How doth a partimlar qurc/, differ [ro111 a Con[ociatio11 of [lmrc/,es ~ Q£.efl:. 53· hi11ifelf, Paftor<~ Mttjl: the Paft8r ftrft (aO tf,e (hurc/;, and aa-ungate tlm11 to or the Clmrcb jirft Congre~ate themfellm , . and.:x;hw choofe the Anfw. THe Pafiors are in order of N.~;turc, if not in time, firtl MiniQ:crs of Chrilt in general, before they art related to a particular Ch:nge. 2· As fuch Minillers they lirfi make men fit to be congrrgat'", and tell them their duty thtrtin. 3· But it is a matter variable and indifferent, Whether the Minillcr tirll: fJy, [All thJt will joyn with me, and fubmit to me as their"Pallor, lhall be my panicular Charge J: O.r the p::ople bcfun: Congregated do call a mm to be their hfior. Q!_eft. 54· Wherein dot/1 a particul.1r (hurch of Cln·ijh inftitMion d'ffer from a Confociation of many (httrches ~ . Anfw. I• JN that fuch a particular Church is a compan,y ofChriftia1tJ a.ffociatrd fqr perfimal immediate Communion in Gods wqrjhip a11d ~n holy living : Wherea.s Confoci11tiom of Mh 1 6r,S:-4' Churches, are CQmbined for mediate dijlinll Communion, Qr by Delegates or Rtprcfentf.ltivu ( as in ~~: ~ ~ 12~· Synods. ) J. Thdl: r. 1 2, 2. Such a particular Church is conftituted of one or more Paftors tl'ith the people, officiating in ~~· the Sac re~ Miniflry among ~he~, in DoUrine, Worfhip and .Difciplint, in order ro t~~ fai.d per~Hal 1 2 ~~:~,1~S,')~: CBmmunzon. But a Confoctatlon of Churches haeh no parttcuJar Head as fuch, of diVme mfinuoon, Ads 14 . 13 . to Confiitute and Govern them as one. In Ignatin!'s time every particular Chutcb wa3 ch2.rafrerized Tnus J. 5· or known by two m:nks of Unity, I· One Altar, (that is, one place of affembling for holy comrriu- ;-as 11. :6. nion ) : 2· One Bijhop with the PrubytcrJ and DeaconJ:. And two .Altars and two Bifhops proved two anm 2 ' z.. Cburchu. 3· AptJrticular Church under one Bifo!],or the fame Paftors,is a Political boly Society;Bur a combination of many Churches confociate, is not fo; but only, l· Either a Community agreeing to live in Con~ cord, as neighbour Kingdoms may: 2. Or clfe a humane Policy or Socilty, and nor ofDivine im~ medi.ztc injiit:ution. So that if this Confodation of Churches be called a Church, it mull be eirher tquivocaUy or in a humane fln[e. Q!!efl:. 55. .W/,etiJer a particular (!Jure/, may conjift of more Ajfemblies tl>art one ~ Or mttjl: ueec/1 meet all in one place~ An[w. J, THe true ~iil1~guifhin~ note of a ~a~ticu)ar Church is, that They be affvciattdfor holy Commumon m TYorjhtp and holy ltvmg, not by Deleg.ztes , nor diftantly only, by owning the fame faitb, and l11ving one another, as we may do with thofc: at the Antipodes; but Perfonally in prrfwce. 2· Therefore thr'y rnufi ncceffarily be fo near, as to be capable of perfonjl prcfent Communion. I Cor. 14.19; 3· And it is moJi convenitnt that rhey be no more than can otdinarily meet in the fame Affc:Glbly, ACtsu ../l• at leafi for Sacramental Communion. . . &r. as ·b~t~re 4· But yet they maJ meet in ma1ry places or Affembhcs, as Chappels, or Oratories, or other [ub· cited. ordinate meetings which are appointed to fupply the neceffity <;>f the weak and aged, and them that cannot travail far: And in times of perfe(ution when the Church dare not all meet in one place they may make up feveral fmaller meetings, under feveral Pafiors of ~e fame Church. But' thej ihould come all togerhcr as oft as they can. 5· And it is to be confidmd rhar all rhe pcrfons of a family can feldome go to the Alf,mbly at one timr, efpecially whrn they live far off. Therefore if a Church-place would receive bur ten thoufand, yet twenty thoufand might be members, while half meet one day and half another, ( or another part of rhe day). 6. Two Congrtga<ionl dij!inllly ajfociated for perfonal Worjhip, und<r dijlinll Paftort, or havingj!aJed– ly. (as Ign,uiur tpeaketh) two Bijhops and two Alt.-1'1, t~o particular Churches, and can no other– .Wife be one Churck, than a5 that may be called One wluch 1S a Confoci~Jion of diiltrs• • Nnnnn 2 Q!eft.