l --------------------~--------- ----- Who giw too little, and 1VI1o too much to the Scriptures. ____ __: <l!!t!ll:. 16 6. Who be they that giw too little to theScripwres, and JV/.'o too muc/ 1 ; and 1vhac u t/Je d.mger of each extream ? Anfiv. I. J! is not eafic to enumerate al: th~ crwr.s on either ~x:rcam; but only fO give fornc mOances of each. J. They giVe roo 1mle w the .'Scnp1urcs who dt ny it ro be ;; 1 • Jitrd by infpiraricn of the In[Jliiblt Spirit of God, and <o be wiNDy ,...,,. 2. And they that dara!J from fomc parJ~·or Eook.,s of ir while .they bd~evc the reil. 3· And th:y 1b~t t.hink it is not given as a L!JW 1[ GiJd, and iS a Rule of faltb and hfc. 4· And they that rhmk Jt IS not 211 VnitJ(r[ 4 f Law and RHle fo~ al~ the world, but for {omt p3rlJ _only ( {Uppoling the .Predication ot ir ). 5 . And they that thmk H an Impcrfeti Law and Rule,_wh1ch mull be m:J.dc up wuh rhc[Jtppltmem t{Traditi 0111 J:ur.ts 4· u., Or Revelations. 6. And they that tl'fink thoit tt was adapted 011ly to the timu it w:u written in, and Ifa. 33·u.· 110t to qHrr, as not tOrcfeeing what would lx'. 7· And they rhat think it is culpably dt.ftdivc in ~~~~~~~~~,:~: N!ahod. 8. And thc:y that t~ink it ~ulpab!y def Crivc in phrt~fe, or aptneji! or elegancy of 1\yle. Ha. b. 16, 2.o. 9· And they that thmk tbat Jt comamcth nor all that WiS nccdf.ny or ht for univerfol dcrcr– l)fal. I$.7• S. JPJnat.ion, of that kind of things which it doth at all univcifllly determine of : As e. g. & tt9. 1 ~0• that ir made two Sacraments , bur not all of rhat kind rhat 01rc: tit to be: made, bur harh vro:~~l~~·5 • ICfr _me_n to invmt and make: more of the fame nature and ufe. . 10. And chofc that think Deut. 1 :... J~. that 1t 1.s fitted.only to the Learned, or only to the unlc:arncd, only to Prmccs, or only ro fi1bjrtl:s, (;r-:;. • 1 t. And rhofc thar think that it i~ but for a time, an~ then by altcrarfon ro be p~rfcfr~d as Ml)ftr Law was•. ., ~2· And thofe that thmk that the: Pope, Pttnces or Prdates, or any men rn1y chJnge or alter it. I I. Thpfe giv<: too much ( in bulk , but too little in vertue) to the Scriptures, I· Who would fct ·t!'Jnii _up inikad of the wiJule Law, and Light of' Nature, as excluding this, as ulddS when: the Scripture is. · 2 • And they that feign it to be infiead of all Grammars, Logick, PfJilofophy, and all other Am and Sciences, and to be a perfect particular Rule fOr every Rukr, L,nvycr, Phylicion, Muriner, Ar– d\itcGt, Husbandman and Tradefman, to do his work by. l h 1 _ 1 2 3 . 3· And they that feign it to be fully fufficient to all men to prove its owu authority and trurh, with– ~ J~b~ n..' ) out the fubfidiary ufe of rhat Church-Hiltory and Tradition, which telleth us tile: li1ppofed Maaers Hcb. z. ,, 4· of faCt, and muH help us to know what Books are Canonical, and what nor; and wit hoot hiltnr:c..( John 1.1. 14· evidepqr, that thc.fe are thC trllt Books- which the Ftophets' lnd Apofilc!l wrO' l', :md rhe Miracles ·and ProvidCnces which have audled them. • E.phtf..ot· S, 9, 4 • And thofe that think that it is fufficicnt for irs own promulgati~Jt, or the peoplo injlruliion, xo, II, 11., I), without the Miniftry of man to prcfervc, deliver, tran!lue, <.xpt)und and p1each ir ro rhe per.pk. 1 4• 15 ' 16 ' 5.: An? .~~ofe_ that thi~k it fuffi~imr _to fanllifte men, wi[hout . the concm11ft: of the Sptrit5 illurnikolm~. 61· nar~:m, VtV'ihe:anon and mward operation to that end. 1 }:hn 3~·t 4• 6. And t~ey that fay th~t ?o .man can be fav:d by lhc ~~1owletlgc, beliC!f, love and pratlice _of all John3:(, 6. the fubjfantzal parts of CfJrijftan:ty brot~gbt to Inm by TradliJoJI, PartmJ c1r PreachcrJ, who tell htm no– M:my Romifh thing of tht ~cdptures, but dehvcr him the Doctrines as attefied by Min,Jts ami the Spirit "Yi:h· Prlt;.lh and out·any notli:e of the Book. o'h'~ do fo. 7 • And thofe that fay that Scripture alone mufl be made u(e of a.s tn all the Hiflcry ofScripture 1imu, i"nd·1hat it is uillawful to make ufe of any other Hillo1Lms, ( 3$ JIJ[tphU1 and hl'h othc1s ). 8..: t\rlc:h~ey that' fay, no other Books nf Divinity but Scriplitre are ukful, yea~ or llwful 10 be read of Chrillians ; or at l9H in the Chu~ch. 9 • And dtey that fay tha~ rhe Scriptures arc fo Divine, not only in l'r(attrr, but in Met/;od 4ild St;fc, as that there is nothing ·ofihumane ( inculpable ) imptrft 8ion or wtakmfs in them. 1 o.' And lhofe that fay that the Logicol Mitbod, and the pftrafi is as perfect as God was able to make them. 1 1 • And they that fay, that aU paffo~ges in Scripture hifloricall)· related arc Mcral 1'rmb1: And fo make the Dt:vilswords ro Eve, ot J ob, to Chtifl, &c. robe all true. r 2 • And thty that fay, that all pafliges in the Scripture were (qu.:;Uy cbligatory to aD otber pl.l(£J aJ;d agn, as to tho{e that hrli received them (As the kifs of peace; the Vails ot women, wa.!hing fett, anointing the fick , Dcaconeffcs, &c.) . . . r 3· And they that make Scriplllre fo perfect a Rule to our be;!Jef, _that. nothmg 1s to be taken for certain, that corncrh to us any other way ( As natural knowledge or htfioncal. ) 14 . And thofe th~t think mcJll'may not tranflate tht Scri_ptuJe, rurn tht: ·1'[(1/rn_J into Mc:rr, tH~! 1~1m;_ dJvidt tbe Scripture imoChapter I and Verfu, &c. as bemg deJogarory altcrauons of tn~.: p<~j£l7 w.,J. 1 5· And thofc that think it 10 prrfi[l a P"rticular rule of all the CircHmji"ancu, M,drJ, Adjrmfif 1 Cor. 14 . ?'J, and exttrnal cxprdfjo~s of and in_Gods Worfhip, as that uo fuch r~ay be invented or added by nun, 4 o.1f. that is not there prefc1tbed : As T1me, Place, VcHurc, Gdlurc) lltcnfi!S> Mc.:tlwds, Words, and m:wy other things, rncnriomd before. 1 6. And thofe that Jewi!hly feign a rr.ultitude of unproved myfieries to l)'C in theLeucr.s, Orders, Nun1bers