Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673 Images and JVhat Ufe of Images i?UnlaJVful. inward Idulatry, ( either as viiibly d~fcribing God ro be like a Crratttrt, or clfe as fceming to mean what Idolmrs did by that action ) that God bath thought meet eo tot bid it eo all mankir.d by a fpeci•l, 1 • 4 • Law. ( Command. 2·) 'Kin~. 19. t8. 6. The fcandal of _Idolatry is a heynous fin, ai1d not to be t'Xcufcd by the co~tr:uy meaizir.i;. ~~( ·.:~2• :: 9· of the heart, no more than lpng Idoi:JtroiHprof€f!ionJ are. B_ccJufe ro bJ~[pbeam Go.J as 1f he wtrc: li!ze 2 King.J7. t!~ a Creature, or to tell the World by our sftitJnJ chat a creature it G1Jd 1 are both Very heynous. And Exod. ~o. ~· fa is it to mnrdcr our brethren.r{oulr, by tempting them to che like. 7· It is no appearance of Idolatry to kneel tO a King, or a father, or Superiour, when we arc pro- Gen. :7. 29, fdling nothing but to Honour them wirh due honour : Bur \vheb the Church aff<..m!:>lerh prr;fo:.ffed!y· :3 2 ;~· to Wor01ip God, if then d1ey mix exprcffionsof venr:ra1ion to Angels) and Saints in H~aven, or ro a Ex~1. 1 1 s. King, or any Creature, in their Tf/"orjhipping of God, wirhouc a very notorious !ignificarion of futfi.;ient 2 Kin,.(, 1lt diflerence, it will feem a joyning them in par,t of the (Jme Divine honour. . Gen. 41 -4-J· 8. So. we. may put off ~u~ hats r~ the Chair of fiatc, ~~. Kings Image, yea 3nd k1:eel towards 11{~::1~~;~;,, it as to hnn, 1f he command 1t mdue time and place, when lt ts humane Worfh1p only wh1ch we pro. ..p. fefs : But to kneel or bow as an ad: of honour towards rhe lmJgc of King, SJinrs or Angel, in the time of ourpro{tffid IYorftJipping of God, is fcandal1Hf) and an thac we giVe thern a. part of that which we aregiving to God. 9• Yet iris nor unlawful even in t~he facred Affcmblies, to bow to our Supcriotir at oUr entranCe, or going out, or in the intervals of Gods Worlhip; bccaufe the rime and cullomc and manner maf fufficiemly notifle the dillinc5tion, and prevent the fc.andal. zo. If any prefumptuous Clergy men on pretence of their A.uthority, will bring Images into thci Churches, and fct them before us in Divine Worlhip, as objects only of Remembrance, and means of txciting our affed-ions to God, that they may ilew quam proximt fe accedue p(lffe ad peccatum jiHe pcc- . cato, how neer they can come to fin wirhout fin, it is not meet for any good Chrilli;ms to follow them "!-·v. 26. t.'. in rheir prefumption, nor by obeying them to invite them to proceed_in their Church Tyranny.Though Gal. 2. •h 5· I now determine not, w~1ether in cafe Df neceffity, a ~an ma~ not be pre(t:nt ~it~ {uch a CbJ!rcb, if~J;r~·7. 21 • their Wor!hip of God hunfclf be found, fuppoflng h•m futliC<ently to notlhe lm d•ffcnt, and that he do nor himfdf fcandaloufly direct his Wo.r!hip coward fuch l•mgcs! ( As in the Lu<!man Church" we may fuppofe they do not. ) Q£ell:. 113. What [mages, and what·ufe of [mag~s u lawful er unlalvfuU Ae.f...,. r. JT u tmlawjid to m•k..e any TmagrofGod. Becaufe it would be a bbfphemingof him, as prc- tr•. 40. IS,os. tending him to be like to that which he is not like to, that is, a creature. :4~· 5. Obj. M.JH HGvdJ Image : It UlaWful to mak._( ~n Imageof man ; aud fo on ImJgt of God1 Image, c:~. ·~~~·t and thatma)•be aflcondary Imageof Gad. & 5 . 1 • Anfw. 1. It is the foul of man, of which no Image can be drawn or made, which is the Image of o ,ut.4. 1~6, God,'and not the body. ::?:. The Image of liim who fecundum quid as to the foul, is Gods Image, is not t7, 18, 2JJtf. GodJ Image, bur man1 quoad corp~H as to anotht'rput. We need not contend .much about thC nanie : ~;t12. whether rhis rnay be called aRemote .Itnage ~f God (though undoubt(dly unfit ). But We mull not :. Chron -;j. 1 • really rake it to be Lik._t him, or ufc 1t for h1s Image. Ez..k s. ~~ 5. Obj. Godha,Jb imprinted hU Image on the whole Creation; e. g. He WeaVed a con[uming fire; 1herefore Dan.j.. fire maybe piUureda1bH Imag,e. . ~o~·•· 2~. Anfw. The f.~ me anfwer. f~.:rveth as to the f6rme~.objetl:ion. And it is not all the Impuffi:mJ and C~l: ~~-~~. • vefligi.s of Gods Power, W1rdom and Goodr.efs, wh1ch are called bU lm4gt; As the hou{t is not the Deut· 9. .. Image of the builder, or a Clock of a Clockmaktr, &c. And if God be m~taphorically called fire, as Exo_d. z;. 24. he is called, a Lym) &c. b~caufe of thefimilirude of fome operation or effeCt, it followeth riot that~ ~i· ·~· thefe are his Imag,t; much lefs that the Imagt o[ tbrfe is /;ir Imagr. 1 ~~g~~!:9; 2. No lmt1gt may be madr to be aTeacher o[lyes : As we may not lye by wordt, fo mirher by Imager. 2~. Therefore faHe H:ories, or falfe llllagesof realities, when made :is true, and pretended to be true Images 2. King. 17.•9·. or reprefentations~ arc unlawful. 2Chron. ' 4· 3· 1heref1Jre it i1 unlawful to mal\_e an Image of a[pirit, pretending it to bt a true lmJge. Becaufc it Hab: 2. ,/: S• will be a lye. . Jer. ro, 8. 4• It Uunlawfitl fo to mak._r, place or ufe any Image, as Ulil{t to do rhore harni thaJi good. Deut. 17. If, 5· Therefore it i4 unlawful fo to mall.!, place, or ufe them, at that they art lil{e io tempt a m.zn : 9 anj fin ~~· 1 7 · 8. u/:Jltji necrf]ity for fomr greater f!.OIJd reqxire it. (Of which more an?n. ) , 2 t~;01t2s.1' 6. 1berifore aUlmagn of fucb Id.Jts or feigned Deities are imJawful, ai are li"-.e to be any temptatitm t~ ~ H· ;, 4· ~ aHyto bclicvein them, or wor{l?ip them. H0f•13.l.. 7· Tbtrefore aifo aU Images of fuch cretJturu as others 'life togive unlaw[Hl worjhip or hmour to, au un~ Ez~k. 16 1 7• lall)ful when tbcy are Ilk.! tohe a temptation to ut or others to do the lib,_e. As among P-'>ptfis the Imaze : ~~. ;~: of [he Cruc1fix, the Vur.,mMary, and Angels may not be ffiJde, placed or ufcd fo as a ay tempt any ~o Hof 10 , 1, 2. W011h1p them finfully as they ufe todo. 2 Kmg. "· 7• Jer. 8. 19, 8. The & ''· <7· •