Of the Peoples poJVer to judge of Membm, &c. Tl>eir fJ?..!medy. )ob. 20 "' he baptizedaman ? Not any one particular Church or petfons above the rdl : For they have no Right 2 2 , 1J· to Chew tOr it, more than the rcfi. ~~:~;_;1:,'z~ 8. It is not in the powc~ of the Lairy to k~ep .a ":la~ o~t of~ their?wn particular Churth Commit. 1 Cor. i· 1, 1, nion, whom the P"'ftor recctvcrh ; Becaufe, as IS foud, H ts hts Offic~ to JUdge and bear the &eyes. 1 Tim. s 17. 9• Therefore if it be ill done, and an unworthy pcrfonbe admttttd, the Confcicnccs of the people H:b.IJ.7, 17. need not accufc themfc:lvcs of it, or be d.ifiurbed, hecaufe it is none of their cmploymcnt. r Cor. 5· 3 1 4' 10 , Yet rhc Liberty of the Church or people mull be difiinguifhed from their Govtrni11g pofl?er, ancl ;l~cr.\ 6, rh<ir Executing duty from thepower of Judging. And fo~ J. The people ar_e to be Guided by the 1..>, 14. Paftors as VoluntterJ, and not by Vicltnce.; And therefore rt IS the Pafiors duty, m all doubtful cafes to Ti•·J· ro. give the people all nee<ffary fadsfa&ion, by giving them the Reafons of his doings, that they may ~n- ' )oh. de~fiandingly and quietly obey and fubmir. 2. And in cafe the people difcern any notable appearance of lllar.IJ '·~~: danger, by introducing Hcrcticks and &rofly impious men to_corr~pt _rhe Church,_and by fullvening M>r. 4. ' 4· the order of ChriH, rhey may go to thm Pafiors to defirc fausfatl1on m the cafe. 3· And if by open l\bt. 7· 15, 16. proof or notoreity it be certain, .that by Ignorance, fraud or negligence the. Pa~ors t,hus corrupt the Mat. 16 • 6·~~: Church, the people may ~eek thc:tr due Remedy fr?m othu Pafio~s and Mag1firatc~,. 4· And they ~br, u. 38. may prorefl: thcu own d1ffcnt from fuch proceedmgs ;_ 5· A_nd m cafe of extrCmJ(Y may call otf & 8. 1 s. Heretical and Impious and Intolerable Pafiors, and commit the1r fouls to the conduct of firrer men . Phil.J. ,, 3· As the Churches did againfi the Arrian Bifuops, and as Cyprian de<lareth it his peoples duty to do: ~~·r\~'17• as is aforcfaid. Mac 24·4· ~1efl:. 63. What power ha-ve the people in CIJUrch C rnfures and Excommunication?, i/nfw. THis is here adjoined, becaufe i.t !cquireth but little more. than the foregoing anfwer. 1. As it is the Pa!tors office to Judge who IS to be rccCived, fo alfo to judge who is to be excluded. 2. Bur theExecuti' n of his fentenceb<longeth to the people as well as to him[clf. It is ihey that 't Cor. 5 3,G, either hold Communion with the perfon, or avoid-him. , )oh. "· 3. Therefore though ordinarily they mufi acquiefcein the Pafiors judgement, yet ifhe grofly offend 1"i;. 3· Jo. againfi the Law of God, ar.d would bring them t. g. to communion with beretici<f and openly impi... oHt, and excommunicate the Orthodox and Godly, they may feck their remedy as before. Col. 4.17· Afr. 1). <4!_dl 64. What is the peo}'les remedy in cafe of the Paftors mafe,adminiftration? Anfn·. THis allo is here annexed for difpatch, as being almofi fullicirntly anfwered already. 1. lt mull be fuppo[ed that all Church d1fordcrs and male-adm1mfirations cannot be u.pdhd to be remedied ; but many while we arc finncrs and Imperfect rnufi be born. 2· T he lirll Rtmedy is to fprak fubmiffively to the Pafior of his fauhs, and to fay toArchipp 11 1, 1a~ heed to the Minijiry lVhich tho# haft rectivtd: And if he hear not more privately, for the peop!.e more opcn:y to w:un and iniJeat him; not as his Govcr~<:our~, bnt as Chrifiims thac have Rcafon to regard c:-:rilh inten fl aud their own, and have chnity to ddiJe his reformation. 2 • The ntxt remedy is, ro confult with the neighbour Pafiors of other Churches, that they may ac!mouifh him ; noc as his Govcrnours, but as neighbour Pallors. 3· The ntxt nmcdy is to fec:k r~drefs from thofc Govcrnours that have power to couett or caft our the inroh:rablc. 4· T l:t lafi rmudy is that of Cypria11, to dc[trt fucb intolerable Pafiors. Bul in al\1his, rhc pcop,c mull: be fure that they proceed not proudly, ignorantly, crro~oufly, paf. fio 04 tdy, i<Clim.Oy, difordnly or rafuly.