Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Mr.rrhiflo: .Are a1liJ3elievers C/,ildren fan8ified tvben jt'.ftijied ~ f elves feem not to have received till Chrill:s afccnfion: And this fecmeth to be not only different from t~e Gi~ts of the fpirit co~nun to HJpocritesand the unbeliever~, but alfo from the [pccial :,ift of the ffii· nt whtch m.Jk._rtb men brlm.:trs: So that Mr. Tbo. Hod{.cr fatth trulyer than once 1 uPderfiood that . Vocdio;: is a fpecial Grace of the fp~rit, difiind- from Common Grace on·one fide, and from f.tntli– ficalion on rhe o_rher !idr. Wh.ether 11 be rhe fame degm of rhc fpirit which the faithful had before Cbrijis Incan~atJon, whtch caufe~h me~ firfl_ to ~elzcve, dJ{hnct from the h1gher following degree 1 Jeallc to enquuy : But the certamdl dt!lmCbon ts from the different ejfc{l 1 • r4. Though an Infant cannot be either difpofed to a holy life, or fit for Glory immediately with– om an inward Holinefs of I;U ott<n, yet by what is faid it feerneth plain, that meerly on rhe acc~unt of t~1e Condition pcr~ormcd by the Patent, and of his. Vnion ~elatively Witb Cbrift th~reupon, and his title to GodJpromife on tlufe GroundJ, he may be fatd to be m a jtatt nf falvation; that is, to have the pardon of hi1 Original fin, ~eliveranc~ fr?m heU .(in right.,) adl)ption, a~d a ri.gbt to ~he needful operati· 11111 of the Holy Ghojt, as gwen to htm•tn Chrijl, who Js the tnfi recctver of the fpuir. r 5· But when and in what fort and degree Chrift giveth the atJual operatiom of the fpirit to all Covenantcd Infants, it is wonderful hard for us to kno:v. But this much fcemeth clear, 1 • Th 3 t Chrift may ~hen he plcafe wor.k on the foul of an Infant to change its difpofition, b•fore he Come to the ufe of Reafon. 2· That Chrift and his fpirit as in Covenant with Infancs, arc ready to give all nccdfuy affi!lance to Infants for their inherent fanctification, in ihe ufc of thofe mea11s, and on thofe futther conditions, on which we mull: wait for it and expect it. For the Holy GhoH is not fo en– gaged to us in our Covenant or BaJ'(ifm, as to be <.,bliged prefcntly to giv~ us all the grace that we want; But only to give it us on certain further conditions, and in the ufe of certain means. But Oecaufe this leadeth me up to another qudHon, I will fufpend the reH of the anfwer to this, till that be handled. Only I mull anfwer this objection. p. 6o. fuev.e h [fb:J.t e,·~n the prvmlfes of 2 new He:~rt,&c. E"\'t· 3S. 37, &c. Though they mly run in the e~ternctl :enour ?f them ;abfolutc:ly, ytt are ~or abfo!utely ::tbfolure! ~ut _hav! a fub_ordin1r~ cor._dition, and· :hu is, That the p:rties concerr.ed tn them do f.mbfuHy ufc the means appomted of Gor.l IU a iub:ervtency ro h1s worktng 1n or befiowmg on them the Good promifed,] Obj. It if contrary to tbt Holy n:lfurc of God, complacenciaUy to Love an tmfantii.ficd Infant, tfJ!lt ~ yet in hi1 Original Corruption ultCIJanged, and he juftifieth ume rel&tivtly frum tbe guilt of ji11, whom be doth not at once inherently fannifie. An[w. z, Gods complacencial Love refpefreth every one as he is; For it is Goodmfi only that he [o Loveth. Therefore Lovcth not thofe that either Aau~fiy or HabituaUy Love not l-Ji.m, under any falfc fuppo!irion that they do Love him when they do nor. His Love therefore to rhc Aiult and Infants dilfcrcth as the objects differ. But there i< rhis Lovely in fuch Infants, l· That they are the Children of believing fanctitied Parents, 2· Th9t they are by his Covtmnt Kelatively Vniud tq Cbrift,and foare Lovely as bid member!; 3• That they are pardoned all their . original hn; + That: they arc fet in the way to Atl:ual Love and holinefs; being thus dedicated to God. · 2· All imperfeD SaintJ a.refinneu; And all tinners are as fuch abhorred of God, whofc: pure eyes cannot hlhold in;quity. A; then it will lhnd with his. puricy to accer" and love the Adult upon their firft believing, before their further fanCtification, and notwithftandmg the remnant of thtir tim, fo may it do alfo to accept their Infants through Chrift upon their Dedication. 3· AHhe ::6tual fin imputed to Infants was lld:zmJ, and their Parents only by All, and not their own, it is no wonder if upon their Parents faith and repentance,. Chrit\ wafh and jufiitie them from that guilt which arofc only from anothers act. 4 . And th::n the inherent pravity was the effect of that Act of their Ancdlors, which is forgiven them. And this pravity or inherent Original fin may two waycs be fa id robe mortitied radically or Virtually or inceptively before any inherent change in them, I· In thu it is mortified in their p 4 • reHtJ from whom they derived ir, who have the power of choofing for them, and 2· In that they are by Covenant engratfed into Chrifi, and fo related to the caufe of their future fanctification; yea, [God\obei1~g 3· In that alfo they _arc by Covenant and their Parents promife, eng:zgc:d to ufi: thofe means which :11~1~fd~1:t any Chrirt hath appointed for fanCl:itication. perfon doth . rtquire ~nd prefu,pofc that lhry do foe tbepr&nr, furpoGng them capable, or for the future :ts foon :ts c:epablc, uke God in Ch.tll :ts thetr God.] Jhi.:l.p. 61. 5· Ar.d it mull be rcmcmbrcd that as this is but an inceptive prcpuatory change, fo the very par– don of the Inhere11t vitiofity is .not perfect (as I have clfewhere largely proved) ( however fame Pa· pifis and Protdb.nts deny it). While fin remainetb .fin, and corruption is fiill indwelling, bcfides aU the unremoved penalties of it, the very being of tt, proveth it to be fo far unpardoned, in that it is not yet aboli01cd, and the continuance of it being not its fmalleft puniOHncnt, as permitted, and the fpirit not given fo far as to cure it. Imperfc& pardon may contitl with aprejlnt rig1Jt both to further fanCtilication by the Spirit, and fo to Heaven. Obj. Cbrijls body bath 110 unholy members. Axfw. l• 1 Cor. 7· 14. Now art your Children holy: They arc not wholly unholy who have all the forc-dcfcribrd holindS. 2. A<i Infants in Nature w:mtmemory and ;jCTual reafon, and yet initi– ally arc men; fo) as ChriUs members 1 they may want aefual and habitllal faith and Love, and yet ini~ · rial!y