Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Cafes about E:>~coJ'mmmication, and tl:e Lords Supper. Q1ell:. 9l· What if a (hurch /,aw two Paftors and one E:>~conm1tmicate a man, a>r,i the other abjolwhim, Jv!Jat jhall the [hurcb awl the tlijfenter do? .Anfw. IT was fuch ca(es that made the V:hurches of old choofc Bill10ps, and ever /have but one Bilh0p in one Church. But 1. He that is in rhe wrong is hrll bound w r(p:nr, and yield 10 the other. 2. If ht: wili not, the (lthcr in a tolerable ordinary c1fe may for peace f 1 ive way to him; rhour,h nor Conti:nt ro his inj'-lrious dc.'a!ing. 3· In a d.ubious cafe they !hould both forbear proceed.. ;ng till the cafl' b: cleared. 4· In mon ca[:.>s, each p1i'ry lliou!d ad according ro his own judgement, il thr Cout1fCIPt neighbour PJ.tlots be not ~bl::: to reconcile them. A:td the people may follow 1hdr o\);njudge~ents, and torbear obeying either of rhcm fmmJ.Jiy till1hey agree. <2J:tell:. 94· For what Jim may a man be deniedCommunion or Excommunicated? Whe· therfor impenitence ill e-very li:tle (tn? Ur for gre.1t ji11 without impenitence ? .Anfrc. Io I' .HJ.VC nlewcd b~fore tlllt there is a fufp.:nfio~l w~ich is . but a forbearance of giving a 'man rhc: SJcrarnenr, ~hich is only upon an Accuf.ti.:m till his cwfc be rry:.d: And an In~ nocent perton may be falfly accured, and fo trr<d. ' 2. Some fins may be of fo heynous, that if the perfon repent of them this day, his abfolu– cion aud reception may be delayed till the fcandal be removed, •· Btcaufe the publick good is to be preferred before any mans perfonal good. 2. And the Churches, or Enemies abour, cannot fo fuddcnly know of a mans rtpentance. If they hear of a mans Murder, Perjury or Adultery to day, and heat that he is abfolvcd to morrow, they will think that the Church tonfifi:eth of fLlch, ot that it maketh Ycty light of fin; Ther~foie th,e ancient Churches ddayed and impofcd penances , putly to avoicl fuch fcandal. 3• And partly becaufe that· fame fins arc fo heynous, that a fudden profeffion is not a fufficicm Evidenceof tepmrancc, \Jnlefs there be alfo fomc' evidence of Comridon. 861 3· But ordinarily no man vught to be Excommunicate for any tin whatfocver, unlefs Impenittncebe Lulc.r3:. ;, (. added to the fin• . Bccaufe he is fir{\ tobe admonifhed to Repent, M•uh. rS. 15, r6. 1it. j• ro. And All. '·l7>l8, Repentanci is the Gofpd Condition of pardon to belieVerS. . ~9, &c. 4• A man is nor to be excommunicated for tvcry fin which he reptmtib not of. Becaufe, r. E1 fe all men lhould be EXcort1munic1ted. For thtre arc in all men fome• errours about fin and dury, and fo fomc fins which men cannot yet perceive to be fin~• . 2· And Mi1zijter1 arc nor Infallihle, and may rake that for a fin which is no fin, and fo lhould cxcornlllunicate the innocent. 3· And daily unavoidable ;nfirmitics, though repented of, }'et awaken not the foUl fonictimcs to a notable contrition ; Gal. 6 . 1 , 2 , 1l 1 • nor are they fit matter for the Churches admonition. Aman is not to be called openly ro repentance )1m. 3· I,2,J, before the Chun:h for (Very idle word, or hour. ' 4· There.fore to Excommunication th,fe two mufl: concur, I· AbrynoUf~tefl in tbe fin, 2• Impt1ri-. lmct after ·due admonition and patience. Qgefl:. 95. Muft tbePaftors examine the people before tbe Sacrammt ~ Anfw. •· REgularly they n10uld have fufficient notice afrer they come to age that they own their Baptifmal Cove.nant, and that they have that due nndcrftanding of the Sacrament and the Sacramental work, and filch aChriftian Profif!ion as is to a due participation. 2. But this is fitlrefi: done at their folernn tranfition out of their Infant,Church·ilace into their adult: And it is not neccffuily to be done every time they come to the Lords Table ( unlcfs the pcrfon defirc help for his own benefit ) ; but only onct, before their firll communicating: if it be the fatisfa<!tioo of the Pajlor or Cliurch that is intended by it. R r r'I r 2