Of tbe [ertainty of Sall!atioll of :Bapti~d l11{allts. 2· Some think that all Infants (dying fuch) are faved as others are, by adual fdicity in Heaven~ though in a lower degree. Both 1hcfe forts fuppofe that Chril\s death faveth all that reject it nor, and that Infants reject it not. ' 3· Some think that allunbaptized Infants do fuffer theprenam damni and are !hut out of Heaven and happincfs, but not fenfibly puni{hcd or cafi into Hell. For this JanfcniJH harh wrote a Treari(e ; and many other Pdpills think fo. 4 . Some thin!< that all the Children of fincere believers dying in infancy are faved (that is Glo– rified) whether baptized or not"; and no others. 5• Some think that God hath not at all revealed what he will do wirh any Infants. 6. Some think that he hath promifed falvation as ' aforefaid to believers and their feed, but hath not at all revealed to us what he will do with all the rdl. 7· Some. think that only the Baptized Children of true believers are certainly ( ~y promife ) ~~ . 8. Some think rhat all the ad>ptedand bought Children of true ChriOians, as well as the natur3l, are faved ( if baptized, fay fame; or if not, fay others.) • 9· Some think that Elect Infants are faved, and no other, but no man can know who thofe are-o And of thefe, 1.Somc deny Infant Baptifrn; 2. Mofi fay that they are to be baptized~ and rhat there"' by the non-clcd are only received into the vifible Church, and its priviledges, but not ro any promife or certainty of Jullihcation, or a Hate of f31vation. IO· Some think that all that are baptizedby the Dedication of Chriftian Sponfors are Caved• •u. Some think that all that the Pa.tl:or Dcdicareth to God are favcd, ( becaufe fo dedicated by him fay forne; or becaufc baptized ex opere cperato fay others.) And foall baptized1nfanrs arc in a flare of falvation. t • 12. Some think that this is to be limited to all that'~ave right toBlptifm coram Deo; which fomc think the Churches reception giveth them, of which anon. 13. And fome think it is to be limited to 'tho(C that have right coram Ecclc{ia,, or are righrfuHy baptized ex partt MiniflramU, where forne make the Mlgifhatcs command fufficienr, and forne th'c B!(hops and fome the baptizers will. . Of the title toBapti{m 1 (hall fpeak anon. Of the falvatinn of Inf.mts, it is too tedious to con- . fute all that I diffent from: not prefurning in fi1ch darknefs and diverlity of opinions to be pcrem~ ptory, nor to fay, I am certain by the Word of God rvho arc m:doubttdly favcd, nor yet to deny the un... doubted certainty of wifer men, who may ltnow that which fuch as 1 d'? doubt of, hut fubmitting what l.fay to the judgement of the Church ofGod a[\d my fupcriours, I humbly lay down my own thoughts as followerh. '· I think that there can no promifeor proof be produced that all unb•ptized Infants are faved, either from thepoma danmi or fonfxs or both. • 2• I think that no man cm prove that all unbapthed Infants are damned, or denyed ·Heaven. Nay I think I can prove a promife of the contrary. 3· All that are rightfully baptized in foro <~terno are vifible Chur~h members, and have Ecclefi<Oi· cal right to the privi!edges of the vifible Church. 4· I think Chrifi: never infiituted Baptifm for the collation of thcfe outward Pdviledges alone, un.. lcfs as on fuppofition that pcrfons culpably fail of the better ends. '5· I think Baptifm is a folemn mutual contract or Covenant between Chrift and the B.:pc-ized per.. fon. And that it is but one Covcnint, even the Covenant of Grace which is the fum of rhe Gofptl which is fealed and received in baptifin; And that this Covenant crt'cnti:i.lly containeth our faving re~ lati9n to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghofi, and ~u~ Pardon, JuO:ification and Adoption or right to life evcrlafiing: And that God never made any dlihnel: Covenant of outward Privilcdgcs alone, to be feakd by Baptifm: But that outward mercies are the fecohd and ldfer gift of the fame Covenant which giveth firl1 the great and faving bleffings. 6. And therefore that whoever hath ri£;ht before God, to claim and Receive Blptifm, hath right alfo to the benefits of the Covenant of God, and that is, to falvation: Though I fay not fo of every o~e th~t hath fuch right ?::fore the .Church, as that Go~ doth rc~ui~e t~': Minifier.to B1prizc him. For by Rrght btfore God, or m foro call I mean, fuch a R1ght as wJil JUfnhc: the clazm before God immedi~ atelr, the: periOn being one whom he commandeth in that prefcnt llate to claim and receive baprifm. :For many a one h:uh no fuCh· right before God to claim or receive it, when yet the MiniH~r hath right ro give it them if they do claim it. Mark r6. t6. The cafe Oands rhus. God faith in his Covena_nt, [He that bilievtth}hall be favrd, and ought to ~~: ~~~~~~s~ be B:J~tized to profcjj tbat belirf ~11d bt invcftu.l in the bmefits of the ~ovtnan~; And he that Profijf. th 1 _Cor 6. u . to belJevt ( wh11her be do or 1101) 1-! by tbe Church to be taken fur a vifible bc!tevcr, andby Bapti{m 10 bt Ttq.3 ,s,6, received into tbe Vifible Ch~trcb.J Here God calleth none but troe believers ( and their feed) to be ~eO. Io. 22. Baptized, nor maketh an aefual promife or Covenant with any orher; and fo I fay rhJt no other R.~h. 5;/ 6 ' ,have right in foro ccr/i. But yet the Church knoweJh not mens hearts, and muft rake a feriour Proftf c~~\. ~~: 4 ' fion for a credible. fi~n of the[aitb pr/lfrffid, and for that o~tward title upon which ir is a duty of r Peq:.21 1 :z2. the Pafior to Bap[]ze the cla1mer. So that the motl mahgnant fcornful hypocrite that rnakerh a Eph.4. 5· fecmingly ferious ~r?feffion, ~ath ~ight coram !i-cclrjia, bur not coram Dco, fave in this fcnfc:, rhaf God ACl:}6,~~·.~t would have the Mmlflcr Baptrze h1m• . Bu.r thiS I have brg~lycr opened in my Difputati1ms of Bit,IJJ Ad. 9 . 1 s. to S1cramentt• & 16. 15, B• & '9· r. 7· I chink Cai.J· 27 "