1 everence t_o the Table on the account ~f the Sacrament, by keeping away D~gs, keeping Boyes from tirting on tt : And the profdfed dothme of the Church condcmncth Tranfubllantiation, the Real Corporal prcfcnce, &c. (as ours doth ). In thiscafe Chriliians fl10uld nke thcfe for fuch as they are, lndifll:rent things, and not cenfure or condemn C3.Ch other for them; nor Chould ;my force them upon thofc that think _them _unlawful. . . · 5 . And to comrnumcate IS not only I.nvfitl m thts cafe, where we cannot prove thlt the Minifier finncth, but c::vcn when we [ufpell ~n ill defign in him, which we cannot prove; yea, or when we CMt prove that his perfonal iim:.rprct~tion of the r.::zcc, ll:lf!~e, {cituation and· rai!J is l.)nfound: For we alft:mble thert: to corm:nuntcate In, and 2CCQrdlllg to_the pro(rf[trl d.1[frine ofChrijlianity and r!~c Cbzttcbn, and our own opm profcflion;md not after every pnvate opuuon and error of rheMinifier. As 1may rlccivc from an Anabaptitt or S::pua~ift r~o~wirhtlandin& his.perfonal errors; fo ~uy I from anoliH'r ma.n, whore error ddhoye:h nor Ins M101lhy, nor tht: Ordmancc, as long as ( confent noc to !r, yra, and wirh the Church prokrs my ditfcnr. ' 6· Ytt c.euri-1 paribm, every free man th:tt harh his choice , 010uld chocfe to communiccitc ra– ther whc:re rhere is mq1~ puritY and lcaft error , !han with thofl: thu fwarve more from xe~ . guLu (XaCl:ncG. Ol1eil:. 124. I~ it la;vful to ufe Davids P{ahm i11 our Affemblies ~ Aniw· yEs: J• Chrijl ufc:d them a~ his lafl Supper, ao; is moll prob1blc: An4 he ordina.riiy joyncd ~latth. :.6. 30. with the Jtws that ufed them. And fo did the Apoltlcs. fl.h1 k 14. 26. _ 2· _Ir~ is confcffcd L1wf~\ ro read or fay them; .Thciefor~ alfo to fing them. For j(1yiug and fu:g-:- luk<" 4· 1 ~. ~ :ng, Jdtcnnce not the mam end. Juhn 6. 59 . 3· They are fuitable to our ufe, and were the Liturgy of the }ewi01 Church) not on a C(remoni;Jl & t8. 20. accomrt, but for that fime[l which is common ru' ~s with them. Mark'· 21, 4 wearecommandedin theNewTcfiament'tofingPfa/mr: And we are not commanded to 23,:9. :1· 1 • com.pofe n_ew ones: Nor can Cvery one mal<! Pfalms who is commanded to fi~tg. Pfalms. And if it be 1 Chron ~~·.;: h.wlul to hng Pfalms of our own or our neighbours making 1 much more of Godr makj.ng by his Spirit Pfalm 105. ::.; in his Prophers. · it 9S· 2· · Object. They are 1101 {uitable to aU ottr c.1]ir, nor to aU in the AJfembljr. · Ja~;.s 5' 1~,· An[rr. I· we·may ufe them in that rneafure of fitiublenefs to our cafes whicJl they have. You 1 ron.l •9~ may joyn with a man in prayer who exprefft:th part of your wantJ, though he exprefs Dot all. Elfe you mufi joyn with no man in the world. >.If ungodly men are prefent when the faithful [peak toG9d, mull we not fpeak our pro1'er cafc:, becaufc they are prefent ? The MiniHcr in Church~adminillr~tions fpcakerh prinCipally in the name of the [Jithful, and not of hypocrites. Mull he leave out of h1s prayers all that is proper to the Godly, m<!erly becaufe fame wicked men are there ? No more mull the Church do in finging. un(o God. 3· They that cannot fpcak evr:ry word in a Pfalm ju!l: as their own cJ.fc; may yet fpeak it as i1t~ flruaive : Otherwife they might not reail or [.Jy it. . But the Sectarian Objctti'o11s againfi finging DavjdJ J.'falms arc fo frivolous, that I will not tite the l;~~~: :: ::.~ Reader with any ·more. · Col. ~· 16'. ~e!t. 115. May Pfalms be ufeJ as Prayers; and Prayfes, a•d Tbanksgil>ings; Br only as InjtmfltW ~ El>m tbc !JI.!adill!, as Jve/1 as the Singing of them~ Anf~. THe fobcr Reader who knowcth not what errcts others hold , will matvel that I trouble men with fuch qudlions. But I have oft been r,oublcd with thofe that ( having no orhc·r 01ift to dcmy the La..yfulnefs of written and fet forms of prayer ) d~ affirm ~faj·72• ~~:, that Pfalms are neither to be read or fung a.t all as Prayers, but only as do!lrinal Scriptures for Pf:t.·f:.'Ti:~e-:· lnfirudion. But that this is falfc appeareth, Pfal. r7. Title, I· In· that thofe that are rea! material prayers, and prayfcs, and thanksgivings, _and wer~ J?C~- &c. ned for that very ufe, as t.hc Tltks fhew, and thpfe ·that were fo ufed by the Jew,fh Synagogues where Chrifi was ordinarily prefcnt, tmy be'fo ufed by us : 1lut fuch are the l!falms both as J•id and f•ng. 1 2· And tho{e that we are commanded ro (tng a$ Ffalm!, and have Chrifis ~xample fo to ufe (who [ung a Hymn or Pfalm of Praife at his !aft Supper), we alfo may fo ufe. But, &c. Uu u u u 3· And