Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Of the .l\ingdom of the Holy Ghoft. 4· h is poffible that God may make. mw Rev~lari_ons m p1rric~lar per~ons abou~ rh_eir particu~ Jar duties, events or rnattc:~s of fact, m fubordmauon totheScupturc:, ctrher by mfpaauon, vi– tion, or apparition or votcc. For he hath not told us that h~ nwrr will d<t fuch a thing. As to tell them what thall befall them, Or others'; or t6 f•y [ Go to focb a plJce, or dwell in J:~eb a pl.Jcr, or dJ foch a thing ] whic~ is not contrary to the Scripture , nnr co·ordinarc , buc only a dcrerminonion of lomc undetermined cafe, or rht: circurnfiantiaring of an ~~ . 5· Though fu_d~ Revelation a_nd. ~rophcfie be Poffible there is "? c~rtain~y of it in general, nor ·any pn;b.Jbility ot lt ro any one mdlvtdual ~erfon, much lefs a promtfc:. And therefore to t!ipdl ir, or pray fur ir, is but a prcfumptuous tt:ll!prmg of ~od. '6, And all lober Chrifiians fhould be the more cJute!vus of b'ing dectived by their own lma· ginations, brcaufe certain cxpcri~nce tclleth us, rhar mon in our ag(,! t~at have pretended eo pro– phefieor ro infpirations or rcvelattons, have been mtlancholy crackt-bramcd perfo!ls; ne-er· to mad~ netS, who luve proved to be deluded in rhe end : A11d that fuch crazed perfons are fiill prone re fuch imaginations. . . - . T herefore alfo all fobcr Chrillians mull rake heed of nfh. believing evc.ry Prophet or pr~r~n~cd fpiri!, left they Le led away from the SJcred Ruh:) and btforc: they an: aware, .be ld!\ in f ain exp~Chtions and conccirs. ~1efl:. 161. Is not a third ~le of tl>e Holy Gholl:, 9r perfeEler .l\j1zg; dam of J-.ove to be ~xpefted, M different from the !J(eig11 of the Creator and 1}\!deemer ? · A;'.fw. I· THe works ad rxrra and the Reign of the Father; IJ'ord, and Spirit are undivided. . Bur yet fame things are more eminently attributed to one perfun in the Trinity, Mic.z.rr. r Ktng.z:Lll, 1.2;, r Joh. 4· r, ::-.. : Thef.i.i. and fame t9 another. . . , 2· By the Law and Covenant of Innocency the Creator eminently ruled Omnipotcnil)'· And fhe Joh. r. n, :t), Son Ruled eminently fapiwtiaL'y initially under the Covenant of pnmJife bt gTace ftafn Adam till his P.cov. 1... a, Inc:arnation and the drf,ent of the Holy Gholl; and more fully and perfectly aftctward by the Hr 1 1)' 1.I, &c. Ghojf: And the Holy Gboft ever tincc doth Rule in the Saints as the P~raclcrc Advocate or Agent of Chrill, and Chrill by him, eminently by holy Love; which' i• yet but inifially : Bu: .the fome Holy GIJojl l>y perfe[J Love {hall perfee!lyRttle in Gloly for ev<r; iv~h as the fpirii 6f the Father and rhe Son. We have al,n:ady 1tht l~titial Kingdem of Love by j/je, and iliaII have the per{rti Ki1~f!.~ dr.m in Heaven ; And bdides the initi!ll and the f 1rftt1 thete u rto orl1er. Nor is the perf d l Kingdom to be cxpetl:cd before the dJy of judgement ot our remoYal Unto Heaven : Far our Kin~dom is not of this ·world. And they ihat fell all and ft>tli?W Chrifi, do make the eX'<:hange tot M:ar. ~. tJ, n o a RtrtJard in Heaven : And they rhat fiJffer perfec\l:ion for his f1.1ke, mUH rrj11icc becau[t thtir rh:v6rd Luk. I8. u , i1r Hrav.w U : And. they chat rtlic~e a: proph.ct or rlghttouS ~ru.n for ·r~c fa~e of ChiH~ ll:'nd ~;t,tc\4tl :p .• that loie any th1ng for h1m, Onll h:tvt mdeed an hundred (old ( 1n v'aJue.) tn tillS life b'ut m fhc Luk.6. 2 J. · world/() come eterllallife. \Ve !hall be take'n up in the C·loud$ f6 rhee't the Lord in rhe :li'r, and, fo &16. to, llull we ever be with the Lord: And thofe are tbe w:JrdJ with which we ritujf cnmFurt ant dnot'htr r Cor. U.,l-,~. and nor Jewi! with the h~pes of _earthly' Kingdom•. .,And ye~ wet lnbk,_ }or " nirP- Hta~ ~a~: :ls~\~. ven a;:d a ntw E11r1b wbertm dt¥JtUeth rt7.htequjneji , dccordmg jq hu prorrli[i. Buf Whb fllall 1 ThcC:.t. 1 JJ{ be thcinh'ibitants) a-nd how that Hc:rvcn and Earth fhill diff::r, and wh~t We llul~ then have to db Wit# 1S. E•rth, Whciher w beOvcrfem of that Righteous E>rth (and fo to jtldge or Rule the World) a~tho ~he. h.:<· Angels ate in rl\is \.Vorld, are thi'flg~ which yet I undetfi'and not. . -:. 1 ~~~:·/" 17~. H§:b. J?. 34- & H. :1j'. C..>l. r., r~ fi~Ht J. l-~l~e:: i. 4· Zz z z 'i. z