arc Minifiers without Ordination; (Q are fuch Chritlians as Conftantine and many of old without Baptifm. z. Such perfons ordinarily are not to be admitted. to the Rights and Communion of the Vifible Church, becaufe we mull know Ch1i0s fhcep by his own nmk : But yet they are fa far vifible Chrifii– ans) as that we may be perfwadcd nevcrthclcfs of their {Pivation. As to vifible Communion, they have but a remote and incornpleat jus .sd rem, and nojuJ in re, or legal invcfiiture and poifeffion. 3· The fame is the cafe of unbaptized Infants of believers, bccaufe they are not of the Church mccrly as they are their natural feed ; but becaufe it is fuppofed that a perfon himfelf dev01ed to God, doth alfo devote his Cbiidrm to God : Therefore not Hature only, but this fuppofition arifing from the true natureof his owndtdication to God, is the reafon why believers Children have their right to Bap– tifm : T herefore till he hath Ael:ually devoted them to God in Baptifm, they are not legally members of the Vifiblc Church, but only in fieri and imperfectly as is faid. Of which more anon.