Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Of Lent andotherftated F<1Jls. them into a due fubje&ion to our faith,- and to avoid our fin for the time to come. Aud a!fd by ~Cor. 7 . 9; the exercife of fobermortification ptudently, to ltrep undtr all our worldly phamafies, and lo..·c of to, 11. this prcfcnt world,_without unfitting our f:l_vcs.for dutr· . ~~~r~. ; , 2 J." 5 1 And fa far as IS needful by fu_ch f!tOtt!licatiOn, to hr us for fc:rvcnt prayer, efpec1ally by f.tfling Rom. 1 ; . r~, on dayes of humiliation ; and to help us in our meditations of death and judgement, and to further 14. our heavenly contcmphtions and convcrfation. . 6. The greatetl difficulty is, TYhethtr any fi/f-revmge betar:ful or due ; which is anfwered by pf, J. 69 . 10 • what is faid already : None fuch as dtfablerh us for Gods ferv1ce ts lawful. But true Repenuncc is Lev 10 29 ,;t. an anger or great difpleafure with our fclvcs for fin, and a hatred of fin, and loathing of our felvcs & 23. 27, )2. for it: judge, cond.emn an~ a~ia our own foul~ by a, voluntary fclfpunijhing is but that en- Nun~ ~:.//. trcife of Jufhce on our felves, whtch 1s fit for pardancd]innrrJ that are not to bt couclcmncd by che E:z.raS. ;~.l. 3 Lord, and indeed the juft exercifc ofRepentance and difpleafure again!\ our fclves. Onwhich ac. counts of fober [tlf-revtHge we may chcrilb fuch degrees of godly farrow , falling, courfe cloathing (as Sackcloth) and d~nying our felv~s the pleafures of this world, as lhall not be hurtful but helptUl to our duty. And 1f great and hcmous finncrs have of old on thefe terms, exceeded other men in their auficrities, and felf-afR1Gtings, we cannot condemn them of fuperfiition, unlcfs we more particularly knew more caufe for it. But popilhly to think that fclf-affliBing without rcfpeCl: to I( 3 i -fuch caufcs or ncccffities is a meritorious perfection, tit for others, is fuperllhion indeed. And to h S · ·' think as many of the Melancholy do, rhat {elf-murder is a lawful fcU~rcvenge, is a heinous fin, and lcadeth to that which is more heinous and dangerous; Qyell:. 101. Is it lawful .to obfer'Ve "ftated times of fafting impofecl by othfrs; 1vithout extr~ordinary occajiOil ~ And partimlar~, . Lent ? Anfw. REmember ·that I here meddle not with the qudlion .how is lalvful for Rulers to , Chron. 2 o 1 . tmpofe fuch t'.:dls on others ? fave only to fay, I• That tt tS undoubtedly tit for E''a S· '-t• Kings to do it by Precepts, and Copfent, i.n extraordinary cafes of defection, tin ot Jon; J· >.: 2· That it ls. undoubtedly finfu1 ufu_rpation, for cirher Pope or any pietendc:d ~ccldi- z;~~-8; ~~· aihcal Umverf1l Rulers, to tmpofe fuch on the Vn~verfal ChHrch ( Becaufe there are no lln1verfal ~ead oau 411 $ Rulers). 01 for anrighbottr Bijhopby ufurpation to impofe it on a neighbour Church. 3• And that Tre::uife de it is·finful in all or many C~urcbu, to by, thdr AgrtemmtJ fUch things to be mce.ffar_y to their J~fut~ii;~ Vnion or Communian wid1 thtir neighbour Churches, fo that they V;ill take all thofc tor Schifmaticks that differ from them in fuch indifferent things. But as to theVftng of fuch fa(ls (omitting die impaling ) I fay, . I. r. That fa grett and extraordinary a duty as holy faj!ing, mu!\ not be turned into a meer If>. ss. j, r; formality or ceremony. 6, 7, a. 2· No particular man mufl be fo obfervant of a publick commanded anniverfary {aft, as for it .to negleCt any duty commanded him ~y God which is inconftfient with it. ( As to re joycc or ktep a day of 'tb.mkJgiving in Lent, upon an e~traordinary obliging cau{t ; To keep the LordJ day in Lent, as a d<~y of Tbank!givi1zg and Rejoycing; To prcferve our own heal1b ; &c. ) It is not lawful in obe– dience eo man, to tilfi fo much, or ufe fttch dytt as is like to deOioy our lives or health : Thefc be~ ing not fo far put into the power of man: Nor can difpence with u1 as io the duty of felf– prcfervation. If GDd him[tlf rtquire us not to offer him our lives and health needltfly, as an ac. ·cc:ptable Sacrifice, nor ever maketh felf-di'jfrul1ion o~r duty, no nor any thing that is not fOr manS own gaod ; then we are not to believe without very clear proof thilt either Prince or Prelates h11ve mort pow<r than ever God doth ufe himfelf. . 3• Such an Anniverfary faCt as is meet for thC remembrance of fame grc:1.t fin or judgement, if , GOmmanded, is to be kept, both for the R.eafon of it, and for the Authttrity of the Commander. ~f~or I· It is not unlawful as AnniVerfary ( l'or t . It is not forbidden; and, '2· There may be jufi oc.. cafion: Some aibitnrily keep an anniverfary fajf on the d:~.y of their Nativi(y ( ilS I have long done ) ; and fame on the day chat they fell into fame great fin ; and fOme on the day of thed~ath of a friend, or of fome pcrfonaJ, domefiick, or Nuional Calamity ; and none of this is forbidden.) 2 · And that which ~s not unlawful in it fclf, is not therefore unlawful to be dOilC becaufe it is com~ m11ndtd; fecing obedience to fupe1 iours ·is our duty and not oUr fin, uhlefs in finful things: 4· Whether it be lawful or meet to conimerilorate Chrifis fuff<rings by anniYcrfary flfis is next to be confidered. · ' i I. As for Lwt in particutar : We muA difiinguilb, J , Between the antient Lent, and the later L ent; 2. Between keeping it on a Civil account, and on a Religious. 3• Between true falling, and change of dyer. 4' Berwccn the Imitation of Chrifis fourry dayes fa!ling, and the mecr Comnti· moration of it. Which premifed I conclude, •· The I /