What Additiom or Huma,ne Inventiom are LaJVfttl or UnlaJVful. fon or of what Family !hall R<ign> Who Llllll be hisOilicers and Judges, ond how diverfified ? fo of his Trcafury, Munition, Coin,&.:. 5 • hisno Rule of Propritly in puticular, by which every man may know which is his own Land, or houfe, or goods or Caufc. 6. lr is no p.uricular Rule for our n;~tmal actions, what meat we ilull cat, what Cloaths we (hall weu ; So of our reil, labour, &c. ?· It is noparticular Ltw ''r Rule for any of all thofe Actions and Circumfh nccs about Rdigion or Gods own Ordin:mces, which he hathonly commanded in general, and left in f}ecie or particulat to be dc:tamined by nun according to his Gcner.al LJWS : But of thefc mxr. Qgeft. 131. What Additions or l1tmwze Invmtions izz or abot~t rJ\fligion, not commazzd. ed izz Scripture, are lawful or unlawful~ An/w.,. THefc fo)lowing arc unlawful., •· ·To feign any new-Article of faith or dochine, any Dcut, 12, p; precept, promifc 1 threatning, prophdie or revelation, and fa1f1y ro father ir upon God, Rev. 2:1o. 18• • and fay, that it is of him, or his fpccial Word. Col.2. 18, 19, i· To fay that either that is written in the Bible which is not, or that any thiog is the fenfe of a :~· ~r: :u., 2 1· Text which is not; and fo~hat any thing is afin or a duty byScripture which is not. Or to fa- M; t. ~s. 3,s,9• \rher Apocryphal Books or Texts or words upon the fpirit of Chrifl. G>i. 1. 8, 9· 3· To make any Law for the Church Wliverfal,or as obligatory to all Chrifiians ; which isto ufurp Jer. s.12. the fovcraignty of Chrifl; For whic~ treafonable Ufurpation it is tha,t Protcllants col! the Pope An- ~';3'';r:';6, uchnfi. · • 3:l4. To add new parrs to the Chrifiian Religion. . · · Ezek,1J9,19. S· To make any Law, which it did properly belong to the Univnfal Soveraign to have made, if f u.. 28. it Chould have been made at all: Or which implyeth anaccufation o£ ignorance, overfight, errour or ,. e~b·;.l· ! , 3t omiflion in Chiifl and the holy Scriptures. ' ' 6. To make new Laws for mens iqward Heart-duties towards God. 7 • To mak·e new SJcraments for the fealing of Chrifis Covenant and Collation of his benefirs therein contained, and to be the publick 1effero:e, R2dges or Symbols of Chrifiians and Chriftianity in the world. g, To feign newConditions of the Covenant of God, and necdfary means of our Juftification, Adoption and falvation. 9· To alter Chritls inlHtured Church-Minifhy, or add any that.are fupra-ord:nate, co-ordinate, or derogatory to their ofijce, or that fiand on the like pretended ground, and for equal ends. zo. To malte new lpiricual focictics or Church-forms which fhalJ be' eitherfopra-ordinatt, Ci·ordi- Gal. 2. r. nate or derogatory to the Forms of C!lrilh lnfiicurion. It. Any impofitions upon the Churches ( bethcrhing never fo lawful) which is made by a pre· All. rr. ,g; tended power not derived &om God and che Redeemer. 24• 2r. 12· ~ny thing that is co.mrary to the Churches good and Edification, to jufiice, charity, piety, or· ~~;~· ::: 8 • de~, umty or peace. . . . . . ~Cor. 14, r, I3· Any unnecdf.uy burden 1mpofed on the Confctences of Chnlhzns; cfpe,1ally as ncceffary either· 12, 26. tO their falvation, communion, lib~rt)' or peace. 2 Cor. u. ~~~ 14· And the exercife of any power, pretended to be either Primitive and undcrived, or I~f41lible, or ;~i~.":.2~.16, Impeccable, or Abfoluu. 1 5. In general, any thing that is contrary to the Authority, matter, form, obligation, honour or ends of the Laws of God, in Nature or Scripture. 16. Any thing which fettcrh up thofe Judaica! Laws and Ceremonies which Chri!l hath abrogated, in that faun and ~cfpcd in which he abrogated them. '7· where there is a doubt among fober Confcionable Chriflians, Id\ in obeying man they !hould fio againfl God and difobey his Laws, and the matter doubted of is confeffed Hnnm!fary by the Im. pofers; So Infinite is the diflancc bctweenjGod and Man, and fo wholly dependent on him are ibc Highrfi, that they fhould be exceeding unwilling to vie with the Authority of their maker in mens .Confdenr;es, or to do~ny thing unnectffary whk:h tc.ndcth w compell men to tre:J.d down Gods Au~ thority in their Confciences, and to prcf<r mans. Much more unwilling!hould they be, to filence the fober Preachers of Chrifls Gofpel upon fuch accounts.