Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

'DireEtions for young [hrijlians. them white in tbe blood of the Lamb : 1herefore are t~ey before the 1hrone of God, and ferve him day and night in h~ Temple, and he that jittetb an the 1hronejhaU dweU among thtm, Rev. 7· I4· And all that ever come ro Heaven ( at age) are like to come this way. And dath not the company encourage you >and the fuccefs of thofe that have oveiCorne before you ? Will you have the end, and yet refufc:: the way. ' 9· 9 • 5· Confider how much greater diHiculties ungodly men go throu&h to Hell. The¥ have flrouger enemies than you have: The Dev1l and w1'"ked men are your encrntes: but God hnnfelf 1~ rheirs , and yet they will go on. Men threaten but death tO d.ifi:ourage you, and God threatneth damnation eo difcourag,e them : And yet they go on, and are not difcquragcd. And will you be m.ore afraid of man, than finncrs areof God ? and of death or fcornr, thanthey are of Hell ( §• IO· 6. Yea) and you your fclves mull call: your fouls on' thefc greater evils, if by difcouragement you turn from the way ofGodlinefs . Youmull run into Hell for fear o~ burning: and up~:m ever.. Jailing death, to efc;pe a temporal death, or lefs: You will choofe God for your Enemy, to efcape the enmity of man: And how wife acourfe this is, judge you: when if you do but fee that y~11r :wayes pleafe God, he can mak.! your enemies he aipeacc with you) if he fee it for your good, Prov.I6·7· If you will fear, fCar him that can damn the foul. §. 11. 7· Lattly, Remember what abundJnce of mercies you have to [weetcn your prefent life, and to make your burden eafie to you : You have all that is good for you in this life, and the promife of everlafiing joy : For godlinefs thus is profitable to aU thing I, I Tim. 4· 8. What abundance of mer– cy, have you in your bodies, ellates, friends, natnes, or fouls, which are the greatefi: What pro– mifes and experiences to refrdh you? What liberty ofaccefs to God? AChrifi to rejoyce in: A Hea· ven to rejoyce in : and yet llJall a llony or a dirty way difcourage you more, than thefe!hall corn· fort you? 9· I2· The fumm of all is, your work will grow eafier and fweeter to you, as your skill and flrength encreafeth : Your enemies are as Grafhoppers before you : The power of the Almighty is en– gaged by Love and Promifc for your help; And do you pretend to trull in God, and yet will fear the face of man? _I[J. 50· 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I gave my back,_ to the fmiterJ, aud my chee~to them that pluck._ed off the hair: I bid not my face from jhame and }jitting : For the LordGotl wiU help me; there– fore fhaY I. >tot be confounded : therefore have I {et my face lii(.e a flint, ond I I(. now that I jhaU not Oe ajhamed: He is near that jujlifieth me; who will conund with me ? Let Uf ]land together : Who if miue adverfary l Ltt him come near to me. Behold, the Lord God will help mt ; who ir he that }hall condemn me l Lo, they aU jhaU wax old lli a garment: the mothjhaU eat them up. Ifa. 5 I· 7, 8. Heark,.e~t to me, ye that ~now rigk,toufo.tfs, tbe people in wbofo bt(jrt is my Law: fear ye not the reproach of men, neitbtr be afraid Dj their reviling! : For tlu moth foaU eat them up likJ a garment, anJthe worm jhaU eat them lik.! wool/: but my righttoufoefs jhaU be for ever, and my falvation from gemratian to generation. He is no Souldier for Chrifi, that will turn back for fear of [corns, or ofany thing that man can do againfi him. 1· I 3• And co•fider whether Heaven jhoald be eajilier come to? They are things of unfpeakable glory that you firive for : And they are unworthily defpifed, if any thing be thought too good ro part wirh for them, or any labour, or difficulties, or fufferings too great to undergo to pro~ cure them. -------------~-------------------- Dirtll· 7· Sutpitittj-stvt ... mriiJV.t. Dired:. 7• IF it be in yottr power, live under a judicious, faithful, fcriou1, fearchinf!, porperful !Yfit' 4ttini,notbra. . . ~ifter ; and di!ige?tly attend hil ~ubJicl{Ttachin~, and ~t{e ~it private Counfel for more par-1i~o~~"!rr:t t1cular dzrel7zons and applzcatton, for the fetlmg and managzng the ajfaJrJ ef your foulJ; even as you againn him taJt...e the advice of Phyficirms for your h'alth) .-nd (lf Lawyers for your tftates , and TutoYJ for your l>ecaufe he ftudieJ. ;,~ ~F~~1~~~~ 9· I• I give this Direction only to thofe that may enjoy fo great a mercy if they will. Some Jive fcne<. where no fuch Minifier is : Some are Children, or Servants, or Wives, that are bound and cannot re- Look more in move their habitations, or enjoy fuch liberty, by reafon of the unwi11ingnefs. and.refiraint ofothers. yourTrachrrs Some are fo poor, that they cannot remove their dwellinz for fuch advantages. And fome are fo ~t m:mcr than ferviceable in their places, that they may be bound to flay under a very weak Minifier, that they may ~ne ~o_Jdi~ d:J geod to etlur:, wherethey have befi opportunity. But Ict him that can be free, and poifefs fo great c:ft:b;~~~ti: a~ercy, acc:pr It thankfully, though_to ~iscofi. As Chrilt faid in another cafe, Every man cann 91 re~ r:'~· c. 9·. cewe the foJ•mg ; bnt he that can recm1e u, let him. ~~:Je "~{l'~:ff.e pcn~n~as \'trb;s frlntentias, ut p~:t'ponitur :tnimus_ corpori: ex quo _6t, ut ita f!131lc ~ebeant veriores qt\lm difcniore~~~~i~\~;~~~ne~, hcu~ m:~,Je _"t·bcnt _pr_uOcntiOres q~:~m for~11<!fiores ha~e_rc :.tmtcos. ~overznt ~n:am non efiC vocem ad :ture~ Dei ni!l ~mmi :~.flcfrum · Ita emm non trndc:bunt {j ~bqt1os :m:dh·e_5 & Mm!Chos fotte ~n.Jmadvmum.t vel_ c~.:m b:~rbarifmis & folzcifmis Dwm in~ \'Ocare ,-el c:ad:t~ vctb3 'JUX pronuncllnt, nont~telh_gcre, per_mrb:ttt<li _dt~lnbuer:. Vtd. Fllif:ul/;n de Epif(. autorit. p. 10~. Pamituit multos var.x. fltnhfq; Ca1he~r~. ]14V01: Ita J$ CICerom3niS fum JnJqutor, qu1:t ta~~um loquuntur verba, non res, &: Rhetori~; io10. rum pkrumq, ell xoi\ct«.cl.1ntl! · E~ 'klla line texm: nux l'ine nudeo: nubes !ine pluv1a. PJum:e funt meliores qu:~.m a · · (; " 11 choU-zrt. T:1ke heed lcH p~ejudtce or _any corr~pti_o~ p~fiffs you! minds: fer then all th::u you hc~r, will be unlavour/~/~n~rofit~~ ble to you : MJgr.a dtbet efle doquenua' qu~ 111\'ltlS p.acc;at, JUt. senrc. prl#;~ t'b. IO. Co;mov. 9· 2· There '