Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

May zve [aft 011 the Loi·ds day ? Hozt u it be Jfent in the main ? 14· But all that are bound to preach, are not bound to do it to the fame number, nor in the £4mc manm:r; as theyhave nut the fame opportunity and call. 'Whether ir fhall be in chis place or thlt) eo more or fewer, at this hour or that, are nor dttermined in Scripture, nDr alike to aiL 15• The Temples, tythcs, and fuch adjuncts Qf Wo1fhip and Mini(hy, arc at the M1gillrltd difpofe, and muft not be invaded againft his Laws. 16. \Vhere any are obliged to Preach in a forbidden difcounrenanced fiate, thLy mull Hudy ro do it with fuch prudence, caution, peaceablcncfs, and obedience in ali rhe Lawful ci:cumH:~.ntials, a'i mar tend eo rnain.tain peace and the honour of MagiUracy, and to avoid temptations tb fedir160, and unruly paRions. ~ell:. 81. May we lmvfully keep the Lords dayas a[aft ? Anfw· NOt ordinarily; Becaufc God h~th made it. a day of thankfgiving; And we mufi not pervert 1t from the: ufc to wh1ch JC was appoJ.nted by God. Bur m cafe of extrJordinary m– ctflity, it may be done; As, I· In cafe that fomc: grc:aqudgernent call us fo fuddenly to hurn~iarion and fafiing, as that it cannot be: deferred ro the nc::x:c day (As forne fudden invafion, lire, ficknefs, &c.) Luk. <S. S'·' 2• In ca.fe by perfecution, the: Church be: denyed hberty to meet oa any other day, in a time when & 13. 15. publick fafiing and prayer is a duty. 3• Tn cafe the ,People be fo J'oo,r, or f ervants, Children and M". 2. 27· Wives be fo hardly, that they cannot meet at any other tune. It JS lawful m fuch cafes, becaufe Pofitives give way to Moral or NatUral duties, uterUp::rihuJ, and ldft:r duties unro greater: The Sabbath is made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. ~ Q!_e£1:. 82: How jhoul~ t!Je Lords day be fpmt, in the main ? Anflv. I Have fo far opened tl,ut in the ,Family-direClions, that I will now only fay, r. That Eucbarijlical worjhip is the great work of the day : And th~t it lhould be kept as a day·of p11b- pf,J. 92 . r, ,; licit Tbanlz!giving for rhe whole work.. of Redemption, efpecidly for the Re[urre[iian of' our Lord. 3, ·h 5· 2· And therefore the celebration of rheSJcrament of the Lords Supper was alwaycs a chief part of PC1J. liB. r, its obfervation in the primitive: Churches: Nbt meerly for the fake; but becaufe with it !, 3 1 ' 1s;;9" · was flill jo)•ned all the Laudatory and Thankfgiving wodbip; And it was the Pafiors work fo to pray, 2 t 2~'. ' and praifeGod, and prea:h to the people, as tcndcth mofi to poffefs their fouls, with the liveliefi fenfe Alt, ••· 1 , 9. 1 of the Love of the Father, the Grace of the Son, and theCommunionof thC holy Spirit, on the account R.ev. r. 10•. of our Redemption. AB:. ~4~4J 3• Though confcffion of ,fin and humiliation muA: not be the cbief work of the day, yet it may ~t;1~ 1 6. /'s l and mull came in, as in due fob?rdinat~on to the chief. I· Becaufe there arc ufually ma.ny perfons,Pre~ 9, 10. ' '"". fent, who are members only ot the vifibli! Church, and are not fit for the Laudatory and rejoycing 1 Cor. t6.t,2. part. 2· Becaufe while we art in the fleth, our /alvation is im'perfect, and fo are we; and much fin fiill remaineth, which mu 1 !t he a ~rief a!ld b~rden to believers: And therefore while fin is mixt pf 3 !, 2 . 9 , 10 ; with grace, Repentance and fo_rrow,mufi be miXed with our Thankfgivings, and we mufi rejeyce with 1 r. trembling : And though we receive a KingdJm whjcb cannot be moved, yet muft our acceptable firoice Hcb.12.28, 29. of God be with reverence and God!Y_ fear, becau[e o11r God H a'coxfoming fire. 3· Our fin and mifery being that which we arc faved from, doth enter the definition of our falvation. And without the fenfe of theml we can never know aright what mercy is, nor ever be truly glad and thankful. But yet take heed that this fubordinatc duty be not pretended for the neglecting of that Tbankfgiving which is the work of the day. · ' '