Ho1v mucb of tbe Scripwre is 11e;ej] my to Sal"l!ation. remony, bec1ufe we arc Kings and PticHs fO God. Now rlufc occalions extend not to rhofe Coun· tteys where Anointing neither was of fuch ufe, or vaiur, or fig;;ific:lfivn. So alfo P.lHIJ becoming a Jew to tht Jews, and being Ouvcd, and purifying himfdf, and circum. (;ifingTimothy, are evidently tcrr1porary complyances in a thing then b.wtul, for the avoiding of offence, and lor the furtherance of the Gofpcl ; and no obligatory perpetual L1w to us. And !0 moli: Divines thin~ the eating of things flrangled and blood were forbidden for :.t time to rhem oniy that converfed. wnh the Jews, A as 1 5· Though Brcltman have many Reafons for the perpcri 1 iry , not c;ontempnble. So the Office of Deaconcffc:s ( and fame think of Deacons ) feernelh to be litccd ro that time and Hate, and condition ofChriilians. And where th~ Rl!afons and C;:!t: i3 the fJme, the OS!igarion; will be the fame. ln a word, the Text i[ felf will one way or other (hew us, when a CornmanJ·· or Example ·is ·univctfally and durably obligatory, and when nor. Q.gell:. 1 ;7. How muciJ of the Scriptttre is necejJmy to Sal11.1tion, to be belicv~ ed, and under flood ~ Afljrr. T·His qu~fiicn is the ~ore worthy confiderati~n, that we m:ty withal ur.dcrlland rhe ufl! of Catcclafms, Confdhons and Creeds ( of wh1ch after ), and the great and tendn mercies of God to rhe weak, and may bt able ro anfwcr the Ca.vils of the P::pilis again(\ the Scriptuu:s, as infutticirut robe the Rule ofFaith and Lire, btcau{C much of it is hard to be undcrfiood. I· He that bthevtth Gr1d to he trur, and the Scripture tg be hH IYurd, rnuft needs believe- ail to [,e true, whic!1he bdie~erh to be hid IYm:l. · 2. All the Scnpturc is profitJb!c to our knowledge, love and praCtice ; and none of it to be ncg.. lt:Cfed, bur all to be loved, reverenced and lludicd, jn due'time and order, by them that have time and capacity to dq ir. • 3· All the Holy Scriptures, either as to matter or words, are not fo neccff.uy, as that n'o man can be favcd, who cloth not either btlievc or underHand them: Bur tOme puts of it are more mceiTuy thaa others. 4· It is not of necdlity to falvation to believe 'very Boqk or Verfe in Scripture, to be Canonical, or wriucn by the Spirit of God. For as the PapiHs Canon is larger than that wluch the Protcfianrs own; fo if our Canon Chould prove defective of:my one Book, ir would not follow rhat we could not be fav ed for wan~ of a fufficient faith. The Churches immedLaely after the Apoft!estime, had not each one all thtir \Vritings, bur they were brought rogec!Jcr in time, and received by degrees:. as they had proof of their being wrirttn by authoriztd infpircd ~dOns. The fccond of Peter, J .m 1 e 1 , Judt, HcbrewJ aud RtvtlJtianJ were rectived in many Churches hnct: tb: rdi". And if fome Book bt loll, (as Hmocly Prophecy, or P.m/1 Epinle to rhe L.tadicttnu, or any 01bcr of his Epilllcs not named in the rcll ) or ;r any hcreat(tr 010uld be loH or doubred of, as the CamicltJ, or the fecond or thitd Epif!les of .7oh1:, the EpiHle ofJude, &c. it would nor follow, that all true faith and hope of falv:uion were loft wich ir. • 1t is a ControvcrJic: whether 1 J vlm 5· 7· and fame other panicular Vcrfcs be Cmonical or nor, becaufc forne Greek Copies have them, and fome an: without them : But who ever crrcth in that only may be {jvcd. 5· There arc many hundred or thoufand Trx.rs of Scripture, which a man may poffibly be igno· ram of the me:10ing of, and yet luvc a faving faith, and be in a Hate of fllva.tion. For n0 man liv. ing undcrflandeth ir all. 6. The holy Scripture is an entire comely body, whi~h containerh not only the cffrmi.ll p;Jrt 1 of Rom. 14 • l7• the uuc.R.cligion, bLlt alfo the bztt{!.rul parts, and the ornaments and many accidents; which mufl be 18. diflinguiG1ed, and nor all uken robe equal. · R<lm. •.J· 8,1~, ~·So much as containeth the Effrn!i.;/r of true Religion, mu~ .he underfto'Jd. and brlicvtdofnece~ty 1 Cor. IS. 1.,~: to lalvation : And fo much as conta:nrth the Integral! of ~~~1g10n, dorh _gre:uly cJndr1cr: to our {al"' •hs,·t. vation, both that we may be the [ur(.r and the better Chrijrzam) as hav1_n?grcarer helps to both. Mar. 16. rf. 8. The vcr)' adjuncts al[o have thetr ufc to make us the more adorned Chnfn•ns, and to promote our knowkdge of B'""'" thing,. Queil:.