Are aU 1Belie1>ers lnfmw [d11Etijied JVJ,en tiJey are juftified? 0Ur:vaJt1 Joh. 13·3· 1/Jt. Father bath givw all thi1:griHto hif handJ. Joh. 17· 2, 3· Thou haff given him power over aU flrjh, bcfhouldgive eternal life to aJ many !tJ tbot« haft gi.vcn him, And tbH Ulife eternal to k1tow thee, &c. . ]oh. 5· 21· 'the Son quick.Jnetb wbom be n·i/1: v, 2 6. For aJ the FiJtbe~ bJtb life in Him[elf, fo bath he givtn tothe Son to have life in bimfolf. , Joh. 6. 27. Labour fur that meat rvhich cndurcth to ever!ajli;tg life, which thefm of man fhaU give unto you, For him b.Jth Gnd the Ftltbcrfoa/rd. , v. 32· 33· firgivetbLife unto tht World. V. 53, 54, 55> 56. Wh'>jo eattth my f/r{h and drink._tth my Mood IJUtb eternal life- rlw(!leth in me and 1 in him- my fl~fh U meat indeed-- A1 the Livin~ Fath€r hatiJ font Jne, and I live by the Fatlnr,fohe t:Jtetb mr, even be jhall Jive by me. V. 63. It ~ tbe jfirit that quiclzn!ib : tb~ ficjh profiwb nothi11g. ]oh. 7· 39· 1hu JP•k.! brof tbe {pirit which thry tbt ~rlicve in him fhould rmive. Joh. 3· 34• God givrth nt~t the {pirio tohim by mt,;[ure. 1 Cor. 6. 17• Hetbat i1 j•ryncd tothe Lord U ont JPirit. 2 Cor. 3· '7· 1bc Lord Uthe jfirit, and n•here tbtfpirit of the Lord W; rhcre Mliberty. Phi!. I· 19· 1bror<gb 1/~r [upply of thejpirit of Jefiff Chrijl. . Joh. 1 5· 4 • Abide i;t me aJtd I in yi!u: AI the hrancl; cant~ot be.;r fruit of it foJ{, except it abide in tht ,Vine, 110morec.1n yt rxccp1 )'C abidi i;, ir.e. V. 5• I am t_he Vint,ye aretbe bra~t:btJ: He rh1t abidttb in me and I in him, the j4me bringctb forlb m~fcb fruit: For fVithQJtt me ( or, um of me, or,[evered from me) )'t C.Jitdu nothing. 1 will add no more: All this is proof mough that the fpirit i~ nor given r.adicaUy or Immediattly from God to any believer, but ro Chrijt, and'fu deriv.ztively frc m him to us. Not that the Divine l!a· turc in the third pfrjim is fubjen to the huma1:e na.ttut in Chrifi ;' But thac God hJ£h made it the t'fficc of our Medi:JtorJ Glerificd Humanil)', to be the Cijtern tlur flull tirl1: rect:ivc the 1VaterJ of life, and convey them by the pipes of his appointed means to all tbt ctli~:cs of his houft:: Or to be rhc Head of the Animal fpirits, and by nerves to convey them ro all tht: members. 3· \Vc are much in the dark concerning the degree of Infants Glory: And therefore we can as little know, what degree of grace is necdfary to prepare fh(.m for their Glory. 4 . It i:> certain that In.fants before they are G!orifi~d, !hall have all th~t Grace that is prereq~ifirc to their prtpar.Jtirm and fruition. ·- 5· No fandihed perfon on earth is in an Immedi::tc cap::c.ity fOr Glory : Brcaufe their fin and im– perfeCtion rnuO: be done away, which is done at the diifolution of foul and body. The very acceOion of the foul to God cloth perf<ll it. 6. Infants have no ael:ual fJ.i{h O! hope or Love to God to txtrcife; And therefore need not the influence of the fpirit of Chrifl: to ~xerclfe them. 7· We are all fovcry much in the dark, as to the dear and dlfiind- apprehcnfion of the true nature of Original inhei-ent pi'aviry or fin, that we mull needs be as·much ignorant of the true nature of that Inherent fanCI:ity or Righteoufi1efs which is its contrary, or cure. Learned IUiricM rhous.,ht it was a Sulljtance, which he ha£!~ in hi.s Ciavi1pleaded for at largt'. Orhers Clll it a Habit)Orhers a 11ature, or natura\ Inclination and a privJtion of a Natural lncfinaoon to God: Others call it an IndifPBjitim of the min.d and will, to holy Truth and Goodnefs, and an Ill dijpofiricm of them to errour and evil! Other<; ·call it only the InordinateLull of the fenf1tivc facul.ties, with a debility of Reafon and Will to rdi.fl it. And whilefl the nature of the foul it fclf and its facul,ies, arc {0 much unknown ro it felf, the nature of Original pravity and Rit.hteoufire{J mull needs be very much unknown. . 8. Though an Infant be a diHinct 11.1tural per[on from his Parents, yet is he not ;:C[uallya dillinct pcr!On Morally, as being not a moral Agent, and fo not c.;.p1blc of moral Actions good or evil. Therefl)re his Parents JVill gocth for his. _· 9• Hisfirfl acceptance into the Complacmcial Lovt of God ( as diflinCt from his Love of Bencvol_ence) is not for any inbcrcm 1-lolinefJ in himfelf; but 1• As the Child of a brlieving Parent who hath D£:di4 cated him to ClniH, and 2· As a membt•r of Chrijt, in whom he is rreU pleafid. 1 o. Therefore God can complacmciaYy as wel\ as bw<.valently Love an Infant in Cbrijf, who only belicveth aud 1\rpC1tWh by the Parentt, and not by himfdf, nor is not yet fuppofed to haVe the fpirir of fonUificatior.. · ~ 1 I· For the fpirit of flmt:iificatim is not the prefuppofed Ctmdition of his acceptance into Covenant with God, bur a gift of the Cuvenant of God it fclf, following both the Condition on our parr, and our right to be Covenanters or to Gods promife upon that condition. 12. So the adult themfdves have the operation of rhe fpirit by which they Believt and Rtpem, by which they come to have their Right to GodJ in the Coomtam of B1ptilin; (for this is antecedent to their baptifm) : But they have nor rhat glft of. the fpi,rir, which is called in Scripture, the {pirit Act. '26.8. of[au{liji,ation, and of Power, Love and a{o111td mind, and is the benefit given by~the Covenant of Ba- 2 T,m. 4·1· pti[tl!, till afterward; B:!caufe they mull be in th.1t Covmant before ir can be made good to them. s ) 0 • And rheir Faith or Confom is their lnfaiJtJ riglu alfo, antecedent to the Covenant gift. c~J. 4· 6 · 13. There is therefore fome uotah1e difference between that work of the fpirir by which we firfi Repent '!-ndbelieve and fo have our title to the promife of tbe fpi.rit, and that gift of the jpirit which is promifed t.o believer;: which is not only thefpirir of Miraclu given in the tirft tirpes, but fame no".. table dc;,ree of Love to our 1\tconciltd Fathet, fuitable to the Grace and Gofpcl of Redemption and Reconciliation, and is called the [pirit of Chrijl, ond the JPirit of Ad,ption, which the Apofilcs them- Rom. 8 9• • M m m m m felves Rcm.8.!6):iiS