Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Of fR..!fponfals. Of the Clerks office. --~------ --------------------------------~ of tiJt book., r{ tin Covenant, And tiJt King flood by tJ piO.zr and madt ~ Covm.:n: lnf1rt tht Lnrd, to w.J!I(_ af:er the v ,rd, and tok,.ttp !Jis Commandment!, &c. rritb all their he~rrt, and tJU:heir Jil•l, &c. and aD rh~ ptople flood to the Covenant? Where as a. King is the fpeakcr, it's like that the ptoplc uf~.:d fomc \\'ords to exprefs their confem. 1 Cbron. 16. 35· 36. When David delivered a Pfa.lm for a form of praift:: in which it is f.1id eo the people, v. 35· [And fay ye, fave HI 0 God of oHr faluati·'n tJntl. garbt!1' ur tt)~ttbrr~ ar.d deliver ut ftom tbe Heathen wt m:1y givt thank_! to thy holy tume, ond p.,lory in tbyprt~i/l: blcffid be the Lord God of Tfrael for ever and tvtr] AU tht f"plefaid Amen, and praif<d the L01d. Wilt re ic·is like that their praifing the Lord was more.than their Amen. · : And it is acommand Pfa!. 67. 3, 5· Let aU the f"plc_praift thee 0 God, let.aU thepeoplt J'raif< thtc, And he that will liJnit thil to jingle P"fons, or fay that 1C mufl not be VocaVy tn the Church or il mull be only in metre and never in, or only in wnu and nOt rritbcut, mull prove ir., led he be proved an adder 10 Gods word. . . . But it y;ou!d be tedious to rCCite all the repeated fentences m the Pfalms, which are §Ommonly fitppefed to be the Refponfcs of the people, or repeated by them. And 1n Rev. I 4• 2, 3· the voice as of many w11ters and atDf a great thmtder, and the vo;ceo[ Ht~rpers harping 11'Jih their harp~, who f 11 ng a new fong befure the 1hroHe, and bt/Dre the four beajls and the tlder1, a fong which none Could !tarn b 111 the hundred forty and four thoufand which were rtd<tmtd from tbt Emb, rl'hieh were not defiled with ff'omen, 11'ho were Virgins and f ollowed tiJe L11mb, &c! doth feem very plainly to be fpokcn of the praifes of all the Saints. Chap. '7•-.t 5· bp•aurs is meant ptople, multitudt~&c. And Cllap. 19- 5,-6, 7 , a. there is exprefiy recitea a form of· praife for all the people. [ A voice came oHt of the Throne [aying, Praife our God aU ye hif fir,_v:mii, andye .:hat fear h1m b9th .fmall 11nd great. And I beard a~·it wert tbe voice of a great mMttitudt, t~nd tit the vokr of many W4!\IJ'I".1 ~d111 tbr voict of mighty tbundringi [t~y· itJ~, AL'cl~tj~ : for the LordGod omnipotent reigntth. Let su br glad and rejuict and give h(molir to him; f or tbt marriagt of the Lamb i< eome, and hi< wife bath m1tk her [tlf ready ; a•d to her was granted, &c. J , "· And tndced he that bath Oiled all his pt'1_ple _Fri~fts tp Godancj a bo!Ji and royal Priefthood, te offtr up [piri111al faerijiw accep..hle to God by ]rfol Cli~ijf, a•d to ]hew fortk the .Jiaifts ( TJ< 1 ~i<T«!) the -:·irtuu, of him th:Jt hatb cu/JrJ u1 OHI of darkzt.t[.s 111to hu ,marvelloHJ .J,gbt, J!.~oth fc~m hot to uke them for f~ prophane a generation, as to be prohibited from fpeaking.ta God in f'<\blick any other– wife chan by the mourh of a Priefl. And it fccmcth to be mortallawed (and not lefi ) under the GoJPtl, than under the La"' ; becaufe Numb, r: r4. then the people as under guilt were kept at agreat(r dijlauce from God, and mufi fp!!ak to him more & ~· Jo,3S. by a Pridt that w.1.s a type of Chrifi opr in!c-rceffour. But now we are bro11gbt nigh, and recgitciled to ~bd'106 Gvd, and have the ffiirit of[o•s, and may go by Chrifl alone unto the Father. And therefore though Ep~:~·. 1 ~~~7• it be t1 ue that f\'1-initters yet are fub·interceffimrs under Chril) our high Prieh, yet they are rarely called H:b. 1::!. 18, Pricjfs, but ddcribcd m~>n: in the new Teftamentby other puts of their office.· 21, 22, 13. Obj. B•t tl!e peoplu re[ponfu malr,.e a c01if•ftd >roift in tbe.AJ[tmbliu, not initUigiblt. A11[w. All things are ill done, that are done by ill men that carnally and formally flubber it over: But if the bdland holietl people would unanimoufly fet themfclves to doir, as they do io (mgi•g Pf.,lms, fa that they did not only fland by to be the hearm of othm, it would be done mare orderly and fpiritu>lly as well as finging is. . Q!c!l:. 84· Is it not a ji11 for our Clerks to make themfel"lles t!Je moutq of the people · w/Jo amzo ordained Minifters ofOrift? ·, ' Anfw. r. IN thofe places where ordaimd Dea~ons do it, this ~bjeaion hath no place. 2 • The Clerk• arc not appointed to be the moHt~ of tkt ptoplt, But only each ont ff 1ht pto– plt commanded to•do that whtch aUjh,.ld d., ldlu fhoul!l6e wholly left undone. If all the Congtt– gatian will fpeak all chat the Clerk doth, it will anfwer the primary def1re of the Chur<h•Governours who bid the Peopk do it: But if they that will not do it themfelves, fhall pretend that the Clerk doth ufurp the Miniflry, bcaufe lit u•fetb not as well asthey; they might as well fay fa by a few that fhould (ing Pfalm; in the Church;when the rdl are againfl it and forbear. May not a man do his duty in fiog– .ng orfaying, whenyou refufeyourl, without pretending to beJ<IHr IH<IHtb, or ufurping the Minifuy ~