Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Harv numy Sacr·4mcnts there are. Of Sclf"afjiining Pena11ces. is, Divers fdcmiJ rrncw.;lJ of ottr CovcnoJi1t wizb God. As I· At our folemn tranfirion from 1hc fiate ot I:tf.mJ-mcmbcr/hip umo that of the Adt~lr, when we folemnly own our bapri{m.1l, which C.lfvi>t and many Prorcllants (an~ the Enblifh RubriC"k) c.ll Confirm.Jtian. 2 The foic1r.n fJwniHg tht C./;rijfi:m Fai:b and Coo:cnam, m cur contlanr Cburch-a.ffemblin, when we)t.1nd up a( (hC Crttd nr protdlion of our faith, and all renew our Covenant wilh Gqd, and dedication to him: 3· At. fa· ltmn dayts of F.tjiing nr humiliJ!ion, and ot Tb.::llkjp,bing when this fhould be folcmnly dont'. Sp<.cially cpon fame publick d~ftC'tion. 4· llptm t:tc publick R:ptnur.ce ot a particular £inner be– fore llis ab{olutinn. 5· \\'hen a man is going out of the: wodd, and ILCommending his foul to God by Chrill: All thc(e ar~ {olemn renewings of our Covenant with God, in which we huy ufe any Lawful, Natural or Arbitrary tigns or cxpnflions, to fi~r.iflc our own minds by , as fpcobJng, fob~ jctWi1;g, jfandi~tg up, lifting up the h.Jnd, laJ•ing it upo1t a boo~, ~iffiJJJ!. lfJt book_ , &c. Thcfe Sa~ cramo;tJ ;:;re irnpropuly lo cJI!td: And arc D;vine as to the Cvvvt:~nt rmoved, bur Humane as to the expNJ!inf!. fi~n.r. · +· 0,-diu.:Jtiun is not improperly or unfi!ly C:l.llcd [.: S.~cr.zmrnt1 btc ...ufc it is the foJcmnizing ofa nz;ou~l C<' bctwrm God .zndm.m, foe our JcdicJ.tiun to his f!xcial ftrvice, omd his rcctptionof us and bldfmg lm us, though Jm.p(,tition ofhand,c; be nor tU {olemn a C..::rcm~,.,ny by mcer lnfiitution, a) B.;:ptifrn and the Lords Supper. But then it n'iufi be! nottd, that this is not Sacramentum Chrijlia– nitat~1 aS.lcrarncnt of the Chrij/i.Jn Covtnant; but S.Jctmmm~m Ordinis vel officii particui.Jris; aS:J– cr..zmmt of Orderr, or aparticular Office ; but yet of Divine infiitution. 5· T nt fobnu Cckb;1:ion ot;ge, is an Oc-conomical Sacrament; that is, a fvlcrnn obligation of mJn :111d woman by Vow to one another, and of both to God in that relation; which may bear~ bitr~dy (Xp.df ..d by IJ.w(ul fibm or ceremonies. 6. Th( t'oicn;o Cuvcnant at a MattLr wi1h his fervant, is on the feme account, an Occonom:.:&l SJc;.amt.:IH. 7· The inaug:.u:1.tion of a King, in which he is [worn to his fubjed:s, and ded:catcd ro God iu th.11 Oflixe, a1.d his !ub)u~h fwt1rn or con{cm to him, _is a Civil. 5Jcramcnt, whether Unction be added or not . Ar:d fo is a ]udgLs entrance on his Office, whm 1t b done fo fokrnnly by in obli_jing Vc.)\V or Covtnanr. ~ 8. C)nfirmation in the Papifis fcnfe, as conferred by Clrcy[m on Infants for giving them the Ho– ly Ghdl, is bur an unwarranuble imitation of the old miraculous operation by t11c Apofi:lcs, and miri;<.J a C!ailti•n SJ.narr.enr, uor a warrantable pr.. Cbcc, bur a pn.furnp[ion. 9· Tl ( Cn .·~ 1my bt. lAid of their Sacrament of ExtreamVnliion. JO. Thc:i1 Sacrament of M~1 riage is no orherwife aSacram~~t, thaf! the Inauguration of a King i~; which is :opprovcd by God as well as Marriage-, and figmheth aHo an honoarable Collation of Vow• r from tltt Univ~rfal King. r r. Thrir SJcnmtnt of Pm:mce is no otherwife a S.Jcrament than•many other fore·mentioned re~ oc.r..·,pg( of (JV.r Cvnnanr. •rr. · . . . ,· . Ii· Thenkit: tht Paptfts f\.vcn S:!.cnrnents, or feptemry d1Jfnbutton, ts co11jw[td, p:!rcly rcd111t· d)rt, p.. r: ly d..fd71:c, and unwor:l.y to be made a part of their (Jirh or Religion, or the marrcr of thur p:e\ ;r,, a.•J igr.or:mt comenJing~. Aw.l th(y thct peremptorily f•y without difiinguifhing thar thl re ate but t1vo S.lcr:Jmti!IJ in all, do but harden them by rhe unwarrJnuble r:Jrrowing of the word. Q!_ett." too. E-larv far is ~t larvfttl, medftil or unlutvjttl far a man to afftiEJ h1m[dj by external Pmances for fin~ Ift. sS. :h! , 6 , rll{w. Nt'g. z, NOr to the ddlroying of his body, life or hcal!h, or the diflhling or ur:fit~ 7 , 8, &c. 1ing budy or mir.d, for the fer vice of God. Mmh. 9 q. • 2 • Not' w bt: t,)e ~.:xp.rd1lon of any finfu1 inordinate d~ j~d:ion , <lefpondcncy, fo.rrow or & 12··':· · Mmh 6 '' 3, 3 . Not fo .as mo.y be an outward appearance of fuch inordinate pafiions, or as may be a fcandal to z.. ch 58.6 :;'· 0{:\L.f< ~nd dc.:tLr rh...m from Rdig:on as a md:mcho1y hurtful thing. 2 eo~. l. 7• 4 • Nur as 1{ God would c.:cccpt the rne(r cxtern3;l [tlf affliEi11b for it [tlf, or as if be loved our Col. 2 22, l3, hurt, or as if we mait;d vf bim by our unfrOlilablc voluntary troubles. ~ ~4: Bur 1 • It b a duty to cxpn.h uuc godly torrow by its proper cxacifc and figm:,_ fo·far .as either }oJ 1 ' 1 ;- 1 ~ thr.: aC!iny, of ir, or the in.:rc.~[t o.r cuntinuance by the means of thofe exprcffions IS profitable to D:tn. 9· J our fclvcs. . . A~< >o. '~· z, And alfo fo far as is needful to the profitillg of others, by O.ewmg them the <vd of fin, and ~~or 7· ~. drawing them to rcpc:ntancc. M~,r~h~ 1. 7 2 '. 3· And fo fu as is nccdTary to the fatisfying of the Church of the truth of our Rcpent:nce-, in ,. s m. 12. n. ordl.:'r to our Abfolmion and Cilmmunion. I"'' >S. "· 4 . E.fpccially fo far as is necdfary to fu~due out lldhly luOs, and tame oux bodies, and bring them