868 }.fay Paftors or Members remo)le withoHt the 'Peoplrs confent. 5· If Magifiratcs and Bifbops fhould concur in commanding my remove in a cafe nororiouify ir.~ junous and pernicious w the Church (as in the aforrfaid cafe, to bring in an ArriJ.n ) I would not ob.ey f ormatly for crmfciwce [.1~e ; fuppcfing that God never gave th~:m fuch a power againlt mens fouls and the Gofpd of Chrifi : And there is no power but of God. 6. But I would pnfer both the Command oi the: M:~githate , and the Dircdion of the PJfiors before the mccr JJJiiJ and humour of the people, when their fojety and welfare were not concerned i~ the <1fc. 7· And when the Magiflnte is peremptor)', ufually I mull obey him Matrdally, when I do ir nor formaDy (in confci('nce to his rncer Command ). Bccaufc: though in fume c•fes he may do rhac which belongeth not to his Office, but to the: J:>aliors, yet l-'lis violence may make ir become: rheChurches inrerdi, that I yield and give place ro his wrath: 1-'or as I mull nor I<cfl)i him b)' forct, fo ·if ( depart not at his Command, it may bring a greater fuffcring on rhe Churches: And la for prevem~ ing a grcatrr evil he is to be fubmilttd to in many cafes, where: he: gocth again£\ God and without authority; though not to be formaUy obeyed. 8. Particular Churches have no fuch imerefi in their Minillers or Pallors, as to keep them 2giinff their n•ills and the M.~gilh:atcs, and againfl the intcrci\ of the UniverJal Church, as thall be ncxr aiTerted. I have fpokm to this inlhnce as it taketh in all other c1fes of difference between the Power of the Magijfratc , the Pa[lorJ and the ptnplu intertft, when they difagrc:e, and not as to this cafe alone. Qyefl:. to4· Is a Paftor obliged to his Flock for Life ! Or i~ it lawful fo to . oblige himfelf ~ And m1JI he remow 111ithout their Confent ~ And jo aifo of a [hurch.member, the Jamt qtteftionr are put. THcfe rour Q!!dlions I put together for brevity, and !hall artfwer them difiinctly. I. r. AMinifier is obliged to Chrift and the Vniverf-1 Ch11rch for Life, ( durante vita,) with·this exception, if God difable him not. 2. But as a Pafior he is not obliged to thit or that flock.. for li_fe. There is no fuch command or example in Gods Word. I I. To the fccond : I· It is lawful to oblige our felves to a people for life in fome cafes, condi· tian.sUy; that is, If God do not apparently 'all us away. z. But it is nevtr lawful to do it A bfo– luttly: 1. Bccaufc: we fhall engage our fclves againll God; againll his power over us, and inrerdl in us, and his wifdom that mull guide us. God may call us whither he pleafe : And though now he fpeak not by fupernatural revelation, yet he may do it by providential alterations. 2. And we (ball elfe oblige our felvcs againll the Univerfal Church, to which we are more firiC!ly bound; than to any parricular Church, and whofe good may oblige us to remove. 3. Yea, we may bind our felves to the hurr of that Church it felf; fecing it may become its inteJCft to part with us. 4· And we (hould fo oblige our felves ogainll our dut~ to authority, which may remove us. 11 I. To the third qlldlion I anfwer, I· A Pafior may not caufelcfly remove, nor for his own worldly commodity when it is to the hurt ofthe Church and hinderance of the Gofpcl. 2· When he hath jufi eaufe, he mull acquaint the people with it, and feek their fatisfaC!ion and confent. 3• But if he cinnor procure it, he may remove without it: As I· When he is fure that the intcrdlof the Golpel and Univerfal Church require it: 2. Or that jull authority doth oblige him to it. The reafons are plain from what is faid ; And alfo r. He is no more bound to the ptople, than they are to him : But they arc not fo bound to him, bw:t they may remove on jufi occallon. 2 •. If he may not remove, it is either becaufc God forbids it, or becaufe his own CimtraO with them hath oblig<d him againll it: But 1. God no where forbids it : 2· Such a contract is .£uppofed not made, nor lawful to be made. I v. As to the pec;>ples caft, it needs no other anfwn ; r. No member may remove without caufe: 2· Nor abruptly and uncharitably to the Churches diJTatisfaCtion, when he may avoid it. But 3· He may tetnove upon mauy jufl caufes (private or publi<k) whether the Church and Pafiors confcnt or nor, fo the manner be as bccometh a Chrifiian. •