Q!_ell Ut; May the 11ame Priefl:s, Sacrifice, and Altars be laiiJ(ully nowrifed inftead of Chrifl:s Miniflers, Wor01ip and tl>e Holy Table? Au[n·. I· HE that ufcth rhem'inddign to bring in thePopilh Tranfubfiantiation andRea!S 1 • critice of rhc Mars, doth hcinoufly tin in fuch addign and ufc, 2· Tn a.timc and place where t~cy may n~t be u~ed wi,hout fcandal, o~ tempting or cnccunging any to thea errors, thefcanda\ Will be a gnevous hn. 3· The New Tdlamenr uf~th all the Greek names which we tranfbte, PritftJ, S:1cr~fce and Altarr then fore we may ufc the fame in Greek: And our Tranib.rion or Engli01 names are not intolerable: If Pri€jf come from Presbyur I need not prove that: If it do not, yet all ~iniflers, arc fobordin 3 te toCbrijl in his PrieOiy Ollic~ as elf<nrially as in the reO. And R<v. I· 6. & 5· 10. & 20. 6. it is hid, that Wl! an: or flull be made Pricjlr of God, ~nd un~o God. And 1 Ptt.. 2· 5· we arc [ an holy l'rirj!/Nod J and •·tr·9· a [rnyal Prirflbood: J If thiS be [,.d of all, then cfpcetally of Mihi/lw. And the word S<Jcrifice ls ufcd of us and our offered WOJOlip, 1 Pet. 2. 5· Htb. 13· 15 , zO. 1'hil·4• 18. Ephcf. 52· Rom. 12· I· And }fcb. 13. IO· faith, lYe bave an Altar whereof they patlrJkt mt, &c. And the word is frc: quently ufc:d in the RtvtlotionJ, CJJJp~ 6. 9· t:r 8. 3, 5· & 16. 7, 6"'-c. ip relation ro Gofpd times. \Ve mull: not therefore be quanellomc: againfl .. the bart tt.unu , unldS tbey be abufcd w fomc ill ufc. 4· The anticnt Fathers ;nd Churches did ever ufc all thcfe words fo familiarly wit\lr~ut ~ny que~ f\ion er fcruplc raifed about rhem, either by the Orthodox or any Hcreticks that at prcfcnt [ cm re– mcmbu to have ever read uf, that we 01ould be the more WJry how we condemn rhe bne words kfi thr:nq: we give advanrage to the P•pifis to make th(m tell their followers, rhar all Amiqui,j f'f'.Jl on tbci)' fide. Which were very ealic for them to prove, if the Controverli;! were about the N;mf! alone. Exncam!, and pt!lionate imprudmce do give rhe Advcrfaries great advantages. 5· The mmcs of Sacrifice and Alt.Jr, were ufcd by the Antknt Churches, nor properly, but mccr~ ly m a~'Hfion to the Jewi{h and Helthcn Sacrifices a11d A/tarJ,togerhc:r with a uopical u(i: from ~he: Chri~ ftian re•fons of the Name~. • As the Lords Supper is truly the Commemoration of ChriOs SICrificc: And therefore called by Prordhnts, ACvmmemorative Sacrifice; fo that our Controverfie with the: P.tpiOs, is nor, Whether it may be ca.llid a Sucrifice; But whcthLr ic be only the StJcrammt of a Sacrifice, or a Sacramtmal Commt· moratiut Sacrificr, or alfo a Real proper Sacrifice of the ve1y b9dy and blood it fdf of Chrifi. F.or we ackhowledge, That [ This is a Sacrifice J is no more tropical a fpecch, than [ Thi4 i< my b,·dy and blood. J 6. Yet lt mufl be nored, that the Scripture ufcth the: word [ Sacrifice] about our fdvu, and cur 'ib.mk..JJt.ivii1g!, and prayfc~, and works of Chadty, uther than of the L'.rd1 Supper: and the word [ Priejls J of all men Lay or Clergy thlt olfer thcfe forefaid Saccitim t9 God. Though the an· ticnt DvCtors ufcd fhcm f.uniliuly, by way of allution, of rhe Sacramert and its adminiHrafof!, · 7· In a worJ, as no Ch1iHian mult utl: thcfe or any word~, to hlfc ends o~ fenfcs, or deceiving purpofls, nor yet to fc1ndal; fo out of thtfe C.ifts, the words arc lawful: And as the Fathns are nor eo be any further cond( mned for ldlng them, th~n as the word1 ( which they forcfaw not ) have given advantage to the P•pifi~, to bring in an 111 {Cnfe and doctrine; {() tho{i; that now live in Chmchts and Counlreys, .,.,·here the publick profdfed dodrine doth free them from the fufpicion of a Popi01 ill fcnfe, fhou\d not be judged nor quarrelled with for the terms : But all fober Chci· t\ians (hould allow tiCh other the liberty of luch phra(es without cenforioufncfs or bmch of chari– ty or pace. ' t ~e!l:. 123. :May the [ommmzion.Tables be ttlmed .;{ltar•lvife? and IJ{_ailed ill And is it laJvjrtl to come ttp to the !J{.ails to (ommunicate ? Anfw. THe anf"cr to this is moflly the fame with that to the foregoing qucfiion. 1.Gcd hath · @,iven us no paroculu Comrr1and or proh1bmon abour thtfe ctrcumtlanccs; but the General Rules-, for Vnity> EdlficaJicn, Ord(r ard Ducmy: Whthcr the Table !hall fiand this way or th.t way, here or therr, &c. he hath not putJCu\arly determined. 2. Thy thar sum tbc T<tble Alrar·wife and Ra1l it in, out of a dd~gn to dnwmen to Popery, er in a fcandalous way which will encourage men ro, or in Popery, do tin. 3· So do tll(y that Rail in the Table to fignific that the VHlgar or L.Iy·Chrijlians mull: not come ro it, bur be kept at a dijl.2nct; when Chriil in his pc1fonal prdCnce admitted his difciples tO commu. nicate at the Table with himfelf. 4 . But where there are no fuch ends, but only to imittte the Antients th>t dia thus, and to lhe·.v Ievercn\e