Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

)0 1Jirefiions for young C/,riftimzs. ~iefcercm tnmity in the Serpents feed. Do you think to find more kindnc:fs from proud ungodly Chrifiilns ~:~:~r;~~\o;ntrs tha:1 Abe(.~ight ~1ave exp_ected from his B~~ther Cain l Do you nor know th~t. the Pharifees ( b; ~r· ', E ·r. then ual for then prehemumtce, and TradlttonJ, and Ceremonzn, and the expedauon of worldly dig~ ~,1\1~~:m, P~~l nity and rule from the Meffiah ) were more zealous enemies of Chrift, than the Heathens were? And th:l.t the carnal members of the Church, are oft the greateft perfecutors of the fpiritual members~ flcerdotum As then he tb~t lWJ bonr afta the flcjh, did perfecute him that was born after tbe Spirit, cvw [o it il :~~~~~~r:~:firo l!ow (and w1ll be; Gal. 4· 29· It is enoug~ for you, _rhat you !h~ll have the inheritance, when the qocq; ordme so.ns of the Bondwoman iha~l be c:afi out. It JS your takmg the ordmary cafe ofthe godly for a JlraJtge o:n;1 ld_,crfus t~mg? that m~kes you fo d1fi~rbed and paffionate when you fuffer: And Reafon isdown, when paf– Pe,~~m vH-hff10n 1Sup: !t IS by overwhelmmg 1!--eafon wit~ paffion and difcontent, that.opprrJfinn .mak_rth Come 1vife G·ti d E _ men mad: Ecckf. 7· 7· For paf!ion JS a jhort •mperfell madntfi• You w1ll thmk m yourP'ffion that ci~~:;i,:m:.x you doWell,. whc•n you do ill: and you will not perceive the force. of reafon, when it is never fo plain Hx.: monent and full agamfi you. Remember therefore~ ~hat the great mauve that caufeth the Devil to perfCcure quale\ tint y~u, i~ not to hurt your hodie1, but to tempt your foul! to irnpatiency and fin: And if it may but be ~f~i~;}'~~bi= f.ud of you,as of Job 1·22· [ Iu all thH Jobfinned not],You have got the victory, and are more tho:Zn Con... Ji!limi & q1tmrrr, Rom. 8. 37, 38, 39· O r1timi quiq; qui fin~ fide lunt & fine a~nitione filii Dei atque hinc fine cmni bon:J, fine ulla 2ff"caionc pia; &c. Et quod ·crUm qui ex i% cp!imm tfle vidtttt~, tamen line fide omni tempore pollir e{fe &: fieri, quod Cain fratri fuo, modo non de!it occalio _: NeaJ:dtr. CbtDit. p. P5· Lege & qua: habet de Regno Cainico 38, J9· Doth it feem flrange to you, that few rich men are faved, when Chrifl telleth you it is fo hard, as to be impoffible witb men l bke r8. 27· Mar. ro. 27. Or is it flrange, that Richmenlhould be the or– dinary Rulers of the Earth> Or is it flrange, that the wick,.td lhould hate thegodly, and rhcworldhate them that are chofen cut ofthe world l What of all this lhould feem flrangc ? ExpeCT it as the common lot of the faithful, and you will be better prepared for it. · p. 2. See thcreforethat you rcfijl not evil ( by any Revengeful irregular violence) Mat. 5· 39· Let eve~y foul be fobjell to the hi~hcrpowerr, and not reftft left tht') receivedamnatioJt: _Ram. 13· 1, 2, 3• Imitate yout Lord , that [ When be was reviled, reviled not again; when he fuffered he thrtatned. uot, h1tt committed all to him that jYdgeth righteoujly leaving us an en[amplt, th.zt ye jhou!d foVowhU ft<ps;] I l',t. 2•21 ,23. An angry zeal againfl tho{e that crofs and hurt us isfoeafily kindled, and hard– ly fuppreiTed, thac it appcareth there is more in it of c~rupud nature, than ofGod. We arc very ready to think that we may call for fire from fJtaven upon the <::nc:mic:i of the Gofpcl : But y ou /.t1t1Jw mt what m11nmr ofSpirit ye are then of, Luke 9· 55· But Chriil faith unto you, LoveyouremmieJ, blefs them that curft you : do good to them tbdt hatr? yoz' ; and pray for them tJJ.:Jl defpightft~liy 11je yo 11 and perfume ) 'OU, that ye may be the chUdrcn of your Father which l1 in He.avtn, Matth. 5· 44, 45• You find no {uch prohibition againfl patient [ujfcrin1. >l'rong from any. Take hed of giving way to fe– cret wiChes of hurt to your advc:rfaries ; or to reproachful words again(l them: Take heed of hurt· ing JOUr felf by paflion, or fin, becaufeothtrJ hurt you by flanders or perfecutious. Keep you in the: way of your duiJ', and leave your namu and liver to God. Be careful that you keep your in... nocency, and in your patience poffefs your fouls, and God will keep you from any hurt from enc... mies, but what he will caufe to work for your good. Read Pfal. 37· [Commit tby w.zy unta the Lord; trujl alfo in him, and lu jhaU bring it to pafi : And he jhaU bring forth thy righteoufncji "' the light, and thy judgement as tbe noo1t·day. Rtft in the Lord, and wait parie1dy for him : fret not tby J<lf becau[< of him that proJPmth iH his way, becaufe of the mall that brillgeth wick,_cd devices topaji. Ceafe jiom anger, a•d forfakJ rnath ;· fret not thy felf in any wifo to do evil. J YerL S· 6, 7, 8. 'Direll. 10• DireCt. 10• wHen yuu are repenting of) ITf avoiding any cxtrtam, do it not without fo.fficient fear and caution of the contrary ext1·eam. " in lteligion. / ~· I. In thecfteem and L•ve of God, your Vltimate End, you need not fear over-doing : Nor any where, when impediments and backwardnefs or impotency, do tell you that you can never do too much. But fin lyeth on both fides the Rule and Way: And nothing is more common than to turn from one fin to another ; under the name of duty or amendment : Efpecially this is common in matter of opinion: Some will firH beliLve, that God is nothing elfe but Mercy, and after take no– tice of nothing but his Ju!lice. t'irfl, They belieue that almofl all are favcd, and afterwards that almofi none : Firfi, That every Profeffion is credible; and. next that none is credible without fame greater teflimony: Firfl, that Chrifl fatisticd for none at all that will not be faved: and next that he dyed for aU ali);_c. Firfl, that mme arc now partakers of the Holy Spirit: and next that all Saints have the Spirit not only to illuminate and fanCl:ifie them, by tranlcribing the writ(en Word upon their hearts, but alfo to infpire them with newRevelations inll:ead of Scripture; Firll, they think thac all that Papit\s hold and do muft be avoided : and after that there needed no reformation at all : Nuw they are for Legal bondage, and anon for Libertinifm : To day 'for a liberty in Religion to none that agree not with them in every circumfiance: and to morrow for a Jiberry for all: This year alJ .thinus are lawful to them: and the next year notbin• is lawful, but they fcruple all that they fay or " · ~ do: