Tbe Poor Student's Libnuy. fiians oppofcd it, and contemned it; and we-re: afraid while it was fct in competition with the Scriptures, ldl it 0:1ould draw men to Infidelity, if overvalued. ~· And finally, the truth is, that the facrcd Scriptures are now too much undervalued, and Philofophy much overvalued by many both as to Evidence and Vft[«lneji : And a /rr• plain ctrllliH trHibs which all our Cattcbi[mJ conlain, weD prrj{td and prafrijtd, would m1ke a better Church and Chrifiiam, than is now ro be found among us all. And I am one that after all that I have written, do heartily wifh that this were the ordinary ltJ.tC of our Churches. Bur: yet by Accidctlt much more is needful, as is proved ; I· f'or the fuller :mdcrji.mdiJtg of thcCe princip!<S: 2· f'or the drfendin~ of them ( efptcially by thof' ti!Qt are Cl lied to thac work ) : 3· To keep a Minifler from that Co'Htempt which may elfe fruf\rate his tabours; -t· And w b~: ornamwtal and [ub{rrvicnt ro the fubftantial Truths. • And now I will anfwer the Qud\ion more Particularly in this order. I. l will name you the Pooreft or SmaUej! Lib>·ary that is tolerable. l I. The Poorer ( thou~;h not the pooreft) ; where a competent addition is mad<. Ill.. The Poor manr Libr.ry, which yet addcth fomewhat to the former, but co<neth !hort of a Rich and Sumptuous Library. l. THe Po.urtft Library is, 1. The Saa:rd Biblt!: 2. A CmcordJmt ( Donmamu the leafl, ot Ntwma111 the belt ). 3. A found C:~mmentary or f'111notatio~otJ, ei1her Diod.JttJ, the Engli{h Annotations, or the Dutch. 4· Some Eng,/lfb Catrcbifms , ( the Affemblirs two , Mr. Gougtt, Mr. Crook! GHide,) AmefiM his !11tdu1la Tbcologi.e & Cafus C.mji:icx:i.e ( which arc bmh in Latin and E•glijh) and his B<UarminiH EnervaiiH· 5• Some of th" (ounJctl Englijh Books which opcg the Doctrine of Gract, JullHication, and Free-wiH and Duty ; as Mr. Tmman'..s Great Propiriati– ~n, Mr. Bradjhaw of Juflification, Mr. Gibbon! Sermon of Jujlific.;tion in the Morning Exercil"Cs at Sr. Gile1 in the Fields, Mr. Hach~il of For~ivrnefi of Sin. 6. As mo~ny Affc&iona.re Practical· Englijh \Vrirers as you cm g<.t; EfpeciaHy Mr. Richard A~ens Works, Mr. Grmr;raN's, Dr. PrrJlon, Dr. Sihbn, Mr. [{abut B:J!Irm, Mr. JYb.Jtcify, Mr. Rcyner, Mr. Smddrr, Mr. T. Ford, Mr. HmJ of BlrJJcdn.tJi, Mr. Swiuock$, Mr. Gout,n, The Pra[iice uf Pitlj', 1he IJ?bult Duty of M~tn, Dr.H'lm– mor.ds PrJWcal C.r::ttcbifm, Dr. Pier[:m On the Crted, Dr. Downamt on the Ll'lrdl Prayer, Mr. Dodon 1he CammandmentJ, Bilhop Andrnns on the Commandmt1::1, Mr. Jo. 5rixjle;o1mr TY~tcb, Mr. Green– ba,m Works, Mr. HilderjhamJ Worl{s, Mr. AmhDnp Bur".tJ Works, Mr. Perk,jns \\'orks, Dr. H.1r· rH Works; Mr. Burrouglu, Mr. ThomM HooJter, Mr. Pink.§1Sermam, J n. Doawamc1 Chrijli.ln 1Y.;rf.Jrt, Richard Rngtrl, J ohn Rqgers of Faith and Love, pr. Sto·ugbton, Dr. 'l.homtH 7'ai.lor, Mr. Elton, Mr. D,;miel DiJte ~ Jtrcmy Dik.! , Mr. J o. Ball ot Faith, of the Coven:mt, &c. CulverwtU of Faith, Mr. Ranerv, Mr. Ttatt, Mr. SbaJ:J, Mr.ltawltt, Mr. J.morv~ty, Mr. Vincent, Mr. DtJclittfr, Mr. Samutl Tf'ardJ Strmo1Jr, Mr. JY, Ftnner, Mr. RmhtrfordJ LetJcrJ, Mr. Jofcpb ADen! Lift and Letteu, :~.nd 1rtati{t o[Convrrfion, Mr. Sa!#mtl Clark.f LiveJ ;;n·.d his lv(,zrt)•rp!Jgie, The UJnting Ex· t'rcifo at Sr. Gilu Cripplegate, and at Si. Gilrs in ~he Fidds , Mr. Benjamin B1xtrr! Sermm1, Mr. George Hllpk.,inJ Salvation from Sin\ Dr. Edrvard Retgnoldt, Mr. MeadtJ Works 1 Mt.Vmu Scr· mon1, Hemy Smitb, Samuel Smith) 1ho. Smith, Mr. Strong, ] of. SmwndJ; as many of them as you can gcr. · 7· And for all other Learning AJjlediM .his Enc)'dcp.editJ alone; fuppofing thar you are paH the Grammar School, and have nccdfuy L~x1c0n\ fpeciJ.lly Mal'tini:" and Lrt_t,IJJ Critica .~.J· era. : if you can have more, get BtUarm. de Scrtptor. Ecclef. CooJtr Ctn{tua Patr:o~m, Sculwi Mcd 1 d– /!l Patrum, Cltm. Ram. Jujli~, 7'trurUi.m 6... CJ•pri.m; H,·lvici Chroltolo;,. J-l,m•mrmdJ and BeR;.z's An– _notati1.ms, with Juniu! ~ 'tr.e"!el. Calvi~ on th~ New Tej~a~rnt: 1haddt£i ~OJtciliationu, Aljtedii LJc• •finit. & di!li~U. Ca!lanet Dijludl. Vrfint Catecbif. 1-YendeltHt Tbeolllf!.• SHec.mt !rlrtbfld, Drfcriptio, D.J· vrna.nts Works, and Camera's, lt Bl"nck:s The{e1, GrotiU! de S.JtiJf;J[/, Cat.J.IIZ:.H Epitom. Co"'cil. Vjherr AnatJIJ, and An[wcr to Jbe J r{uite, & de Succ(ff. Eccle[. Stat. Drdinc:JUrll and Pu:;/u MJmul, CerpSH ConfrJiiom<m. I I. \\"hen