Of trying Prophets : Of mif.be!ief abotlt the Scriptmi Qgell. 164. Hotv is a pretmded .'f'rop/)tt, or rf\!wl~tion to be trJed ! Anfw. 1. IF ;r be c~ntrary to the Scrip.rure, .it is_ r~ be rejc~ed as a deceit. . .. . A& 17 _ rr. 2· If 1t be [he f ame tbing wluch JS_m the Scrtpture, we hav~ tt more certamly re- 1 Cor, I5.J A· vealed already : Therefore the Revelation can be ncthing bur an ajJijf'a1:cc of theper(OI\S fai.tb, or a John ro. H· call eo obedience) or a reproof of Come fin : which every man is to btlic:ve according as there is true Jvhn 1 96 24, eVidence that i1'1decd it is a Divine Revelation or ViGou ; which if it be not, the fame thing i~ fiill 18' 3 '3 7• fure to us in the Scripture. ;. If it be fomcrhing that is only Befidn the Scripture (as aboUt tVtntJ :wd fa{h or Pcophecies of what will befall parricular places or perfons ) we mufi firll fl'e whether the evidwte of a' Divine rtvelatiun be clear in it or not: And that is known, r. To the pnton hioofelf by the {clfattefiing and convincing power of a Divine Revelation, which no mm knowcth bur he that harh it (And we mu(t be very cautelous !ell we take falfc conceptions to be fuch. ) But to himfilfand orheri it is known, ,, At prefent by clear uncontrolled Miracles, which are Gods aHdlation ; \vhich if men !hew, we arc bound ( in this cafe) to believe them. 2· for the Future, by the tvcnr, when t~ings fo plainly Jobn;. 2 • coinc to pafs, oo.s prove the pred1Ci"ion to be of God. He therefore rhat givcth you not by certain Mi- Jobn 13-19. St. rades ur.co~trolled, a jufi proof that he is fent of Go~, is to be heard with. a f~fpmdcd btli~f; you Luke :. 1 14· :.o, rhufi !lay ull the cvenc 01ew whether he fay true or not: And not ad any rhmg m the mean ume, up- ~ s : 7' 3 :, on an unproved prefumption either of the uuth or (allhood of his words. M.tt;b.'~~:S. &. 4· If you are in dJubt whether that which he fpeakcth be contrary to ·Gods Word or riot, you :.4.34· & 2J,i . mull hear him with a proportiooable fufpicion, and give no credit to him till you have tryed whe.. chcr it be fo or not. 5• It is a dangerous fnarc and fin to believe any ones Prophecies or Revelations mcerly becaufe they are very Holy perflnu, and do moll confidently auerr or [tPtar it. For they may be deceiVed themfelveS. As alto ro take hyfterical, or melancholy delirations or conceptions for the Revelations of the Spirit of God, and fo to father falfhood upon God. · Qyell. 165. May 011e befawd 1oho belie-vet/; tl;at the Scripture hath any miftttke or error, an4 belie-veth it not all ? .Anfw. THe chief put of the anfwer to this rnufi be fctcht from what is faid before about Fa,. Rev. 6. ro. & darnentals. •· No man can be faved who bclievcth not that God is no lyar; and that 19,9, ~~.&:.1, all his Word is true: Becau{(; indeed he belicveth not that there is a God. 5. & :.2, 6. 2. No man cm be Caved who belicveth not the points th<lt are dfential to true Godlinefs; nor 1 Jo.hn :. s. & any lll.an that heareth the Word who believcth not all Effcntial w Chrifiianicy, or the Chrifii.~n Cove2 Cor. 1 , ~8.~0• nant and Religion. , , .: r Cor. rr. rJz; 3· A man may be faved who believcth not fome Books of Scripture, ( as ]u.de, ~2 ~er. 2 Jolm, 3, &c, 3 J ohn, RtVti41ionJ ) to be Canonical, or the Word of God; fa he heartily bdieve ~~~.rett; or rhc Elfentials. . 4· He that thinkcth that the Prophets, Sacred Hifiorian·s, EvangeliOs and ApoOlcs, were guided to an Infallible delivery acd recording of all the great fublhntial nccelfuy point! ol' the Gofpcl, but Mack t6. t6. not tO an Infallibility in every by-expref!ion, phra[t, citation, or circ~tmftance, doth difadvantag( his·Rom,ro.rz,rj. own ~airh as .to all the reft ; bur yet may be .laved, if he believe the fubUance with a found aOd !o;~h~;;:~::: ·pwlhcal bcltcf. t, t . -'I I l ( Q),tefr. ·\: 1 n r