;J rt .lazvful to r![e tiJenJ? 0~1 JVhofe account lJa'Ve Infants right to 'Baptifm? 8 1 5 bccaufe of rhc greatnefs of the charge , and their avcrfnefs to adopt the children of others. 8. It would make great confufion in the Scare, while all men were bound to exchange children with another. 7· I .never knew one man or woman that was a God-father or God-mother on fllch terms, rior that rook the chiUl to be thtir own: And iffuch a one £hould he found among ten thoufand> that is nO rule to difcern the judgem<nt of the Church by. 8. And in Confirmation the Godfatlur andGo4-mothcr is exprefly faid to be for this tlfe, to be 1?it· nr.fl"estbat tht Party is Confirmtd. 9· And in the Priefis fpeech to the Adult that come for baptifm, in th<OIIice ofbaptifm of thofe of riper years, it is rhe perfons themfelves that arc to promifc and covenant for thernfdves, and the God-fathers and God-mothers are only called [ thefe your WitneJJn. J And if they be bmWitm(J'u 10 the adult, its like they are not Adopter! of lnf3~tJ. I J. Thofe that doubt of the L•wfuloefs of ufing Sponfors for their children, do it on theft twry accounts : I. As fuppofing it unhwful to make fo promifcuous an Adoption of childun , or of chocfing another to be a Covenanter for the child inflcad of the Parent, to whom it bclongeth ; at to commit their d1ildren to anothers either propriety, or education 1 or formal promife of that which bdongcrh to education, when they never mean (0 perform ir, nor can do. 2.Becaufe they rake ir for an Adding to the Ordinance of God, a rhing which Scripture never rnentioneth. To which I anfwer. . t. I grant it unJawful ro fuppofc another to be the Pa.rent or proprietor that is not: Or to (up· pofe him to have that power and interdl: in your child w.hich he hath not: Oc. to defire him to undertake what he cannot perform, and which neither he nor you intend he llull perform: I gunt that you are not bound to alienate the propriety of your children, nor to take in another to be joint-proprietors; nor to put out your children to the God-fathers education. So rhat if you will rnifundcrfland the Ufe ofSponfors, then indeed you will make them unlawful robe fo ufed. But if you take them but as the antient.Churchcs did, fG>r fuc:h as do attefi the Parent! fidelity (in their perfwafion,J· and dopromi[e firll to mind you of your duty, and next w take care of the ,hil– drens pious education if you dye, 11 k.nowno teafon.you ~av:e to fcrup1e this much. Yea more, j[ is in your own power to <~gre~ With the God-lathers, that they fhal1 reprtfent yoUr own Mper[on1, and fpeak and promife what they do, as your deputieJ only, inyour nameJ? And what have you againfi this ? Suppofe you were fick, lame,;jmprifoned or b1nifhcd, would you not havl! your child baptized ? And how !hould that be done, but by your deputing another to rcpref<nt you in en· tring him into Covenant withGod? Object. But 'Rihtn the Church-men mean anethtr thing, tbi1 ir but to juggle with the world• .A.nfw. How can you prove that rhe authority that mide or impofed the Liturgie, meant any othct thing ? And other individuals are not the Mafiers of your fenfe. 2. Yea, and if th, lmpofm had .meant iiJ, in a thing that miy be done wi:ll, you may dif,harge your con!cience by doing it well, and .making a fullicient profollion of your better fenfe. 2. And then it will be no finful addidon to Gods Ordinance, to determine of a lawful circum– fiancc, which he harh left to humane prudence: As ro choofe a meet Depury, Witnefs or Sponfor, who promifeth nothing but what i• mcer. · ~ell:. 40. On IVIJO(e accotmt or rigiJt is it tl?at the Infant l!atiJ title to !Bap. ti{m and its benefits ? Is it 011 the Parents , ..Anceftors, ::ipm1{ors, tiJe (liurcl!es 1 the Mi11ijlers, the Magiftrates, or his OIVII ~ ~nfrT'• THe: titles arc very various that are pretended: Let us examine them all. I. I cannot think that a Magifirares Command to biptize .an Inf3.nt, giveth him right, r. Becmfe cherc is no proof of the validity of fuch a title: 2. Becaufe the Magifirate can command no fuch thing if it beagainfi .Gods Word, as this is, which would level the cafe of the feed of Heathens and believ– ers. And I know but few of that opinion. 11. I do not think that the Minifier as fuch giveth title to the Infant: for r. He is rlo proprietor, 2· He can fhewno fuch power or grant from God: 3• !-Jc mufi bapnze none but thofe that antece– dently have right. 4· Elfc he alfo might levell all, and take in Heathens children with believers ; 5• Nor is this prctendcd to by many, that I know of. Ill. I c.at'l~nt think that it is a particul!Jr Cht~rch that muft give this Right, or perform the con– t!ition of it. For r. Baprifm ( as is a{;.,rcfaidJ. as fuch, doth only r.uke a ChrijfiaJt, and a member of the Vt~iverfal Church, and not of any particular nhurch. And 2· The Church is not the proprietor nf the