Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

S6 6 Is Lent-{aft la1v[ul? May Jve ftay in a [lmrciJ tb.1t wauts fame Ordinance~ _ t: The kecp:ng a true I'· an or _Abllinencc from food, for fourty dayc.:s, on what account focver ht:- mg nnpoffible, or felf·murder, B not eo be attempted. ' 2. TheJmi~ati.:m ofChrill in his fourty dayes fafi_in~ i~ not ro be attempted or pretended to: Becaufe hts 1mraculm 1 works W(IC not done for our tmzt:JIJOII· Aod it is prrfumpti1n for us r tend to fuch apower as i~ nccd:uy to Miracles; or yet to make any Fff.t)tl at f~ch an lmit~r~:any more than at the raifing fJj tbe dead. 11 >·The pi<tending of a.tafl when men do but change their dyer; Fhfh for F:ft 1, fmit, SMoec roeus, &c. 1S but hypocrmca1 an~ ndtculous: ~oO poor labo_urers, and temp::tJtt: Minitl~rs .JGhv.l: all the yea~ o_n ~more fll'(h-denymg dyer? ~nd m g~eater ~b~menc~: thJn mJny PJpiHl do tn Lvm. or on thcu talbng dayes. A:~d what a nd,culous d1fpute IS 1t to hear, (.g. a C.a/vitt that ·nevCt: ·ta'4cth but one fmaH mea.\ a d.1y toe many years, to plead againfi the kecpino- of the Pnpi(h tan u!\ thtir can him voucious, ;nd carnal, and an Epicure, and plead t0r 0 falling as holy mo!~i~cG'ion, who cat as many ~eals ana as m.uch. meat ona Lem ~ay or falling day, as C.zlvin did in r,lw.fe feaHing dayes ~ and dunk as much Wmc maLent, as he mt~enty yta1s.? Sure I am I know ,mJ:nf fuch 011 both hdes : Some that cat but a fO'_lall meal a day, and never dr1nk Wine at all, and otheni that drink Wine daily, and cat of many dtOtcs at a meal, and th>t to the full, and of the Iwutd!, as fi{b, t·ruits, &c. yet ra1l at the former for not fa{hng as they ·do. So delufory arc: the appearances, and fo fa\fc the pret~ofions of the carnal for~! 4 , The antient L<Htconfilled tuH of one day ( Good-Jryd')) alone ; and after<hat of daee <lares, and then of fix, and at !all H came up to fouuy. ( ot wh1ch read DJU£JK 11~; JltJ>T• Jil: large. ) S· None can qucfiion the lawfulnt'fs of an obedient keeping of fuch a Civil Lent [aft as our S:•- tultl command, tor the vendmg ot f1fh, and for the breed of Cattle; fo be it, no bodily noccllity ,. grearcr duty be againfl it. 6. h is not unlawful tor thofe that cannot lotaUy fafi, yet to ufe more ahj!intnl!l and a men: ntl)rtifyingfart of dytt tha~ ordinary for the exerdfet of rrpentance ana 'mortific>~rion, in due time.. 7 . If Authority !hall appoint fuch a mortifying abjlemiout corvfe upon J.wful or toknble .gJOurk and ends, I will obey them, if they puc:rnptorily xequire it, when n.y health 01 feme greatel' dt~~ forbidderh it nor. g. As fer theCommanding fuch an Ahfiinence, as in Lent, not in lmitatio;r, but bJre'Cammemar•~ tion of Chrifis forty dayes fait, I would not c?mmand it if it were in .my power; Bur being re– rempto(ily commanded , I cannot prevc 1t Hnlt~wful to ohly ; w1th the fort-mentioned cz:- ceptions. was antiently held • crime to fall on the Lord1 J,yu, even in Lrnt; And I t3ke 1huJay •~ be feparated by Chrifl and the Holy Ghofl for a Church fefl>val or day ofTinnksgiving; Ther<– fore 1 will not keep it ., a fJjl, though I were <ommanded, unlefs in fuch au cxrraordin1ry n=ftiry, as afordaid. 0~· Pilgrimages, SJints, Relitb and Shrines, Temples, of their Miracles, of Praying to Angels. w s~.1nts, for the Dead, of PurgatOiy, of the Popes Pardons, lndulger.ces, Difpcnfations ; 0 f d.JC: Power of true ('Jflors to forgiv.e iins, .with a mu~titt~de of fuc~ cafes, which are commonlj handled ·in our Conuovc~:fal Wntcrs agami\ the Papd\s, I mull th1ther refer the Reader for a Sl'}– lution, becoufc the handlin~ of all fuch particular Cafes would fwell my Book to a magnitudebey<>nd my intencion, and make thiS part unfu1table to the reft. Q£ell:. 10~. May we continue it,·a (httrciJ, where fame one Ordinance of arjft is wantmg, M 'Difciplitle, Prayer, Preaching ur Sacraments, tbottgiJ we baY£ · all the reft ? Anfw. Dlfiin~uilb '·Of Ordinances: 2• Of a llat<d want, and a temporary want : ;. Of one chat may have better: and one that canner. 1 , 1euching, Pr•yer and Pr•ife, are Ordinances of fuch neceiliry that Church Alfcmblics have not their proper ufc without them. 2· The Lord1 Supper is of a fecondary need, and mul\ be ufed when it may, but a Church-Alfcmbly may attain its ends fometime.s without it, in a good degree. . 3· DifcipliHe is impltcitly excrclfcd when non1 but. lhe Bapd1.ed n e CommunJcants, and when profelfed Chrillians voluntarily alfemblc, and".thc preaching of the Word doth difiinguifh the preci– ous fiOm the vile : Much more when notorious fcandalous iinners are by th~ kept from the S.icrammt ( As our Rubrick and Canons do r(quire ). +But