Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

What _Additions or hventions of mm are lazvf,t. ----- we (hall ufein the Churches. 6. The Priming of the Bible. 7· The dividiug it ir:ro Chapters and Verfes. 8. The Printing of goud Book.J, to expound and apply the S=rip:urc: Con;mcnt.:aics, Ser– mons, &c. 9· The forms of School-cxcrcifes, difputa.tions, &c. to ptcp.uc Swdenrs for rhe Miui– Hry ; and wil~t Books of Divinity Tutors !hall read to their Pupils, or cvay S!udcut fr.all hav~ j;1, his Library? ro. The manuer and tunc of tinging Pfa.!ms in the Courchc:s. 1 I· \Vh:u <Rrfionor metre to ufc, this or that? n. Whac fOJm of Catechtfrn, (verbil, writ~en or Prin1cd ) to ulc among many, in the Church or family. 15· Whether to pray in tht: fame uord1 ofr~:n or in v.Jriusu. 14. Wbethrr ro ufe words of cur cwn competingor invention primarily, or of other mens? and rluc by direction, perfwafionor command. I5· To ufe a wrincn or Primed form, or neirher; To reaJ ic on the Book, or fpeak it by memory ? 16. To ufe Scripture forms only, of prayer, praift, Pfalrns and Hymns, or rhofc that are ot later compofure alfo. 17. To Print the Eibh: and uf'e it with ~"hrginal Notes, and Contents, or without. 18. To E~ptizr.: in a River, Wdl)Pool or Fonr. 19' To have Sponfors or \VitndTes ofthe Parents trufiinefs, and the Childs Covenant, or not.zo.Achow many dJycs old, Chrildren !hall be B1pt1z~d. 2 J, Whether they !hall be N.1med in B.:tptifm, or btforc or after. 2::~. Whether one of the Miniftcrs !hall be a Tutor or Teacher 10 the rdt, that are younger. 23. Hqw tar the rd\ {hall fubmit their judgements to one that is ddd\ and ablett, and be ruled by him. 24. whether there (hall be any D~acondfes in the Church? 2 5· Whether a Church Oull have one MiuiJter, two or more? z6. Who !hallbe the men? 27. Whu fpace of ground fhall be the Church bour.ds, for the cohabitation of the members. 28. How many Neighbour Churcht's fl1all make a Synod ; and which be they ? 29· How many mcn,bers a Synod fi1>ll cunG!i of. 30. Who !hall be prefidcnc? Or whether any? And who !hall gather che Vores. 3I· Who (hall ncord their Acts as Sc1ibe? 32· What Mcffenger 11laU carry them tO the Churches ? 33· What Lettcts for Correfpondcncc and Communion fh1H be written to the Churches ? 3-t-· Wh~n P"ltors lhall remove from one Church to another ? And to which ? 35• Who !hall be ordained Minitlns to Preach, B.1p£i2e and gather Churches? 36. How many th<Ordainer_s fhall be ? 37· Whether there fhall be any Mufick by Infiru– rncnrs in thc Church or hou[e, for the pra1fcs of Gad? and what ? ;8. Who fl111llead the Pfalm? 39· Who fl"ll retd? 4c. What words the Churches Profdlion of faith fllall be <xprdfcd by> 41 . By what tignes the Church !l:all fignitie their cor:fenc? Whether lifiing up the hand, Handing up, bow– it1g the head, or by voice, or wriring. 42. By what fign or cnernony men ll1all rake an oarh ? whether lifiing up the hand toward Heavtn, or bying ir on ., B:Jok, or kiffiog the Book, &c. 43·Wh•::· thcr the people. at the Sacrament fit ncer the Table, or keep futhcr off. 4-4· Whether it be put into each pedons_h11nd, or they it chcmfelvt!. \.Vi rh many more fuch like. . . 4· And it iS' a h wfulln\'lchtion to determin-e of meer Circumfiances of Time. and plaa which God bath nor determined ol in Scripture. As, I• A:t ll:lwmany• times in the yeJr or wuk.,_ 1 Blptifih lba!l be adrniniHrcd? 2. At wh;a.t ::~ge perfonsbe.. admitted to the Lords Supper. 3· On whar dayct> and hours of the week there lb:~.ll be Lectures, or Church-aifcmblies. 4· How otr and whrn Minillers !hall Ca~echife and inltruct the people privately. 5· On what hour d:c Church lhall :dfi.:rnb!e on the Lords dayes and receive the Sacrament. 6. How long Prayer, Reading and Sermon {hall be ? 7 .. At what hour t_o end the publick exercifcs? 8. At what hours to pray in 1-'..~rnili::s or in fecrer ? 9· How often Difciplioary meetings !hall be held, for the trying of accufed mc:mbc:rs? 10. How often Synods fiull meet ? and how long continue ? Of Holy dayes before. 5· The fame isto be fa id forthe Pl•w of Holy Exercilts. r. What Edifim the Churches lhlll have for fuch nfcs? 2· In what placCJ rhcy fhall be fcitultt? 3· ·where the Pulpit lbaU Hand? 4 . And where the Font? 5· And where the T•ble '. 6. Where each of the people fhalllit? 7· Where Synods fhall meet? 8. How many T<mples !hall be m a Ctry,_&c. 6. The fame is to be latd ot all Accrdenral fubordmate Oili<es ' As Lecto,, Clerk•, Door-keepers, Chutch-waTdcns and many more bt:fore mentioned. 7 • Thefameisto bef:.aid of Church Utenfils. As T.tbk, Cups, Lin~n, Pulpits, Fonts, Clock Hour-~lals, Bells, S!!ats, decent Habit of Cloaths, &c. ' 8. The fame may bt: faid of Decenr GcHures, not panjcularly commanded : A> what Gdlure to Preach in, flanding or fining~ What Gdture to Read in? What Geflurc to Hear in ? What Gefiure to fing Pfalms in? Whether to be covered or bare-headed ? In what gefiure to rccdve the Lords Supper ( ln which Scripture no more reg~lateth u~, than~f the room, the hour of communicating, rhe number of Communic.u1ts, the plac.:, tn all wh1ch Chnfis example was not a particular Law.) 9 • The f:.!me may be faid of Otdcr : 1. Whe.rher.the P•fior !hi~l bcgi~ with Ptayer, readjng, or exhorcation? 2· Whether the. people !hall begm With pray(!r or CJaculauons printdy. 3~ Whether we {hall make but one or two long continued prayers, or many Chore ones. 4· Whether we !hall pray before Sermon immediately and afcer, in the Pulpit or in the Reading pb:cc ? 5· When tht Pfalms {hall be faid or fung, and how many? 6. How many Chapters Chall be read ? and which. and in what order? 7-· 'Whether Elpcifm !lu.ll be before or afu:r or when? 8. When the C1techumcns and Learners !hall be difmiff<d, and the proper Eucharifiical Church Exercif" begin. 9· when Coli<Clions made, &c. Bur, 0 Lord have compaf!ion on thy fcattered flocks, who arc zffiicted and divided by the Imperi. oufnefs of thofc PattOJs, who think it not enough for the exercife of tht:ir Domination, to promote all thine own holy Laws and doclrines, and to make: their own Canom in a!l theft cafu, or fu,h like; but they mult needs make: moreworl(,_th:m aY thU conutb to, for thcmlclves and for the flocks~ even unto thole dltlr-.dions and dillipations and fierce perfccutions and contenrions, which many hundred years have exercif(d rhc Greek il.lld Latinc Churches, and many more throughout the World.