Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

9 14 1Jo our Studies and Forms quenciJtl!e Spirit! How doth tiJt H.Gbfet r.Bif7.01Jer the (b. Yea, the fame Spirit thus by common belpt affi!le~h even bad men in praying and prczching, giving them common babiu and al11 that are lhort of fpccu.l fumg grace. Whereas men lt fr to thcrnfelves without Gods Spirit, none of all thefc forementioncd helps. And fa the Sptric is fa id to intcr– Rom. s. :.6, cede for us by exciting our unexprdfible groans ; and to help our intirmitics wbtn wt know what to ask as we ought. Qgell. 1 68. Are not our own !f\!a{oiiS, Studies, Memory, Stri1Jin,gs, lj3ooks, Forms, Met/,ods and Minijlry needleft, yea, a lmrtful quenchm,g or pre1Jenting of the Spi, rit, and jetti11,g tlp our ow11, inftead of the Spirits operations ? John If. 11 3~ An[R'. 1. yF..s ;_if we do it in a conceit. of the fuffi~i:ncy of ?ur felvcs_, our rcafon, memory, •h f, 1. . fiud1es, book~, forms, _&c•. ~uhout the SpaiC : Or 1f w~ -afcnbe any rhiog to any of rhefc which IS proper to Chn!l or to hiS Spu11. For fuch proud fctf.fuflicicnr dcfpiters of the Spirit, .. EveA 1 mo cannot reafonably rxpcel his hc1p ~. I dou_bt among men c~unted Learned -and Rational there are too them that~ m-any fuch, ¥-that know not mans mfut:6Cicncy or. corruption, nor the ncc(flity and u[e of that Holy rheir Ordioa- Ghofi into whofe they were baptized, and m whom they take on them 10 believe. But think rion ~e:ard that all that pretend to the ~pirit are but Phanaticks and Emhufiafis, and [elf-conceited people ; [ Rtwveyt tbt when yet the Spirit himfelf fa1th, Rom. 8.9• If any man l1ave ml Ihe Spirit of Chrift, the fame if !!:[ t~~"] none •fhi<. And G•l. 4· 6. Beca•fo "'e arefont Gad bath font forth tbe Spirit of hi< Son into OJ<r hearu, whhb tht Holy whereby we cry Ahba, Father. GJJoft bath 2• But if we give toReafon,.Men:t~ry, Study, Books, Method~, Forms, &c. but their proper place in made you fobordination to Chrifi and to h1s Spult, they are fa far from bemg qucnchers of the Spirit. that they ovrrftm, 1 ar~ nccdfary in rht:ir places, and ~uch means a~ we mull: ufe, if ever we will expect the Spidrs help. Ifa,64. 7. Mat.7. 13,14, l- Pet. I. to. For the Spirit is not given to a Brutt to make hrm a man, or rational; nor to a prom~ de[piftr, or idle nrgltl1er of Gods appointed m~ans, to be inficad of meant, nor to ~c a Patron ~o the v.i.ce of pride or idltnefs, which he cometh chiCfiy_ to defiroy: But to b!efs men m the lahonous ufe of rhe means which God appointeth him: Read but Prov. J, 20, &c. & 2· & 3· & 5· & 6. 6• 8. and you will fee th>t knowledge mull be laboured for, and inliruchon heard : And he that will lye idle till the Spirit move him, and will not ~ir up ~imfelf to ftc~ God, nor fhi'-:e to enter in at the lireight gate, nor give all diligence to make hts Calhng and Elccbon fure, m•y find that rhe Spirit of llorh harh defiroyed him, when he rhought the Spirir ofChrill had been Caving him. He rhar hath but two Articles in his Creed, mufi makethts the fecond : For he that comttb to God mHjl belitvt that God id, H<b. n •.6. and that he i< the Rewarder of them that diligently fee~ bim. How dotb the Holy Ghoft Jet lj3ijhops owr the CIJUrciJer ? Msoo. •8. Anfw. i. By mak,ing the Office it folf, fo far as the Apojlln h•d any hand in it, Chrill himf<:lf having made 1luir Office. Mh r. , 4 , 2. The Holy Ghofl in the Elellort and Ordainm direel:eth them to difcern tbe jitnefi of the perfons Albp.& rr: eln~l:ed and ordained, and fo to call fuch as God approvcth of, and callerh by the HolyGbojl in :hem. 28,&c. & 14. Which was done, 1. By the cxtr_aordinary gift of difcern~ng in the ApoOh.s. 2· By the ordinary help '~· ofGods Spirit in the wife and farthful EI<Cl:ors and Ord•mcrs ever fincc. 3· The Holy Ghofi doth qualifie them fo~ t.he work, by due Life, Ligbt and Love, Knowledge, /Y,/. lingnrfi, and Allive ability; and fa both enclt.nzng th~m to _H, and markmg ou~ the pcrfons b~ his gifts whom he would have ele~ed and~ordaJ.ned to tt : _wh!ch was done, I· At firfi: by exrra~rdmar y gifts, 2· And ever fincc by ordmuy I· Special and fav1~g m fome; 2. Comm?~, an.d only hrtcd to rhc Churches infiruelion in others. So that who ever 15 not competently quahhed, JS net called by , Cor.'"' "• the Holy Gho!l: When Chri!l afcended he gave gifu to men, [ome Apofllet, Propbm and Evangelijh, 'l• >8, >9· fome Pajlort •nd 1ea<htrt, for tbt edifyiNg of hi< bady, &c. Eph. 4• 7, 8, 9, JO, Qr.ell.