Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

M.:ry mm1 make nr1v Churc!J.Fohw or Officers ~ Confent to the puticular Bilhops: But they degenerated into a furm rfGovermmm, and cl.iimed a ~M~~~~~~ • . ' . 4• The P.~triarcks, Primates and Maropolitans, at firfi daime~ but a power abour circumfl.Jnri.,IJ, txtrinfical to the Palloral office, fuch as is the Timing and Pl:sci!J1.,. of CouJh:ils, ~he ti.ring above others, &c. And the exercifc of fome part of the M.&gilir:itcs po,\ver commirtcd to them, ·thJt is, the dcpofing of other B;l11ops or Pafiors from their fh.tion of fuch Libcny aryd Collnrenanc~: as rhe ~Ltgi£hate may gu.nt or deny as th~rc is ca~fe. _But in tit~~ t~ey degenerated_ ro_ the J)~irutt.Jl powtr ~f the Kqt, over t~c other B~fhops ; m pomt of Ordmauon, ExcomrnuntcatJon, Aryfolu~ wn. 5· Tbcfe Patriarks, Primates and _Metropolirans at tirfl cl~ii,Tle,d th~i( ex[r~nfi;k puwcr ~.u( li-om Man, that is, either the Confent u1d Agreement of the Churches, or the grant ol. the Ernperours: Bot in time they grew to claim it as of Divine o~ Apojlulical appoin_tment, and as, unalterable. 6. At firfi they were taken only for Adjunq1, ornJJmtntJ,fitppc!rtJ or conveniwcu to the Churches. But afterwards they pretended to be integral pari/ of the Church univtr{.;t, and .at htl the Pvp!! would needs be an Effential part ? Ar)d his C4rdinall mufi dai[n the poWer of the Church u .liverfal in being the choofers of an Univerfal Head; or a King-Priejl and Teaclm for all ihc Chri!lians of the Wcrld. 7· At firG Lay men (now called Chance(lorr, &c.) were·only the Bi010ps CounflU·,rJ, or officm to the Magifirate or them, tn performmg the txtrm{tca_l "York about Church ad;unl1J, 1 whtch a Lay jman might do. B·Jt at la(\ they came to eXcrCife the lntrinfick power of the Keys, in ExcommunicationS and Abfolutions, &c. . 8. At firll a numbet of particular Churches confociatcd with their fevcial Biiliops, were taken to be a Community or company of trUe Churches prudentially cantonized or diflribur~d and confociatcd for Concord. But after they grew to be eficcmed properpolitical[ocittie1, or Cburcbts of Divinl appuim– nunt, if not the Ecclefi.e ri1inim.e, having turned the: particular Churches into Oratories or Chappel5, dc– thoying Ignatius his charaCter of oneChurch, [ T~every Church there. Uom Altar:, and one BijhPp witb bit Presbyters ar.d Deacons. J Abundance ":lore fuch mfianccs may be g1vcn. . Obj. Wherever we find the Notion of a ChHrch particHlo~r, thtrt muji be Governmen~ in that Church : And why a national fi1citty incorporated imo one civil Government, joyniltg int~ tbe prPfiffion ~f Cbri]iia· nity., and IJJving a right theT'CbJ to participate of Go[pel Ordi1tances, in 1~---eonwnient diflrib~ttiom of tbtm in tht particular Cor.gregatiom,fooHld not be caUcd.a Church, I confefi 1can fii no rtafon. . Anfw.r. Hereobterve, thn the qudlionis oitly of the Nami (whether it may be callrdaChurch) and not of the thing (whether all the Churches in a Ki~gdom may be under one King, which no fober man denyeth )- . 2. Names arc at mem difpofal much. But I conf<fs lhadr:l\lher ihe name had been ufed no other– Wife, or for no other focicties than Scripture ufeth it. My Reafons are I · Becaufe when Chrift hath appropriated ot fpecially applyed one name to the facrcd focic.ties of his inHitution, it feemcth fome. What bold to m~kc that name '"ommon to other {Qcieries. 2· Becaufe it tcndcch to confufion, mifun~ dertlanding, and to cherith errours and controverfies in the Churches, when all names !hall be made common or ambiguous, and holy things !hall not be allowed any name proper to themfdves, nor any thing can be known by a bJre name without a defcription. If the name of Chrili himfdf, !hou!d l>e ufed of cve1y anointed King, it would feem not a little thus injurious to him. If the name, Bible, Scripture, Preachers. &c. be made common to all that the notation of the names may extend to, it will introduce the aforcfaid inconveniences : fo how !hall we: in common talk dillinguilh, between ficrcd facie tics of Divine infiitution and of hurnanC', if you will allow us no peculiar name, but make that common which Chri!l hath chofen ? 3• And that the name is here ufed 'quivoca11y is manifdt. For the body political, i5 informed and d~nominated from the pari imptra111, the GovenJing part or Head: Therefore as a Head of Divine inft:itution, authorized for the fpiritual or Paftoral work, dcnorninatcth the fodety accordingly; fa a dvil Head can make but a civil {ocie~y. and a head of mans making, but a humane fociety. It is' certain that Clirill bath appointed the Epifcopal or Panoral cflice, and their work ; and conlequently E.pifcopal or Paft:oral Churches : And it is certain t_hat a King is no confiitut~vc: pan of One of th~fc Churches, but Accidental ; And therefore that he tS an AccidentalHtad loa Pajloral (;burcb as {•eh, to· which the Pafior is elfential. Therefore if you will needs call both thefe focietics [ ChHrcbes J you mufi difiinguith them into P11jforal Churc~u, and ;Rtgal C/jurches, or Nlagijlratical Churchu; for the word [national J notitleth not the Government which is theconltitutive part; and may be ufcd of Confociattd ChHrches, though' under many Civil Governours ( as in the Saxon Heptarchy ). · So that our quefiiori is inuch like thi~, tf'bether all the Grammar ScJjools in England, ai UJJder ont King ma:y be caUcd one Nation4l S.oll An[w. Not without unfirndS, and inconvenienceS; But rather t~an breed any quarrel, they mar'~all them fo that pleafe: But, , . They mufi confe{i chat a p'micu– lar School is the famo]i/16 jignificatum. •· That the King is King of Schools, but nor a Schoolmaller; not a confiiturive part of a School; 3· That if you will needs dtnominate them from the Regent. pa:rr, as One, you mufi call them all one Royal School, if you will leave the well known fenf< of words for fuch uncouth phrafcs. But give us leave to call the Body whi~h is elfentiated by a King, by the in.~c of a Kingdvm only, though it h~vc in it many Schools, Academi~J, C9lltdger, Citier, Churchu, "'htch they that plea[c may call all one Royal School, Academy, Colledge, Cuy and Church, if rhct love confufion' Ooooo +· Chrillianity