Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

~TJTI·o mttjl appoint publ.Fafts,&c.MayG ..Affemblies be omitted 011 the if forbiddw ~ when the nwf!ity of the Church r< Synods may profitably be fiated for order, when it may be lawfully obtained (both as to hmtts of Place, numbers and Time): Bu't thefe prudential o 1 • ders are not of ftattd ntcrflily, bqt mufi gtVe place to weightier rcafons on the cOntrary. 3· Synods thcmfe)vesare. not ordinarily neccffary, by Nature or Injiitution (Let him that affirmcth it, prove it) But that wh1ch is fiat('dly neceffuy is, The Concord of the Churchu as the End, and a mceff"'Y com[pondwcy of the Churches as the Means, and Sy11ods when they may weU be had, as a ~onvenicnt fort of means. . 4 • When Synods cannot be had, or are needlefs, Mdfcngers and Letters from Chuich to Church may keep up the Corrcfpondency and Co11cord. 5· In cafes of rcalnecef!ity ( which are very rare, thoughufrfulnefs be more frequent ) the BHhops and people fl1ou\d firfi petition the King for his confent: And if that cannot be had, they may meet fecre~ly and in fmall nu_mbcrsfo~ mutud confulr_ation and advice about the work of God; and not by keepmg up the formaltty of theu let numbers, ttmcs, and pla.ces, and orders, provoke the King againfi them. 6. The contempt of Synodsby the feparatifls, and the placing more power in Synods than ever God gave them by others, yea and the infilling on their circumfiantial orders, making them like a Ci– vil Senate or Court, have been the two extreams which have greatly injur,ed and divided the Churches, throughout the World. ,Q~ell. 1 o 8. To 1vbom dot!J it belong to appoint dayes and ajfemblit!s for pub/ick Hu. • miliation and Thankfgi'lJing ~- · · All[rv',, THeanfwerofthelafiquefiion may fervcforthis. ,, T.heMagitlrate only may do it by way of Laws, or civil Mandate enforced by the fword. 2· The P.iftors may do it in cafe of neceffity, by Pifiora1 advice and exhortation, and nundativc command in the name of Chrill. 3· The people may do it by Petitiqn. 4• As ordinary Church AJI'embliel''imitl behtld if the Magitlrate forbid them (of which next) fo ·rnun extraordinary ones, when extr~ordintJry caufcs make it aduty. 5· When the Maginrate forcibly hindereth them, natural impoffibility refolveth the quetlion, about our duty. Q!.ell. 109· May we omitCburciJ,affembli~ on tlJI! f-:lrds day, if tlJe Magiftrate for. bidtlmn ~ · ·., ,. · M . ·, 'llnfrr. 1. IT is one thing to forbid them lot a timt, upon fame fpecial caufe, (as Infection by ~~r~~-o:r~ pefiilencc, fire, war, &c.) And another thing to forbid them fiatcdly or prophanely. femblics on 2· It is one rhing to omit them for a time, and another tO do it ordinarily. the Umh day, J· lr is one thing to omit them in formal obedience to the Law; and another thing ro omit them in ~or?Jddcn by prudence or for neCcfiity, bccaufc we cannot keep them. ' 6 ' ""'· 4· The Affemb\y and the circumfiancesof the Affcmbly mufi be diflinguilhed. I· If the Magifirate for a greater good, ( asthecommon fafety ) forbid Church Affcmblics in a time of ·pcfiilence, affau1t of enemies, or fire, or the like neccffity, it is aduty to obey him. Becaufe pofitive duties give place to thofe great natural duties which are their end : fo Chritl juflified himfclf and his difciplcs violation of the external refl of the Sabbath. For the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. 2· Becaufe Affirmatives bind not ad Jrmptr, and out of feafon du– ties.become fins. 3. Becaufe ont Lords day or Affembly is not to be preferred before Many which by the omiffion of that one are like to be obtained. 2. If Princes propbantly forbid holy affimblies and public/t rporjhip, either ftaudly, or as a renunciatiQJl of Chrift and our religion; it is not Lawful formally to obey them. • 3• But it is lowful prudently to do that fecretly for the prefent nccd!ity, which we cannot do f!Ubljc~ly, and to do that with [mal/er numbers, which we cannot do with grttJter affembJiu, yea and to omit {ome affrmblies for a timt that we may thereby have opportunity for mort :which is notformiil hut only materi.Jl obedience. · 4· But if it be only fame cirC!tmflanw of Affcmbling that are forbidden us, that is the next cof< to \>c refol vcd.