Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

What u aT'iolatiou of the Cownaut? May one be ~,bapti;zyd ? are capable. But if they firjl prove Apojlates and be after converted, God is difobligcd (yea to hy– pocrites never was obliged) as to the engagemc~t .made by him in baptifm : And dorh now ;, Freely give them faitb and rtpemance as a Bemfallor to hu eleCt, and then 2· As a Covemmttr give thempardon and ad~ption, (:re. . . t3• So to the adult, that truly made the Bapt1fmal Covenant, and never apoflatized from it all the Grace that God giverh them through their lives, is his [MljiUing of hi< promife made to them'and li:akd by bap<iftn, and a fruit of their hap<ifm. But to Hypocriw and Apoj!ale.s it is otherwife '., is before cxplaint:d. ' Qgell:. 45. What is a proper 'f/iolatio11 of ottr !Bapti{mal [ownant ? ' A.nfw. NOte well, that there isawidedilference betweenthefequeflions, t.Whwduthaman Joh.n J.t6,I7, mifs of, or lofe bir prefiut part in the Covenant or Promife of God ilt tbe Gofpel? (This is i 18 d 6 • as long as he is Impenittnl, an Vnbrliever and Refu[tr. ) 2· When dotb a man totaUy lofe his part Jo 0 1'· 11';;~ and hope in that Promife or Covenant of God, fo ar t9 be lyable to all the penalty of it f ( That is only by final Impenitence, Vnbelitf and ref•fal, when Life is ended.) 3· And when doth a m.. violate his 9Wn CovenaHt or promife ma~e to God i1J bapti[m l Which is our prefent quefiion. To which I anfwcr. r. This Promifc hath parts Effe~~tial and parts Imegral: We promife not both thefe parts alike nor on the fame terms : Though both be promifc.Q. T he e.JJ'ential parti , arc our tffemial J 11 ties 0 £ 2 Pet. 2.:o,:21, Chrijtianity, (Faith, Love, Repentance in the dfc:ntia1 parts,) &c. The Integrals arc the Integral 2.2, 23· duties of Chriflianity. Heb. 6 · :2, 4 g 2· He that performeth not the cffential duties is an ApPftate, or Hypocrite. Heb:·,~~ ~6,. · 3· ~e that pcrform~th not the In.tegrt~l duti~s is .a }inner, not only againfi the Law of Nature, and 2 7 , 28. Chrifis Precepts, but h1s own Promtfe; ( And m th1s fenfe we all confefs our breach of Covenant r joh·<.9,to. with Chrifl) But he is no Apof!ate, Hypocrilt, or out of Covenant. 3.1, l• <l£ell:. 46. May uot !Bapt![m i11 fome [afes be repeated? AnJ when? 'Anj-w. •· you mufl difiinguilh between Eaptifm, taken MoraUy, or only PhyficaUy. 2 • Between Baptifrn MoraHy, as it is a Church or Vifib/e Covenant , an(! as a Heart-Covmant. 3· Between Real baptifi." a~d fiemin~ bap~i{m, which is a Nullity. 4· Between certain nctption of baptifm, and that whtch ts """'"'"or Juflly doubted of. And fo I anl'wer, •· Real and Certain Bapti{m as a vif.blc Church-Ordinance may not be repeated. Though the Heart Covenant was wanting. And though it wanted not only decent modts, but integrtJl parts. 2· But in rhefe cafes Baptifm may be ufed where it foemed to have been received before. ,, When the perfon made no profrf!ion of the Chriflian faith ( nor his Parents for him, if an Infant ), 2· If that profellion notorioufly wanted an Effwtial part; As if he only profdfed to be– lieve in God the Father, and not in the Sbn, or the Holy Ghofi. 3.lf the Minij!tr only baptized him into the name of tbe Father,or Son,or left out any dTcntial part. 4.Jf the perfon or Minifier only contra– eted for a dijlant fuluriry, (As I will be a Chriflian when I amold,&c. ) and not for theprt[ent : which is not to be chrijlmed, but only to promife to be chriflened hereafter. 5• If all application of '"""' ( or any wa1ery element ) was omitted, which is the external fign. 6. Of the Baptizers power I !hall fpeak anon. 7• If the Church or the p<rfonhimftlfhavejuj! cauft of doubting whether h_e was trury bap– tized or not, ro do 1t agam, With hypothc,ttcal cxpreffions, [ If thou art not baptized, I baptize thee J yea, or fimply while that is undcrfiood, is lawful, and fir. And it i~ not to be twice baptized MoraVy, but only PhyficaUy, As I have fully opened m the Qgefiwn ofRe-ordmauon, to whjch I mufl refer the Reader. 3 . And 1 confe!S I make little doubt but that thofe in A81 '9· were Re-baptized, notwithflanding the witty evafion invented by Pbi/. Marnixiu1 AldegonduJ and Bez2's improvement of ir, and the now Of All 1 , 1 common reception of that interpretation ; 1-.. or 1,. A new and forced cxpofition which no Reader 2,~, !, ;. dreameth of till it be put into his head, is ufually to be fufpeded, lefi art deceive us. Whethd it 2 , The omillion of the Holy ~~ is an tjfen<ial d1{e8, and makerh Baptifm JPecificaOy anothrr ~e~e re-bapthing: And he were flOW to be re-baptized who fhould be fo baptized. ttztog. 3. Whatever fome fay in heat ag.Unfi the Papifis, Johns baptifm and our Chriftian haprifm are fo _. Jpeci(icaUy dif!in8 alfo, that he that had now but Johns were to be yet baptized : The perfon of the Mdliah himfelf being not determina1ery put into J obnJ baptifm .as fuch: Nor can it be fuppofed that all the Jews that John baptized, were baptized into the profeilion of fai(h in thi1 numerical per{on ]e[111,