In a Counucy whcrc,knecllng. or being uncovered to the P1ince is a Civil fionnw:ing C\lfivroe, lf the Prince fhould be a Caligula, and command the fubju!h to worfh!p him and his lrn<~ge as "GQ<I, and make bowing, ~nnli11g, or- being unctn~rred .the badge or fymbol of it·: Her• I w.ould, orlin~rily avoid even that \Yhich before was a duty, becaufe it was bur by AccideiJI a. duty, and riow inteJ~ pretcd a heinous fin. But in cafe: that i:he.~ift of any man lay on it, or that the f~qd3.I on Rtli– gion for my denying Civil honour to ·t:he Prince , would be grcatcJ aud. of more peri11oo~. confe~ quence, than the fcandal of feeming Idolatry, I wo~Id perform .that Civil t.onour. whicQ lr did "•forJ, •nd which God enjoyneth me to perform to my Punce : But· I would avo1d the fcandal by open prott]ling ( fcafonably ) agaiJJI!JhC ldobt!Y• ~ell:. 116. Is it tmia·t~ful to ~Je tiie ·Badge in tiJeWorjlup of God~ . • f 1 , 1 ," r • ~ or Symbol of il1ry .lfrKQ( cir Seft 'A•if'JP• I• IT is unlawful to.u!G it form,Jiy as foch. . . 2• But not ,.attri•'!Y, w"'n 1o There arc jull and weighty r<afqns for iH 2· AQ4 I Every Sta of may difown t·hc 'grror. · ' • ' ~... ~~rmg Chrid fgr •· ·All ~ttf'.a~d.t<:r<QI1~M~ porfons niaj<turn ho!J- ..or.Js. and Jujitl into fymbols ohbeir el· ;:;~:f.~~·,~ rors. 2 , All Chttlltans mt~c world bc1ng 1mpafcGt do fornctimc err 10 ma1te11 o.-,.anncr m th4l" err in \•or~ wor£bi~. And he that wlll mat<•i<!Rj ..roi<l•all rhe badgu or· fymb~ls 1>f their· e·rror$, flnii .Juve th;p, and no conl.m~ni<?U with anl ChurcA~or ChriAian.: ~-.As we iuult do oUr_btft ,fo to avgid au. ~h~iferroTJ, ~:deef,~~~ that we choofe them no!, and make there oot fgsmi)ly. our.~w'l pall<o< > f aa taucalog<t~ ·Vam r~· r mtol of petitions, difrlrdm, unfit phrafc.; (N. ·l.y'e\mull' 6br f<lves whr• ,.. ·..oechl: f;oat«• dp' ~•.· their s.a and tcr as we can : ) Se we muf\ not tliCrtfQFe fepaiale frolJl them thatf Jg. ufe· t.OOm, nor' ·dc:n1, §hem error. our Communion when they ufe them: Elfc.wt mufi feparatc· from ,llotlocu, •IUld &11 w;~<r!"'!'l¥• 4 •But when we are prefent with them, our minds mufi difo.wn all the faults o~ the bqlicll ~raycr in the world which we joyn in : We may be bound to fiay w11h them, and )oyn m all thats good and warrantable, and yet as we go along, to difown in our minds all that we know to be ami&. Qie!l:. "7· Are aft Illdijferel}iJhillgs nwJe rmlau/ul to f'~' which jl1qf/ be dbl1td to Idol.1trolt? Wo1jhtp ~ 44"'· you muJ\ ai~in&ullh' J, Of.tli<~b,ls of Idolatry befott fpokenof,.and other by-abufcs : · :t. Ot ap .rbtrfc don~ in fof-m-er ~•age1 or Temote CountrcYs, and in our orPn age- and Countrty. ~- 3· Of thl: Rea{oh!!: inviting 'Us tq ure-thcm, whether ntctJfary•or not I ·~ ~ • 1 • T»e·Cafe ofSyntb6ls ot'lhdg" is not hercfpokcn of, but other abufcs, . 2 , An abufc committed in (he dge ami p!act we live in, or any other, which will by tht fcandal embolden others to the like, tl)ay not be complyed in without fo ~eat re.afon1 as will potably pre· ponderite the "m tanrciJurnrs. · . >. But yet in many qles [¥eh abufcd Indifferwt ~hings may after •be lawfully ufed by· believers : for infl:tncc. ' .·. ' :. ~ .· 1 1 • N'amer rnaybcthlng$ imlHfcr~m, -abufcd ·to-Idolatry, and yet lawfu.lly ufed by us. As the name [ God, D<Ht, <Lord, flal\', Jld\, <Mo~,Temple, Altar, Sacrifice, Pricll;Hcave,n, Sun, Moon, Jupittf'~ qaturn, ~nd •lmndod'Juch·.: J t mem tfiefe Lmm and SyUablcs in the(e languages. That thclt: namu arc ;,1 in thcmftlvcs indifferent appcarcth tn that they are neither NaturaUy nect]Jary, nor by GodJ IH}titmion, tmt Mbitrary figns of humane invention and choice: for we may eafily and law... fully make new words to tignilic all the f<mc thinlls that thcfc do. And that they are abu[td to Ido– l"'Y is notllJioufty known. And th<t yet they arc lawfully ufcd, the practice of •ll Chriftians, En· glifh and 'Latin, even the mofi fcrupulous thcmfclves doth judge. 2· And the ufe of Temples ( thefe individuals which have been ufed to Idolatry) is lawful. 3· So a·Iro of Bells, Pulpits, Cups, Tables, and Fonts, and other Utecfi!s. +• The Bibtc it felt; as it is this individual Booll, rather than another, is a 'thing indifferent. Yet it may 'be read in after it hath bein abufed to Idolatry. 5• If the King would give not only the Garmentr, but the Momy, Lands, Lord{hipr, Houfu have been Confeerated or otherwife abufed to Idolatry; to any poor people, or 1noft of the' fcmpu.. lous, they would think it lawful to receive and ufe them: yea, its lawful to dedicate tliefome L~nd1 AJtd Mont.)! af~crv.:uds to. hOJl) ufcs, and to maintain Religious WorUlip. 6. O<hetw1fc 1t were m the power of any Idolater when evor he plcafed to deprive all th< Chri· llian