Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Qiell:. 110. Muft we obey the_ Magiftrate if he only forbid u; W'orjhiping God, injuci1 apbce, or Countrey, or mfuel; numbers, or the like~ Anfw. wE-muft difiinguifh between fuch a determination of Circumnances~ modes or accidents~ What if w~ h· as plt~inly dejlroy the worjhip or the end, and fuch as don9t. 1-'or inHance, I· He that forbidd:n ;n Y faith, You Oul1 neV'Ct affcrnble but once a year or never but at midnight; or never above fix or fevcn Place, N~o~m-~ minutesar once,&c•. doth butdeterminet~ecircumjta,:ce of1.ime: But he doth it fo as ro dtjfroy bm,&'·!, the wot!hip, which cannot fo be done, in confifti:ncy with its ends. But he that {hall fayl Y0u (hall not meet till nine aclock, nor fiay in the night, &c. doth no fuch thing. So 2· Hethatfaith, You (hall not affauble but at forty tnilet dijtance one from another; or yobt {hall meet only in a room thtt will hold but the twenueth part of the Church ; or you (hall never Preach in any City or popular place but in a Wildernefs far from the inhabitants, &c. doth but deter– mine: the: circumfiance of But he fo doth it, as tends to ddlroy or frufi:rate the work which God cornrnandeth us. But [o doth not he that only boundeth Churches by Parilb bounds, or forbidcth inconvenient places. 3 • So he that faith, You !hall never meet under a hundred thoufand together, or never above fi•·e or tix doth but determine the accident of Number. But he fo doth it as to dcfhoy the wmk and end. For rhc firfi will be impoffible; And in the fecond way they mufi keep Church alfemblies without Miniftcrs, when there is not fo many as for r:vety fuch little number to have one. But fa doth not he that only fa.ith, You {hall not meet above ten thoufand, nor under ten. 4· So he that faith, You {hall not hear a Trinitatian, but an Arrian, or you {ball hear only one that cannot pteach the c{fentials of Religion, or that cryes down Godlinef5 it fclf, or you £hall hear nOne but fuch as were ordained at Juufllent or ltome, or none but fuch as fubfcribc the Council of •frenr, ere. doth but determine wlw pcr[<m we !hall hear. Bur he fo dorh it as to deftroy the work and end. But fo doth not he that only faith, You fillll hear only rh~ able Minifier, rather than that. 2 • 1 ~c ~d not !land on the applica.tion. In the later cafe we owe formal obedience. In the former · •ft uffcr, and nor obty. • _; if be meet fo to obey, it is meet in obedience to gi~e over Gods wor!hip. Chriil faid,whm Mat. ro. q . 1 erfecuteyo14 ilr one Ci1y,jiee to another: But.he never faid, If they forbid you Preaching in any Mar. r6. t~.; City or populous place, obey them. He that fatd, Preach the Gojpel to every Creature, and to all Nati- Mar. a8. Jg. ons ~nd 121l tlu fVDrld, and that would have aU men to be (avtd and to come to the Jtnowledge of the truth, ~ i~~~· :·~·s , dor'h not allow us to forfakc: the fouls of all that dwell in Cities and populous places,and Preach only to • · ,6. fame ftw Cottingcrs No more than he will allow us to Love, pity and relieve the bodies & 4· 1, 2, 3· only of rhofc few;and ta~e none for our Neighbours that dwell in Cities, but with Priefi and Levitt, to pafs them by. O!JeO:. 111. Muft StibjefJs, or fervams forbear tveekly LefJtms, IJ\.eading or Jucb. helps,above the Lords dayes worjhip, if Princes or Mafters do comma11d it~ Anfw. r. THere is gr:at diffaence between a meerfitbjtll, or perfon governed, and a fervant, fi;ve or ch1ld. 2 • There is great difference between fuch as are hindered by jufi caufe and real necctiities, and fuch as are hindered only through prophane malignity. r. Poor people have not fo much lci[nre from their callings, as the Rich: And fo providing for rheir f,;miliu, may at that time, by uecdfi1y become the greater and the prcfcnt duty. z. So m•y it be with Souldim, Judges and others that have prcfent urgent work of publick confc· qucnce; when others have no Cuch impediment. 3· He that is the child or fiave of another, or is bU own by propriety, is more at his power, than he that is only afubjeU, and fo is but to be Goveowlin order to his cwnand the common good. 4· A fervarit that hath abfolutcly hired himfelf to another, is for that time m~ er the condition of a flave: But he that is hired but with limitations, and exceptions of Liberty, ( exprefi or underfiood ) hath r,ight to the excepted liberty. . 5· If the King forbid Judges, Souldim or others who[e labours arc due to the publick, to hear Sermons at the time when they Chould do their work : Or if Parents, or Maflers fo forbid Children and fcrvanrs, they rnufi be obeyed, while they exclude not the publick Worlbip of the Lords own day, nor nccdfary Prayer and duty in our private daily cafes. 6. But he that is under fuch bondage as hindereth the needful helps of his foul, !hould be gone to a freer place, if Lawfully he can. But a Child, Wife or [uch as are nor free mufi trufi on Gods help in the ufe of fuch means as he alloweth them. 7• A Prince, or Tutor, ot Schoolmafier, who is not .• Proprittor of the pctfon, bu! only a Governour, is not to be obeyed formaUy and for Confcience fake, if